
Number Theory

I am currently a fifth year graduate student studying a variety of topics in Number Theory with my advisor, Professor Daqing Wan. I'm very interested in computational topics such as finding discrete logarithms and decoding Reed-Solomon codes.

Advancement to Candidacy

I advanced to Ph.D. candidacy on November 8, 2012. Here are a few materials leftover from my presentation.

Please note that the result and its proof under the "Our Results" section actually contains a serious error. (I screwed up some algebra involving an inequality!) It was later corrected our actual paper, which can be found below.

Ph.D. Defense

I am in the process of writing my dissertation and will present my Ph.D. Defense on June 3, 2015. The following is a draft of the dissertation. Please keep in mind that it is still a work in progress and subject to change.


Myself, D. Wan, G. Zhu. (No official title, but on computing error distances of Reed-Solomon codes.) Submitted for publication.

D. Wan and myself. Deep Holes in Reed-Solomon Codes Based on Dickson Polynomials. Preprint.