
Coaching ribosome biogenesis from the nuclear periphery
Y Zhuang, X Guo, OV Razorenova, CE Miles, W Zhao, X Shi
, 2024
Dynamical mixture modeling with fast, automatic determination of Markov chains
CE Miles, RJ Webber
, 2024
Inferring stochastic rates from heterogeneous snapshots of particle positions
CE Miles, SA McKinley, F Ding, RB Lehoucq
Bulletin of Math Biology
, 2024
Competition between physical search and a weak-to-strong transition rate-limits kinesin binding times
T Nguyen, BJN Reddy, SP Gross, CE Miles
PLoS Computational Biology
, 2024
Mathematicians Convene at 2023 Southern California Applied Mathematics Symposium (SoCAMS)
M Aminian, K Kurianski, A Ma, CE Miles
, 2023
Intrinsic statistical separation of subpopulations in heterogeneous collective motion via dimensionality reduction
P Tan, CE Miles
Phys Rev E
, 2023
Stochastic switching of delayed feedback suppresses oscillations in genetic regulatory systems
BR Karamched, CE Miles
Royal Society Interface
, 2023
Coarse-grained dynamics of transiently-bound fast linkers
S Marbach, CE Miles
Journal of Chemical Physics
, 2023
Mechano-sensing in actin networks: capping it off for robustness
CE Miles, A Mogilner
Current Biology (dispatch)
, 2022
Non-centrosomal microtubules at kinetochores promote rapid chromosome biorientation during mitosis in human cells
F Renda, CE Miles, ..., A Mogilner, A Khodjakov
Current Biology
, 2022
Mechanical torque promotes bipolarity of the mitotic spindle
CE Miles, J Zhu, A Mogilner
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
, 2022
Collective Molecular Motor Transport
CE Miles, A Mogilner
Case Studies in Systems Biology (book)
, 2021
Effects of malleable kinetochore morphology on measurements of intrakinetochore tension
F Renda, ..., CE Miles, A Mogilner, A Khodjakov
Open Biology
, 2020
Actin-Membrane Release Initiates Cell Protrusions
ES Welf, CE Miles, ..., A Mogilner, G Danuser
Developmental Cell
, 2020
Receptor organization shapes the limits of single-cell direction sensing
SD Lawley, AE, Lindsay, CE Miles
Physical Review Letters
, 2020
Diffusive search for diffusing targets with fluctuating diffusivity and reactivity
SD Lawley, CE Miles
Journal of Nonlinear Science
, 2019
Complex nearly immotile behavior of microtubule-associated cargos
O Osunbayo, CE Miles, BJ Reddy, JP Keener, MD Vershinin
Soft Matter
, 2019
How receptor surface diffusion and cell rotation enhance association rates
SD Lawley, CE Miles
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
, 2019
Analysis of non-processive molecular motor transport using renewal reward theory
CE Miles, SD Lawley, JP Keener
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
, 2018
Jump locations of jump-diffusion processes with state-dependent rates
CE Miles, JP Keener
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical,
Bidirectionality from cargo thermal fluctuations in motor-mediated transport
CE Miles, JP Keener
Journal Theoretical Biology,