About Chris


2018-2021 Morawetz Postdoctoral Fellow (Courant Instructor)
Courant Institute, NYU

2018 PhD in Mathematics (advisor: Jim Keener)
University of Utah

2013 BS Electrical & Computer Engineering, BS Math
Lafayette College


Editorial Board (2024-) Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

Academic Editor (2025-) PLOS Computational Biology


As a first generation college student, I'm passionate about inclusion, outreach, and mentorship especially with groups historically marginalized from science. In the past, I was a Science Communication Fellow, participated in the INSPIRE program for incarcerated youth, and served as a Proud to be First (generation) advocate at NYU.

At UCI, I'm a mentor for the inaugural math cohort of Cal-Bridge and DECADE mentor for the MCSB graduate program.

In rare instances of spare time, you might find me: foraging and fermenting wild food, rock climbing, or fostering a fluctuating number of feral cats. My favorite vegetable is the beet and film is Wong Kar-wai's In the Mood for Love. I'm happy to chat endlessly about these interests if they have any overlap with your own.

For the sake of clarity: I am not Chris Miles, the rapper. Nor am I Christopher J. Miles, the other scientist. I am also not Chris Miles, the artist. However, I have crossed paths with him and appreciate his work.