
Jacy Zanussi

MCSB PhD student
research: stochastic gene expression
favorite vegetable: all peppers 🌶 (approved as honorary vegetable)

Austin Marcus

MCSB PhD student (co-advised w/ Jun Allard)
research: biophysics, condensates
favorite vegetable: onion 🧅

Rebecca (Rujie) Gu

Math PhD student
research: passage times of branching Brownian motion
favorite vegetable: spinach 🍃

Christopher Au

2024 MathExpLR high school student
research: machine learning + spatial gene expression
favorite vegetable: tomato 🍅 (approved as honorary vegetable)

Dhara Hansalia

2024 MathExpLR high school student
research: machine learning + spatial gene expression
favorite vegetable: cucumber 🥒

Luca Valdevit

2024 MathExpLR high school student
research: machine learning + spatial gene expression
favorite vegetable: potato 🥔


Any prospective postdocs or grad students in either MCSB or math are welcome to reach out to Chris to discuss if it might be a good fit. Be prepared to defend your favorite vegetable.

Trini Nguyen

MCSB PhD (co-advised w/ Steve Gross) graduated 2024
research: motor binding rates
favorite vegetable: bittermelon 🥒

Pei Tan

MCSB MS graduated 2023
research: data science + collective motion
favorite vegetable: any appetizer 🥘

Aditya Radhakrishnan

2023 MathBioU undergrad student
research: optimal stochastic searching by actin networks
favorite vegetable: cauliflower

Masha Gorodetski

2023 MathExpLR high school student
research: stochastic searching by actin networks
favorite vegetable: carrots 🥕

Junyi (Claire) Li

2022 MathExpLR high school student
research: machine learning + mitosis
favorite vegetable: potatoes 🥔

Tanya Vidhun

2022 MathExpLR high school student
research: machine learning + mitosis
favorite vegetable: spinach 🥗

David Militante

2022 MathBioU undergrad student
research: machine learning + mitosis
favorite vegetable: carrots 🥕