Localization and delocalization in quantum Hall systems


Francois Germinet


Universite de Cergy-Pontoise


Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We shall review recent progress obtained in the understanding of localization
properties of random Schrodinger operators. The hard issue of the Anderson
transition is stated in terms of the spreading and of the non spreading of a
wave-packet initially located at the origin. It particular it is shown that
slow transport cannot happen for ergodic random operators. As an application,
we study quantum Hall systems, that is the Hamiltonian of an electron confined
to a two dimensional plane and subjected to a constant transverse magnetic
field. We prove delocalization around each Landau level, and localization
outside a small neighborhood of these levels.

Dispersion under finite mode Kolmogorov flow.


Professor Michael Cranston


University of California, Irvine


Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 11:00am


MSTB 254

We consider the rate of spread of a body of passive tracers moving under the influence of a random evolving vector field.
The vector field is of a type used as a model for ocean currents and was introduced by Kolmogorov. The rate of growth of the diameter of the body is of interest for practical reasons (such as in problems of pollution control) and we specify its rate of growth.

Cryptography: Using Mathematics to Share a Secret


Professor Alice Silverberg




Friday, January 28, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 120

Number theory and algebraic geometry have numerous applications,
including to cryptography. Cryptography is concerned with encrypting
and decrypting secret messages. This talk will give an elementary
introduction to elliptic curve cryptography and pairing-based
cryptography, and will discuss some interesting open problems. Only
undergraduate algebra will be assumed.

Mathematical modeling of cancer


Prof. Natalia Komarova




Monday, December 6, 2004 - 4:00pm


MSTB 122

I will give an overview of the recent work I have done on stochastic modeling of cancer. I will first talk about the concept of multistage carcinogenesis and how we can describe cancer as "bad evolution" within an organism. I will introduce some simple models and explain the phenomenon of "stochastic tunneling". Then I will talk about the role of stem cells in cancer initiation and present some hypotheses about the cellular origins of colon cancer.

Finally, I will talk about growing cellular colonies and models of treatment: how does resistance arise and what can we do about it? Therapies which target specific molecular alterations in cancer cells have shown promising results. Resistance, however, poses a problem, especially in advanced disease. An example is the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) blast crisis with Gleevec. I will elucidate the principles which underlie the emergence of drug resistance in cancer. The model (a birth-death process on a combinatorial mutation network) is based on measurable parameters: the turnover rate of tumor cells, and the rate at which resistant mutants are generated. In the context of CML, the prediction is that a combination of three drugs can successfully treat blast crisis.

Problems and Results on Covering Systems


Professor Zhi-Wei Sun


Nanjing University


Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 3:00pm


MSTB 256

This is an introduction to the important aspects of
covers of the integers by residue classes and covers of groups
by cosets or subgroups. The field is connected with number theory,
combinatorics, algebra and analysis. It is quite fascinating, and
also very difficult (but the results can be easily understood).
Many problems and conjectures remain open, some nice theorems and
applications will be introduced.

American Football, Barberpoles and Clouds: Pattern Formation in Biased Diffusion of Two Species


Prof Royce Zia


Virginia Tech


Monday, January 10, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 124

Motivated by several physical systems, we study a simple model of driven, two-species lattice gases. Our system consists of only two types of NON-interacting (apart from an excluded volume constraint) particles, diffusing on a periodic lattice and with biased moves in opposite directions. On a square system, increasing the overall particle density leads to a transition - from a homogeneous phase with high particle current to one with spatial structure and minimal current. For rectangular cases, several structures can appear, with relative frequency depending on the aspect ratio of the system. Using a simple continuum theory, we are able to describe much of the novel transitions. Variations and generalizations, as well as the physical systems they model, will be discussed.

Success of a continuum lagrangian in twentieth-century solid state physics


Prof Donald Nelson


Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The development of quantum mechanics in the 1920s convinced physicists that future progress in understanding solids would flow from that discipline, and so continuum mechanics of solids was abandoned by physicists. Thus, success of the latter in late twentieth century is regarded as surprising by most.

We present an overview of the construction of a very general Lagrangian of a closed system of a dielectric crystal interacting with the electromagnetic field. The Lagrangian is first constructed for discrete particles, a long-wavelength (continuum) limit is taken in a manner to preserve all of the eigenmodes. The crystal can be of any class of symmetry, have any structural complexity, and have interactions between its various eigenmodes and between them and the electromagnetic field to any order of nonlinearity. All eigenmodes are included: electromagnetic, acoustic and optic modes of vibration, spin, and all polaritonic combinations of them.

The photoelastic effect was show to have been wrongly formulated for 155 years: the independent variable characterizing the deformation had been wrong! Thus, the interaction tensor has a more general symmetry. The accepted relation between the photoelastic effect and electrostriction was shown to have been wrong for almost as long. The elastic stiffness tensor was shown to lose its traditional symmetry when a soft optic mode became involved. All treatments of acoustic harmonic generation in piezoelectrics were shown to be wrong. The best derivation of optical activity was shown to have missed a fundamental contribution having a different dispersion. The Abraham - Minkowski controversy about the momentum of a light wave in a medium was resolved. The most general Poynting vector in a medium was found. Several nonlinear interactions were characterized and interpreted for the first time.

Models of Social and Biological Contagion: are Puma shoes some kind of virus?


Dr Peter Dodds


Columbia University


Monday, January 24, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 124

I will discuss two simple models of contagion relevant to the desciption of social and biological spreading processes.

The first model aims to unify existing models of the spread of social influences and infectious diseases. This generalized model of contagion incorporates individual memory of exposure to a contagious entity (e.g., a rumor or disease), variable magnitudes of exposure (dose sizes), and heterogeneity in the susceptibility of individuals. Through analysis and simulation, we have examined in detail the mean-field case where individuals may recover from an infection and then immediately become susceptible again. We identify three basic classes of contagion models: epidemic threshold, vanishing critical mass, and critical mass respectively. The conditions for a particular contagion model to belong to one of the these three classes depend only on memory length and the probabilities of being infected by one and two exposures respectively. (For both models, a key quantity is the fraction of vulnerables, i.e., individuals who are typically infected by one exposure.) These parameters and their elaborations are in principle measurable for real contagious influences or entities, suggesting novel measures for assessing (as well as strategies for altering) the susceptibility of a population to large contagion events. We also study the case where individuals attain permanent immunity once recovered, finding that epidemics inevitably die out but may be surprisingly persistent when individuals possess memory. I will also discuss some related work by others.

The second model describes the spreading of social influences on networks, and is a natural extension of the threshold model due to Granovetter. For this model on various kinds of random networks, analytic results are known for when cascades (epidemics) are possible. In all cases, the density of the network must belong to an intermediate range referred to as the cascade window. When links are scarce, not enough individuals are connected for global spreading to occur, and when links are overly abundant, too few individuals are vulnerable. In our recent work for this model, we have examined the role of influentials (a.k.a. opinion leaders or, for a biological feel, super-spreaders). We examine cascades after they have occurred, as is invariably done for real cascades. Contrary to much ascribed to influentials, we find that highly connected nodes are not the chief determinants of whether or not a cascade will occur. While cascade initiators are typically more connected than the average individual, the discrepancy is not pronounced. We further observe that cascades arise through a multi-step process and that for dense networks, `early adopters' may in fact be less connected than on average. Also, for dense networks, cascades rapidly take off after a long and `quiet' build up period, making them difficult to identify until after they have been realized. In sum, influentials are limited in their effect since the condition for a cascade to occur is really a global one; there must be a sufficient population of vulnerables available, and it is the most influential of these vulnerables that dictate the spread of an influence.


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