Simulating Semiconductor Charge Transport


Prof. Shaoqiang Tang


Peking University


Monday, October 25, 2004 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Computer simulations of charge transport in semiconductor devices (like diodes and micro-chips) are used by the semiconductor industry as a tool for reducing the cost of developing new devices and new process technologies. At the scale of micron or sub-micron, the semiconductor Boltzmann equation is the most exact model. In order to alleviate computing load, macroscopic models have been derived, assuming that the state of the electron gas is described by certain averaged quantities. These models take similar forms as those in fluid mechanics, and we may apply CFD techniques to probe this promising field of academic importance and commercial value.

We shall present some of our recent results. First, by simulating a hydrodynamic model, we demonstrate the (direct) applicability of CFD techniques. Secondly, the continuing trend of scaling-down and speed-up makes the modeling and computing of quantum effect and transient behavior among the top issues in semiconductor research. Careful numerical tests helped identifying well-posedness problem in a quantum hydrodynamic (QHD) model. Viscous QHD model derived from a Wigner Fokker-Planck equation yields more reliable numerical results, and demonstrate interesting nonlinear phenomena, such as negative differential resistance and hysteresis.

Operator spaces with prescribed sets of completely bounded maps


Prof. Timur Oikhberg




Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

For a Banach algebras $A$ satisfying certain properties,
we construct an operator space $X$ such that the space of
completely bounded maps $CB(X)$ consists of elements of
$A$ (or, at least, $\pi(A)$, where $\pi$ is a faithful
representation), and their "small" perturbations.

As properties of an operator space are reflected in its
space of completely bounded maps, we construct spaces
with various "pathological" properties. The prime example
here is the space $X$, isometric to a separable Hilbert
space, such that any c.b. maps on any subspace of $X$ is a
sum of a scalar and a Hilbert-Schmidt operator. Other
"strange" spaces include $Y$, completely isomorphic to
$Y \oplus Y$, and such that $CB(Y)$ admits a non-trivial

Part of this work was done jointly with Eric Ricard.

Ferromagnetic Ordering of Energy Levels and Applications


Bruno Nachtergaele


UC Davis


Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 11:00am


MSTB 254


The ferromagnetic Heisenberg model is conjectured to possess the
property of Ferromagnetic Ordering of Energy Levels (FOEL): the smallest
eigenvalues in the invariant subspaces of fixed total spin, S, are
monotonically decreasing in S. I will present a proof of this conjecture
for the one-dimensional case and discuss generalizations to other models
and several applications.

Equality of the edge and bulk Hall conductances in 2D


Alexander Elgart




Thursday, November 4, 2004 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

The integral QHE can be explained either as resulting from bulk or
edge currents (or, in reality, as a combination of both). The equality
of the two conductances at zero temperature was recently established
for the case that the Fermi energy falls in the spectral gap of the bulk
system. We define the edge conductance via a suitable time averaging
procedure in the more general case of a bulk system which exhibits
dynamical localization in the vicinity of the Fermi energy, and show
that the two conductances are equal.
This is a joint work with G.-M. Graf and J. Schenker.

EPDiff, a Nonlinear Wave Eqation with Weak Solution


Professor Darryl Holm


Imperial College London and Los Alamos National Laboratory


Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 1:00pm


MSTB 254

EPDiff is short for ``Euler-Poincar\'e equations on the diffeomorphisms.'' EPDiff first arose as a 1D shallow water wave equation, whose weak solutions are solitons, called ``peakons.'' The initial value problem (IVP) for EPDiff in 2D produces emergent soliton-like weak solutions, supported on curves that evolve in the plane. These curves model internal waves in the ocean. Numerical
simulations show that weak solutions supported on ``peakon filaments'' emerge in the IVP of EPDiff, for any confined smooth initial velocity distribution.

Besides dominating the IVP, the weak solutions of EPDiff have three other interesting dynamical properties:

-- they superpose,
-- they form an invariant manifold and
-- their nonlinear interactions allow them to {\it reconnect} with each other in 2D.

The phenomenon of reconnection seen in the IVP for EPDiff is also observed in oceanic internal waves, as seen from the space shuttle using synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Thus, in accord with their original derivation in 1D, weak solutions of EPDiff provide a simplified 2D description of evolving arrays of interacting internal waves in the Ocean.

Remarkably, the same EPDiff equation {\it also arises in image processing} using template matching, an optimization approach in computational anatomy. Here, for example, a 2D measure-valued EPDiff solution optimally interpolates between the outlines, or ``cartoons," of a planar image and its target image obtained by observations at two times. This is template matching. The nonlinear exchange of momentum seen in the interactions of these ``cartoons" introduces the collison paradigm from soliton dynamics into imaging science. Namely, the optimization problem
for template matching corresponds to an evolutionary problem in which image outlines exchange momentum and may reconnect as their positions evolve. In 3D, measure-valued solutions of EPDiff correspond to suface boundaries in 3D images, representing, say, the sequence of shapes executed in a heartbeat.

The existence of these measure-valued solutions of EPDiff is guaranteed -- for any Sobolev norm, and in any number of spatial dimensions. This holds, because the weak solution ansatz is a momentum map for the (left) action of diffeomorphisms on the measure-valued support set of the solutions.

We review these two contexts for EPDiff and show numerical
and analytical results for its solutions in 1D, 2D and 3D.
(EPDiff -- optimization and evolution -- what an equation!)



Professor Ziad Muslimani


University of Central Floria


Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - 1:00pm


MSTB 254


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