Towards proving that the smoothed Boltzman gas is not ergodic.


Vered Rom-Kedar


Weizmann Institute


Thursday, March 13, 2008 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

We develop a paradigm for studying high dimensional far from integrable
Hamiltonian systems by utilizing the singular billiard limit. The novel
singular perturbation tools thus developed may be used to study the
of the emerging orbits in the smooth flow, even when these limit to
singularities of the corresponding billiard. We utilize these methods to
predict the properties of scattering by smooth steep potentials.
Moreover, we
use these tools to identify a mechanism for the destruction of ergodicity in
some multi-dimensional smooth steep systems that limit to uniformly
Sinai billiards in arbitrarily large dimension. So far, the proposed
is highly symmetric and is not directly linked to the smooth many particle
problem. Nonetheless, this non-intuitive result, which includes an explicit
construction of stable motion in smooth n degrees of freedom systems
to strictly dispersing n dimensional billiards, is now established.

Joint work with A. Rapoport and D. Turaev.

Mathematical model that leads to novel strategies for support of the immune system for patients undergoing chemotherapy


Professor Vered Rom-Kedar


Weizmann Institute


Monday, March 10, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We develop, in an axiomatic fashion, mathematical equations that describe the neutrophil dynamics after a chemotherapy treatment with various G-CSF support protocols (the majority of the white blood cells are neutrophils. G- CSF is a factor that may be injected to help patients produce more neutrophils). The resulting formulas are capable of better tailoring G-CSF treatments for a specific patient in a robust manner and are based upon easily obtained clinical prognostic variables. Our results clarify and revise the current American Society of Clinical Oncology recommendations for G-CSF administration in neutropenia (dangerous drop in the neutrophil's level) following intensive chemotherapy regimens: a) We identify a group of patients that need new treatment strategies - we clearly show that G-CSF alone will not cure the neutropenia in such patients. b) We identify a second group of patients for which a change in the current standard protocol, to a protocol which is clinically available, may be critical for the success of the treatment of neutropenia by G-CSF injections.
In view of this potential curative effect, we propose to compare between the standard and the sustained G-CSF regimens within a framework of a prospective randomized clinical trial.

Rational curves on algebraic varieties


Profesor Stefan Kebekus


University of Cologne, Germany


Friday, December 7, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

One approach to investigate the structure of an algebraic variety X is to study the geometry of curves, especially the rational curves, that X contains. This approach relies on classical geometric ideas and strives to understand the intrinsic geometry of varieties. It is nowadays understood that if X contains many rational curves, then their geometry determines X to a large degree.

After Shigefumi Mori showed in his landmark works that many interesting varieties contain rational curves, their systematic study became a standard tool in algebraic geometry. The spectrum of application is diverse and covers long-standing problems such as deformation rigidity, stability of the tangent bundle, classification problems, and generalizations of the Shafarevich hyperbolicity conjecture.

The talk concentrates on examples and basic properties of minimal degree rational curves on projective varieties. Some of the more advanced applications will be discussed.

Modular representation theory and cohomology: an elementary approach.


Assistant Professor Julia Pevtsova


University of Washington


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Abstract. Modular representation theory studies actions of finite groups (Lie algebras, algebraic groups, finite group schemes) on vector spaces over a field of positive characteristic. The simplest example is an action of the cyclic group Z/p on a vector space. Such an action is described by a single matrix which, in turn, is classified by its Jordan canonical form.

I shall describe an approach to the study of modular representations via their restrictions to certain elementary subalgebras which are analogs of one-parameter subgroups. As an application, we can recover the algebraic variety associated to the cohomology ring of a finite group scheme $G$ by purely representation-theoretic means, generalizing Quillen's stratification theorem" for group cohomology. As another application, we construct new numerical invariants of representations. These invariants are expressed in terms of Jordan forms.

Most of our results apply to any finite group scheme, but they are non-trivial even in the case of the finite group Z/p x Z/p, which is a baby example that will be used for illustrative purposes throughout the talk.

Spatial problems in mathematical ecology


Postdoctoral Fellow Andrew Nevai


Mathematical Biosciences Institute, The Ohio State University


Tuesday, December 4, 2007 - 10:00am


MSTB 254

In this talk, I will introduce two spatial problems in theoretical ecology together with their mathematical solutions.

The first part of the talk concerns competition between plants for sunlight. In it, I use a mechanistic Kolmogorov-type competition model to connect plant population vertical leaf profiles (or VLPs) to the asymptotic behavior of the resulting dynamical system. For different VLPs, conditions can be obtained for either competitive exclusion to occur or stable coexistence at one or more equilibrium points.

The second part of the talk concerns the spatial spread of infectious diseases. Here, I use a family of SI-type models to examine the ability of a disease, such as rabies, to invade or persist in a spatially heterogeneous habitat. I will discuss properties of the disease-free equilibrium and the behavior of the endemic equilibrium as the mobility of healthy individuals becomes very small relative to that of infecteds. The family of disease models consists variously of systems of difference equations (which I will emphasize), ODEs, and reaction-diffusion equations.

Measurable Group Theory: rigidity of lattices.


Professor Alex Furman


University of Illinois at Chicago


Tuesday, December 4, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

In this talk we shall discuss rigidity aspects of infinite discrete groups, which arise naturally in Geometry (as fundamental groups of manifolds), in Algebraic groups (as lattices) and, more generally, as symmetries of various mathematical objects.

Starting from classical by now rigidity results of Mostow, Margulis, Zimmer, we shall turn to the recently active area of Measurable Group Theory, which is closely related to Ergodic Theory, von Neumann algebras, and has applications to such fields as Descriptive Set Theory.

From Hitchin's G_2 Spectral Curves to Finite Type Associative Cones


Professor Erxiao Wang


Singapore National University


Tuesday, February 26, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We will establish a bijective correspondence between finite type associative cones in $\R^7$ and their spectral data, which consists of a hexagonal algebraic curve and a planar flow of line bundles in its Jacobian. We characterize the spectral data by identifying various symmetries on them. We prove generic smoothness of these spectral curves, compute their genus, and compute the dimension of the moduli of such curves. Then we identify a Prym-Tjurin subtorus of the Jacobian, in which the direction of the flow must lie, and compute its dimension. Finally we characterize finite type special Lagrangian cones in $\C^3$ as a subclass of such associative cones in terms of the spectral data. These computations are mainly motivated by Hitchin's recent work on G_2 spectral curves and Langland duality.

Numerical Methods of Phase Separation and Nucleation


Professor Pingwen Zhang


School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, CHINA


Thursday, December 13, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Using the Landau-Brazovskii model, a new numerical implementation is developed to investigate the phase behavior of the diblock copolymer system. Though the method is based on the Fourier expansion of order parameter, a priori symmetric information is not required, and more significantly, the period structure can be adjusted automatically during the iteration as well. The method enables us to calculate the phase diagram, discover new meta-stable phases, validate the epitaxial relation in the phase transition process, and find the inefficiency of the Landau-Brazovskii model for some situations.

We will also introduce a new numerical method to study the nucleation in ordered phases. Nucleation is the decay of a metastable state via the thermally activated formation and subsequent growth of droplets of the equilibrium phase. We will consider the nucleation in diblock copolymer melts, whose equilibrium phases are well understood. We apply a new numerical method, called the string method, to compute the minimum energy path (MEP). Then from the MEP, we find the size and shape of the critical droplet and the free-energy barrier to nucleation. This method is generally useful for other systems, such as nucleation of liquid crystal based on Landau-de Gennes theory and binary alloy system by phase field method etc.


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