Some recent results on the two-layer quasi-geostrophic beta plane equations.


Professor Lee Panetta


Texas A & M University


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The two-layer beta-plane quasi-geostrophic (QG) model plays a central role in theoretical studies of atmospheric and oceanic dynamics. It is a pair of coupled non-linear partial differential equations involving functions of two space variables and one time variable (streamfunctions for coupled two-dimensional flows). Solutions represent flows in a sense intermediate between 2-d and 3-d flows: they have a mild form of the ``vortex stretching'' process, absent in 2-d flows, that is at the heart of the difficulty in proving the long-time existence of classical solutions to the
3-d Navier-Stokes equations.

Numerical solutions to these QG equations display analogues of important features of atmospheric and oceanic flow, some of which I will illustrate. As is true of climate models, many interesting features are revealed only by long time averaging of the numerical solutions. The results I will present, on long-time existence of regular solutions and on dissipativity,
are part of an effort to provide a rigorous justification for this averaging, something beyond our reach in the case of the vastly more complicated climate models.

The talk will place the model in the context of other QG models, point out a useful formal similarity to the Kuramoto-Sivishinsky equation, and sketch proofs of the main results. The work is joint with C. Foias, C. Onica, E. Titi, and M. Ziane.

Some recent results on the two-layer quasi-geostrophic beta plane equations.


Professor Lee Panetta


Texas A & M University


Friday, January 11, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The two-layer beta-plane quasi-geostrophic (QG) model plays a central role in theoretical studies of atmospheric and oceanic dynamics. It is a pair of coupled non-linear partial differential equations involving functions
of two space variables and one time variable (streamfunctions for coupled two-dimensional flows). Solutions represent flows in a sense intermediate between 2-d and 3-d flows: they have a mild form of the ``vortex stretching'' process, absent in 2-d flows, that is at the heart of the difficulty in proving the long-time existence of classical solutions to the 3-d Navier-Stokes equations. Numerical solutions to these QG equations display analogues of important
features of atmospheric and oceanic flow, some of which I will illustrate. As is true of climate models, many interesting features are revealed only by long time averaging of the numerical solutions. The results I will present, on long-time existence of regular solutions and on dissipativity, are part of an effort to provide a rigorous justification for this averaging, something beyond our reach in the case of the vastly more complicated climate models.

The talk will place the model in the context of other QG models, point out a useful formal similarity to the Kuramoto-Sivishinsky equation, and sketch proofs of the main results. The work is joint with C. Foias, C. Onica, E. Titi, and M. Ziane.

Lines and asymptotic lines of projective varieties


Professor Joseph Landsberg


Texas A&M University


Tuesday, June 3, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Let $X^n\subset \Bbb C\Bbb P^{n+1}$ be a hypersurface defined as the zero set of a degree $d$ polynomial with $d\leq n$. Such hypersurfaces have lines through each point $x\in X$. Let $\mathcal C_x\subset \Bbb P(T_xX)$ denote the set of tangent directions to lines on $X$ passing through $x$. Jun-Muk Hwang asked how $\mathcal C_x$ varies as one varies $x$. The answer turns out to be interesting, with two natural exterior differential systems governing the motion. In addition to describing these EDS and some immediate consequences, I will also discuss applications to questions in computational complexity and algebraic geometry. This is joint work with C. Robles.

Elliptic divisibility sequences


Marco Streng


Leiden University


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 2:50pm


MSTB 254

Elliptic divisibility sequences arise as sequences of
denominators of the integer multiples of a rational point on an elliptic
curve. Silverman proved that almost every term of such a sequence has a
primitive divisor (i.e. a prime divisor that has not appeared as a
divisor of earlier terms in the sequence). If the elliptic curve has
complex multiplication, then we show how the endomorphism ring can be
used to index a similar sequence and we prove that this sequence also
has primitive divisors. The original proof fails in this context and
will be replaced by an inclusion-exclusion argument and sharper
diophantine estimates.

Prime densities for linear recurrent sequences


Professor Peter Stevenhagen


Leiden University


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Given an integer sequence X={x_n}_n, a natural question is to
`quantify' the number of primes dividing at least one non-zero
term of the sequence. For most naturally occurring sequences this is a
hard question, and usually we only have conjectures.
We will show that in the case of second order linear recurrent sequences,
the set of prime divisors has a natural density that, at least in principle,
can be computed exactly.


Mathematical Systems Biology - Spatial Dynamics an Qing Nie




Thursday, February 28, 2008 - 9:00am


MSTB 254

Mathematical Systems Biology - Spatial Dynamics and Growth and Signaling

Resolution of Singularities and Analysis


Professor Michael Greenblatt


SUNY Buffalo


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

We will describe some recent applications of resolution of singularities methods to questions of interest in analysis. In particular, we will describe a recent local resolution of singularities algorithm of the speaker for real-analytic functions. This algorithm is elementary and self-contained, and makes extensive use of Newton polyhedra and local coordinate systems. Some applications will be given. These include applications to oscillatory integrals, asymptotic expansions for sublevel set volumes, and the determination of the supremum of the positive e for which |f|^{- e} is locally integrable. Here f denotes a real-analytic function.

On the Toda and Ablowitz-Ladik equations: comparing two discrete completely integrable systems


Courant Instructor Irina Nenciu


Courant Institute, NYU


Monday, January 14, 2008 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

Completely integrable systems are remarkable evolution equations, the best known of which is probably the Korteweg-deVries equation. Their many "symmetries", or conserved quantities, often allow for a detailed and in-depth description of their solutions.

We will present a number of new results concerning the Ablowitz-Ladik equation (AL). This is a classical, completely integrable discretization of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation. We will contrast its properties with those of one of the most celebrated discrete integrable system, the Toda lattice, while also illustrating the varied nature of the tools and ideas involved in the theory of completely integrable systems: geometric, algebraic, and functional analytic, among others.


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