Models of Cell Migration Processes: Chemotaxis and Haptotaxis


Professor Glenn Webb


Vanderbilt University


Monday, May 5, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Chemotaxis is the directed movement of bacteria, eukaryotic cells, or multi-cellular organisms toward concentrations of environmental chemoattractants. Chemotaxis models have been used extensively to model processes such as migratory behavior, pattern formation, and aggregation phenomena. Haptotaxis is the directed movement of cells controlled by the relative strengths of peripheral adhesions forming arrangement into complex and ordered tissues. Cell movement in morphogenesis, in?ammation, wound healing, tumor invasion and other migrations are the result of haptotactic responses of cells to differential adhesion strengths. Partial differential equations models of chemotaxis and haptotaxis will be presented.

Software, Algorithms and Applications for Level Set Methods and other Hamilton-Jacobi Equations


Assistant Professor lan Mitchell


UBC, Canada


Monday, April 14, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Hamilton-Jacobi type (HJ) PDEs arise in optimal control, dynamic
implicit surfaces for fluid animation and simulation, image
processing, and many other fields. There are two broad classes of
equations: time-dependent and stationary.

Level set methods are a group of finite difference algorithms for
dynamic implicit surfaces and the time-dependent class of equations.
I will describe the Toolbox of Level Set Methods, a publicly
available collection of Matlab routines providing high order accurate
finite difference approximations on Cartesian grids in any number of
dimensions (although computational cost and visualization make
dimensions four and higher a challenge). The modular design of the
toolbox makes it easy to try out new level set algorithms, as will be
shown by the simple addition of a collection of explicit RK
integrators and monotone approximations for degenerate second order
spatial terms. I will also demonstrate how the toolbox permits quick
and easy experiments with state of the art level set algorithms, and
some of the extensive set of examples that are included with the
software release. The toolbox and all of its source code is
available from my web site.

While the level set algorithms for time-dependent HJ PDEs evolved
from those used to approximate conservation laws, the algorithms for
stationary HJ PDEs have more of a dynamic programming flavor that
befits their close connection to shortest path problems. I will
describe some algorithms and results for continuous shortest path
problems in which the cost depends on the direction of travel and
problems involving multiple cost metrics.

Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Methods


Dr. Johnny Guzman


University of Minnesota


Monday, April 7, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We identify discontinuous Galerkin methods for second-order elliptic problems having superconvergence properties similar to those of the Raviart-Thomas and the Brezzi-Douglas-Marini mixed methods. These methods use polynomials of degree k for both the potential as well as the flux. We show that the approximate flux converges with the optimal order of k+1, and that the local averages of the approximate potential superconverge to the averages of the potential, with order k+2. We also apply an element-by-element post-processing of the approximate solution to obtain a new approximation of the potential. The new approximate solution of the potential converges with order k+2. We provide numerical experiments that support our theoretical results.

Compressed Sensing and Related Optimization Algorithms


Assistant Professor Wotao Yin


Rice University


Monday, March 3, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

This talk will introduce compressed sensing through examples
in MATLAB and medical imaging. The compressed sensing
technique allows one to acquire a signal from a much fewer number of
measurements than what is usually necessary.

A main step in compressed sensing is solving a nonsmooth optimization
problem for a sparse solution. Although the solution is expected to be
sparse, the data isoften of an extremely large scale. We outline the
numerical difficulties and introduce new L1-based algorithms.

On Pseudospectral Methods of Nonlinear Optimal Control


Professor Wei Kang


Naval Postgraduate School


Monday, February 25, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The focus of this talk is on the optimal control of nonlinear systems subject to mixed state and control constraints, a difficult core problem in the history of control theory and system engineering. Pseudospectral (PS) methods for optimal control will be introduced. Originally developed as a computational method for partial differential equations, PS methods have become an emerging approach in solving optimal control problems with highly nonlinear dynamics and mixed state-control constraints. Following the introduction of PS algorithms, in this talk I will address three fundamental questions, namely the existence of feasible trajectories, the convergence of the optimal solutions, and the rate of convergence in the approximation of the optimal control. The problems will be addressed for both continuous and discontinuous optimal controls. In addition, illustrative examples of optimal control using the Legendre PS method will also be presented.

Mathematical and computational problems of time-domain seismic imaging


Associate Professor Sergey Fomel


UT Austin


Monday, January 28, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Seismic imaging is a technology for creating images of the Earth's
interior by using recordings of reflected seismic waves. While
depth-domain imaging attempts to produce images in true depth
coordinates, time-domain imaging takes a shortcut by using distorted
coordinates and more robust and efficient numerical algorithms.
Mathematically, this involves approximations of the wave equation
Green's functions that appear in seismic imaging operators. In this
presentation, I will describe the latest developments in time-domain
imaging algorithms and in transforming time-domain images to depth.

Dynamics and Defect Formation in Liquid Crystalline Polymers under Shear Flow


Professor Hector Ceniceros




Monday, January 14, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We present a numerical investigation of the coupled flow-structure interaction for nematic liquid crystalline polymers (LCPs) using the Doi-Marrucci-Greco model. The model couples the Smoluchowski equation to describe the microstructural, orientation states with the Navier-Stokes equations via a closure approximation. The simulations show the formation of characteristic flow instabilities that lead to roll cells and to orientational defects (disclinations) that are both in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experiments. The three dimensional loop structure of the disclinations observed in experiments is captured for the first time by these numerical simulations.
This is joint work with Harley Klein, Carlos Garcia-Cervera and Gary Leal.

Numerical methods for stochastic bio-chemical reacting networks with multiple time and concentration scales


Assistant Professor Di Liu


Michigan State University


Monday, January 7, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Multiscale and stochastic approaches play a crucial role in faithfully
capturing the dynamical features and making insightful predictions of
cellular reacting systems involving gene expression. A Genetic
Regulatory Networks (GRN), describing all the reacting channels and
species involved in gene expression, consists of a set of genes,
proteins, small molecules and their mutual regulatory
interactions. From the point of view of modeling, Genetic Regulatory
Networks, unlike metabolism networks, involve fewer
species and lower concentrations of molecules in a small volume within a
cell; therefore stochastic effects have a significant
impact on the system. Despite their accuracy, the standard stochastic
simulation algorithms are necessarily inefficient for most of the
realistic problems with a multiscale nature characterized by 1.) Rare
events arising from the metastability
of the system, 2.) Multiple time scales induced by widely disparate
reactions rates, and 3.) Multiple well separated concentration scales of
the reacting species. In this talk, I will discuss some recent progress
on using asymptotic techniques for probability theory, e.g. Random
Homogenization and Large Deviation Theory, to simplify the complex
networks and help to design efficient numerical schemes.


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