
Professor Vered Rom-Kedar


Weizmann Institute


Monday, March 10, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We develop, in an axiomatic fashion, mathematical equations that describe the neutrophil dynamics after a chemotherapy treatment with various G-CSF support protocols (the majority of the white blood cells are neutrophils. G- CSF is a factor that may be injected to help patients produce more neutrophils). The resulting formulas are capable of better tailoring G-CSF treatments for a specific patient in a robust manner and are based upon easily obtained clinical prognostic variables. Our results clarify and revise the current American Society of Clinical Oncology recommendations for G-CSF administration in neutropenia (dangerous drop in the neutrophil's level) following intensive chemotherapy regimens: a) We identify a group of patients that need new treatment strategies - we clearly show that G-CSF alone will not cure the neutropenia in such patients. b) We identify a second group of patients for which a change in the current standard protocol, to a protocol which is clinically available, may be critical for the success of the treatment of neutropenia by G-CSF injections.
In view of this potential curative effect, we propose to compare between the standard and the sustained G-CSF regimens within a framework of a prospective randomized clinical trial.