An integral formula for the volume entropy with applications to rigidity


Professor Xiaodong Wang


Michigan State


Tuesday, May 11, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 306

We extend the theory of Patterson-Sullivan measure to any regular
covering of a compact manifold using the Busemann compactification
and derive an integral formula for the volume entropy. As applications
we prove some rigidity theorems for the volume entropy.
This is a joint work with Francois Ledrappier.

Frattini towers and the shift-incidence cusp pairing


Professor Michael Fried


Emeritus UCI


Thursday, April 15, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 340P

Modular curves are the most famous example of the title. As moduli space towers they exhibit a "Frattini property," based on their monodromy groups as covers of the j-line. Using the goals of Serre's "l-adic representations" book I will treat, in parallel, two cases of general ideas.
Modular curves here derive from the semi-direct product of Z/2 acting through
multiplication by -1 on Z; and
the equally rich case from Z/3 acting irreducibly on Z2.
This view has modular curves as families of sphere covers attached to dihedral groups. In this case we see something familiar their cusps and the monodromy on homology in a fiber in a new way. Then, with analogous methods, we outline the 2nd case to show how the tools extend. To take Serre's Open Image Theorem beyond modular curves, to general moduli of abelian varieties, has failed to master the limiting effect of correspondences read motives of arithmetic monodromy on special tower fibers. Our Z/3 case shows how Frattini data in our Hurwitz space approach helps tame that structure.

The UCLA REU Program: Getting Undergrads to Do Our Work


Adjunct Assistant Professor Todd Wittman




Thursday, March 11, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 306

Since 2005, UCLA has run an internal NSF-funded summer REU program in applied mathematics for talented UCLA students and, more recently, students from other local colleges. The REU program has been very successful and is continuing to evolve into a better program. The unique feature of this program is that the undergraduate research projects are intrinscially tied into ongoing research carried out by the faculty and graduate students. I will discuss my involvement with the REU program for the last 3 years and present some of the projects I have mentored.The goal is to suggest a possible template for other schools to develop their own REU program in mathematics.

Is 2,394,129,303,223,424,108,132,089 Prime?


Alexander Abatzoglou


UC Irvine


Wednesday, March 3, 2010 - 5:00pm


RH 440R

Primality testing and finding large prime numbers has significant applications to cryptography. In this talk I will discuss a deterministic, polynomial time algorithm for determining if an integer is prime developed by Agrawal, Kayal, and Saxena. Here polynomial time means that there exists constants c,d such that the number of operations to determine if the given integer is prime is less than c log^d(n) where n is the number we are testing for primality.

Stein's Method for the Lightbulb Process (Larry Goldstein and Haimeng Zhang)


Professor Larry goldstein




Tuesday, March 2, 2010 - 11:00am


RH 306

In the so called light bulb process of Rao, Rao and Zhang (2007), on days r =
1, . . . , n, out of n light bulbs, all initially off, exactly r bulbs, selected uniformly and
independent of the past, have their status changed from off to on or vice versa. With
X the number of bulbs on at the terminal time n, an even integer and = n/2, σ2 =
varX, we have
∈R 􏰐
P ( X −
σ ≤ z ) − P (Z ≤ z )
􏰐􏰐 ≤
2σ2 ∆0 + 1.64
σ3 +
where Z is a
N (0, 1) random variable and
2√n +
2n + e−
, for n
≥ 4,
yielding a bound of order O(n−1/2 ) as n
→ ∞.
The results are shown using a version of Steins method for bounded, monotone
size bias couplings. The argument for even n depends on the construction of a variable
X s on the same space as X which has the X size bias distribution, that is, which
E[X g(X )] = E[g(X s )], for all bounded continuous g
and for which there exists a B
≥ 0, in this case, B = 2, such that X ≤ X
≤ X + B
almost surely. The argument for odd n is similar to that for n even, but one first
couples X closely to V , a symmetrized version of X, for which a size bias coupling of
V to V s can proceed as in the even case.

Variables Separated Equations and Finite Simple Groups


Professor Mike Fried


Montana State U-Billings, Emeritus UCI


Tuesday, April 6, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 306

Variables Separated Equations and Finite Simple Groups: Davenport's
problem is to figure out the nature of two polynomials over a number
field having the same ranges on almost all residue class fields of the
number field. Solving this problem initiated the monodromy method.
That included two new tools: the B(ranch)C(ycle)L(emma) and the
Hurwitz monodromy group. By walking through Davenport's problem with
hindsight, variables separated equations let us simplify lessons on
using these tools. We attend to these general questions:
1. What allows us to produce branch cycles, and what was their effect
on the Genus 0 Problem (of Guralnick/Thompson)?
2. What is in the kernel of the Chow motive map, and how much is it
captured by using (algebraic) covers?
3. What groups arise in 'nature' (a 'la a paper by R. Solomon)?
Each phrase addresses formulating problems based on equations. We seem
to need explicit algebraic equations. Yet why, and how much do we lose/
gain in using more easily manipulated surrogates for them? To make
this clear we consider the difference in the result for Davenport's
Problem and that for its formulation over finite fields, using a
technique of R. Abhyankar.

Rigidity for local holomorphic isometries between the ball and the product of balls


Professor Yuan Yuan


Rutgers University


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 306

I will talk about the rigidity for a local holomorphic isometric embedding
from ${\BB}^n$ into ${\BB}^{N_1} \times\cdots \times{\BB}^{N_m}$ with
respect to the normalized Bergman metrics. Each component of the map is a
multi-valued holomorphic map between complex Euclidean spaces by Mok's
algebraic extension theorem. By using the method of the holomorphic
continuation and analyzing real analytic subvarieties carefully, we show
that a component is either a constant map or a proper holomorphic map
between balls. Hence the total geodesy of non-constant components follows
from a linearity criterion of Huang. In fact, the rigidity is derived in a
more general setting for a local holomorphic conformal embedding. This is
a joint work with Y. Zhang.

Measures of maximal entropy for some robustly transitive diffeomorphisms


Todd Fisher


Brigham Young University


Friday, May 21, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 440R

Dynamical entropies are measures of the complexity of orbit structures. The topological entropy considers all the orbits, whereas the measure theoretic entropy focuses on those ``relevant" to a given invariant probability measure. The variational principle says that the topological entropy of a continuous self-map of a compact metrizable space is the supremum of the measure theoretic entropy over the set of invariant probability measures for the map.

A well known fact is that every transitive hyperbolic (Anosov) diffeomorphism has a unique invariant probability measure whose entropy equals the topological entropy. We analyze a class of deformations of Anosov diffeomorphisms containing many of the known nonhyperbolic robustly transitive diffeomorphisms. We show that these $C0$-small, but $C1$-macroscopic, deformations leave all the high entropy dynamics of the Anosov system unchanged, and that there is a partial conjugacy identifying all invariant probability measures with entropy close to the maximum for the deformation with those of the original Anosov system.

Additionally, we show that these results apply to a class of nonpartially hyperbolic, robustly transitive diffeomorphisms described by Bonatti and Viana and a class originally described by Mane. In fact these methods apply to several classes of systems which are similarly derived from Anosov, i.e., produced by an isotopy from an Anosov system.


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