Hyperbolic geometry of ultrametric spaces


Zair Ibragimov


CalState Fullerton


Friday, April 30, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 440R

We will discuss basic properties of ultrametric spaces. Well-known examples of complete ultrametric spaces are p-adic numbers as well as p-adic integers. Also, it is known that the boundary at infinity of metric trees as well as more general Gromov 0-hyperbolic spaces is a complete bounded ultrametric space when equipped with a visual metric. We will discuss this result in details and show that the converse statement also holds. Namely, we show that every complete ultrametric space arises as the boundary at infinity of both a Gromov 0-hyperbolic space as well as a metric tree.

Fourth Order PDEs for Image Processing


Kate Longo


UC Irvine Math


Monday, April 26, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 306

Fourth order diffusion PDEs have recently been proposed for use for noise removal in image processing, as a way to overcome some shortcoming associated with some well known second order methods. However, before now little mathematical analysis had been performed on fourth order models, and in experiments they exhibited their own artifacts, a kind of splotchiness which appears in flat areas of an image. I will discuss the existence of unique solutions to a class of fourth order PDEs proposed for image denoising, and present a newly proposed fourth order model which, along with being well-posed, overcomes the splotchiness exhibited by other models.

Lyapunov exponents of products of non-identically distributed independent random matrices


Ilya Goldsheid


Queen Mary, University of London


Thursday, April 22, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 306

The famous Oseledets theorem states that if gn is a station-
ary sequence of m × m matrices, then with probability 1 there is a (random) basis in R m such that for any vector x the asymptotic behaviour of ||gn . . . g1 x|| is the same as that for one of the vectors from this basis. The fact that the sequence is stationary is crucial for the existence of such a basis. I shall consider the product of non-identically distributed independent matrices and will explain under what conditions one can prove the existence of distinct Lyapunov exponents as well as the Oseledetss dichotomy (or rather multihotomy) of the space.


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