Probability Models


Michael Cranston




Friday, April 2, 2010 - 4:00pm


MSTB 120

In this talk I will introduce some basic ideas from probability theory
such as random walk, Markov chain and Brownian motion. Then I will
discuss how they play a role in analyzing some "real world" models of
physical phenomena such as polymer behavior, spread of pollutants and
solar magnetic fields.

Kinetic Control and Negative Feedback Loops in NF-kB Signaling


Alexander Hoffman


UC San Diego


Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:00pm


3201 Natural Sciences 1

Immune responses demand not only rapid activation but also appropriate termination of signaling/transcriptional effectors. In fact, immune response signaling is highly dynamic and stimulus/pathogen-specific. Thus it is not surprising that an increasing number of negative feedback regulators are being identified, but it is often unclear whether they have overlapping function (representing fail-safe mechanisms) or specific functions. I will present my laboratorys combined kinetic modeling and experimental work to distinguish the functions of negative feedback regulators and show that their kinetic properties are key to understanding their physiological functions.

Parameter inference for discretely observed stochastic kinetic models


Xiaohui Xie


UCI - Dept. of Computer Science


Monday, March 8, 2010 - 12:00pm


Natural Sciences 2 Room 4201

Stochastic effects can be important for the behavior of processes involving small population numbers, so the study of stochastic models has become an important topic in the burgeoning field of computational systems biology. However analysis techniques for stochastic models have tended to lag behind their deterministic cousins due to the heavier computational demands of the statistical approaches for fitting the models to experimental data. There is a continuing need for more effective and efficient algorithms. In this talk I will focus on the parameter inference problem for stochastic kinetic models of biochemical reactions given discrete time-course observations of either some or all of the molecular species.

I will describe an algorithm for inferring kinetic rate parameters based upon maximum likelihood using stochastic gradient descent (SGD). A general formula will be derived for calculating the gradient of the likelihood function given discrete time-course observations. The formula applies to any explicit functional form of the kinetic rate laws such as mass-action, Michaelis-Menten, etc. Our algorithm estimates the gradient of the likelihood function by reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling (RJMCMC), and then gradient descent method is employed to obtain the maximum likelihood estimation of parameter values. Furthermore, we utilize flux balance analysis and show how to automatically construct reversible jump samplers for arbitrary biochemical reaction models. We provide RJMCMC sampling algorithms for both fully observed and partially observed time-course observation data. I will illustrate the utility of the method with two examples: a birth-death model and an auto-regulatory gene network.

Genetic Instability, Carcinogenesis and Optimal Control


Professor Frederic Wan


U.C. Irvine


Friday, March 12, 2010 - 4:00pm


MSTB 120

Genetic instability is a major cause for abnormal cell
replication and carcinogenesis. But the mutant cells that replicate abnormally are also weaker and die at a more rapid rate. Hence, genetic instability is a two-edge sword in inducing cancer. The determination of the best time varying cell mutation rate for the fastest time to cancer can be formulated as a nonlinear optimal control problem. As generally the case for nonlinear optimal control problems, there is no general sure fire method for the solution of our problem. The talk will show how the unique solution of the problem can be obtained by ad hoc elementary analyses of the relevant boundary value problem for a systems of nonlinear differential equations. The
method of solution illustrates how important problems in application can be solved by elementary use of classical analysis.


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