On one-dimensional Schrodinger Operator with potential given by Period Doubling and Thue-Morse sequences.


Vinod Sastry


UC Irvine


Friday, June 4, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 440R

We consider the one-dimensional Schrodinger operator with potential given by Period Doubling and Thue-Morse sequences. We describe the results of Bellisard et al. in which the spectrum of these operators are obtained through the trace map associated to this operator. We see that the spectrum for non-zero values of the potential is a Cantor set of zero Lebesque measure, and give explicit description of the spectral gaps.



Andres Caicedo


Boise State University


Wednesday, June 2, 2010 - 3:30pm


RH 340P

The graph G_0 was introduced by Kechris-Solecki-Todorcevic in the late 90s,
and has since turned into an essential object in descriptive set theory. In
joint work with Richard Ketchersid, we prove a version of the G_0-dichotomy
in models of AD^+. This is then used to establish that the quotient by the
equivalence relation E_0 is a successor of R, a result previously known
under AD_R, but (perhaps surprisingly) not in L(R).

A propagation-of-chaos type result in stochastic averaging


Professor Richard Sowers


University of Illinois


Tuesday, May 25, 2010 - 11:00am


RH 306

Stochastic averaging goes back to Khasminskii in the 1960's. The
standard result is that, given a separation of scales, one can find effective dynamics
for slow components. We investigate the motion of two particles in such a system, in
particular in a randomly-perturbed twist map. The nub of the issue
is how two points escape from a 1-1 resonance zone. Results of Pinsky
and Wihstutz indicate that there is a third scale at work, which we can use to study
the escape from resonance.


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