Energy minimizing coarse spaces with functional constraints


Professor Ludmil Zikatanov


Penn State University


Monday, February 14, 2011 - 4:00pm


RH 306

We will report on the construction of energy minimizing coarse spaces built by patching solutions to appropriate saddle point problems. We first set an abstract framework for such constructions, and then we give an example of constructing coarse space and stable interpolation operator for the two level Schwarz method. We apply the theoretical results in the design of coarse spaces for discretizations of PDE with large varying coefficients. The stability and approximation bounds of the constructed interpolant are in a weighted norm and are independent of the variations in the coefficients. Such spaces can be used in two level overlapping Schwarz algorithms for elliptic PDEs with large coefficient jumps generally not resolved by a standard coarse grid. This is a joint work with Robert Scheichl (University of Bath, UK) and Panayot S. Vassilevski (Lawrence Livermore National Lab).

Cancer Stem Cells and the Tumor Growth Paradox


Professor Thomas Hillen


University of Alberta


Monday, March 7, 2011 - 4:00pm


RH 306

The tumor growth paradox refers to the observation that partially treated tumors might grow bigger than they were before treatment. The cancer stem cell hypothesis provides a model that can explain this behavior. Cancer stem cells are believed to be the organizing centers of a solid tumor. They are immortal and they populate the tumor mass through asymmetric division to produce differentiated cancer cells. If these differentiated cancer cells are killed (through treatment, for example), then space and resources become available for the stem cells to duplicate and, as a result, produce a larger tumor. I present a mathematical model which clearly supports this effect.

Asymptotics of Toeplitz determinants: results and applications.


Igor Krasovsky


Brunel University


Wednesday, September 1, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 306

We review the asymptotic behavior of a class of Toeplitz (as well as related
Hankel and
Toeplitz + Hankel) determinants which arise in integrable models and other
We discuss Szego, Fisher-Hartwig asymptotics, and a transition between them. Certain Toeplitz and Hankel determinants reduce, in certain double-scaling
limits, to Fredholm
determinants which appear in the theory of group representations, in
random matrices, random permutations and partitions. The connection to
Toeplitz determinants
helps to evaluate the asymptotics of related Fredholm determinants in
situations of interest, and we
mention some of the corresponding results.

Catching slender functions II


Dr Sean Cox


Munster University, Germany


Monday, October 18, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

I will present the proofs of some recent results of Viale
and Weiss. Weiss introduced the notion of a slender function in his
dissertation: roughly, a function $M \mapsto F(M) \subset M$ (where
$M$ models a fragment of set theory) is slender iff for every
countable $Z \in M$, $Z \cap F(M) \in M$; i.e. $M$ can see countable
fragments of $F(M)$. Viale and Weiss proved that under the Proper
Forcing Axiom, for every regular $\theta \ge \omega_2$, there are
stationarily many $M \in P_{\omega_2}(H_{(2^\theta)^+})$ which
``catch'' $F(M \cap H_\theta)$ whenever $F$ is slender (i.e. whenever
$F$ is slender then there is some $X_F \in M$ such that $F(M \cap
H_\theta) = M \cap X_F$). The stationarity of this collection implies
many of the known consequences of PFA; e.g. failure of weak square at
every regular $\theta \ge \omega_2$; and separating internally
approachable sets from sets of uniform uncountable cofinality.

Catching slender functions I


Dr Sean Cox


Munster University, Germany


Monday, October 11, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

I will present the proofs of some recent results of Viale
and Weiss. Weiss introduced the notion of a slender function in his
dissertation: roughly, a function $M \mapsto F(M) \subset M$ (where
$M$ models a fragment of set theory) is slender iff for every
countable $Z \in M$, $Z \cap F(M) \in M$; i.e. $M$ can see countable
fragments of $F(M)$. Viale and Weiss proved that under the Proper
Forcing Axiom, for every regular $\theta \ge \omega_2$, there are
stationarily many $M \in P_{\omega_2}(H_{(2^\theta)^+})$ which
``catch'' $F(M \cap H_\theta)$ whenever $F$ is slender (i.e. whenever
$F$ is slender then there is some $X_F \in M$ such that $F(M \cap
H_\theta) = M \cap X_F$). The stationarity of this collection implies
many of the known consequences of PFA; e.g. failure of weak square at
every regular $\theta \ge \omega_2$; and separating internally
approachable sets from sets of uniform uncountable cofinality.



Professor Xuecheng Tai


Nanyang Technological University


Friday, December 10, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 306

Minimization of functionals related to Euler's elastica energy has a wide range of applications in computer vision and image processing.
An issue is that a high order nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) needs to be solved and the conventional algorithm usually takes high computational cost. In this talk, we propose a fast and efficient numerical algorithm to solve minimization problems related to the Euler's elastica energy and show applications to variational image denoising, image inpainting, and image zooming. We reformulate the minimization problem as a constrained minimization problem, followed by an operator splitting method and relaxation. The proposed constrained minimization problem is solved by using an augmented Lagrangian approach. Numerical tests on real and synthetic cases are supplied to demonstrate the efficiency of our method.

Linear ordering of Objects Using Graph 1-Factor


Professor Gopi Meenakshisundaram




Monday, November 29, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 306

Linear ordering of objects is important in many applications.
For example, destined to live with the RAM model of computing for a foreseeable future, optimal linear ordering of elements to improve cache coherency and performance of out of core algorithms becomes crucial. While ordering the elements, the access pattern has to be taken into
account, which in turn is application dependent. Assuming, between
pairs of elements, we have the probability estimates of the second
element being accessed after the first, we propose a solution to the
problem of linear ordering of elements using 1-factor graph
partitioning algorithm.

Primarily, we will motivate the need for linear ordering using its
application to various problems in computer graphics including cache-coherent triangle ordering (also called stripification), simplification,
compression, efficient back-face culling, quadrilateral mesh
stripification, and tetrahedral mesh stripification. In simplicial
complex realization of manifold spaces, the algorithm can be extended
to generate space-filling curves. The graph abstraction of the
problem makes the solution seamlessly extendable to elements in
higher dimensions including higher dimensional databases and nodes of
the hierarchical partitioning of the objects like quadtrees and
octrees in computer graphics.

An Embedding Method for Solving Partial Differential Equations on Surfaces


Professor Steve Ruuth


Simon Fraser University


Monday, November 22, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 306

Many applications require the solution of time-dependent
partial differential equations (PDEs) on surfaces or more general
manifolds. Methods for treating such problems include surface
parameterization, methods on triangulated surfaces and embedding
techniques. This talk considers an embedding approach based on the
closest point representation of the surface which is very general with
respect to the underlying surface and PDE, yet is extremely simple.
Recent applications to high-order PDEs and Laplace-Beltrami
eigenmodes are given to illustrate the approach.


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