Fast Spectral frequency- and time-domain PDE solvers


Oscar Bruno




Monday, November 4, 2013 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

We present fast frequency- and time-domain spectrally accurate solvers for Partial Differential Equations that address some of the main difficulties associated with simulation of realistic engineering systems. Based on a novel Fourier-Continuation (FC) method for the resolution of the Gibbs phenomenon and fast high-order methods for evaluation of integral operators, these methodologies give rise to fast and highly accurate frequency- and time-domain solvers for PDEs on general three-dimensional spatial domains. Our fast integral algorithms can solve, with high-order accuracy, problems of electromagnetic and acoustic scattering for complex three-dimensional geometries; our FC-based differential solvers for time-dependent PDEs, in turn, give rise to essentially spectral time evolution, free of pollution or dispersion errors, for general PDEs. A variety of applications to linear and nonlinear PDE problems demonstrate the significant improvements the new algorithms provide over the accuracy and speed resulting from other approaches.

Dr. Sarah Eichhorn awarded the 2012-2013 Distinguished Assistant Professor Award for Teaching

Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Eichhorn! She has been awarded the 2012-2013 Distinguished Assistant Professor Award for Teaching. The award is another recognition for Dr. Eichhorn's excellent work in teaching and undergraduate education. Since joining the department in 2007, she has already earned several awards honoring her work and grants to support her future work. In her first year as an instructor at UCI, Dr. Eichhorn received the School of Physical Sciences Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education. Dr.

On limiting operators related to circular ensembles.


Joseph Najnudel


Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse


Wednesday, June 19, 2013 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

It is a classical result, by Dyson, that the behavior of the eigenvalues of a random unitary matrix following uniform measure tend, when the dimension goes to infinity, after a suitable scaling, to a random set of points, called adeterminantal sine-kernel process. By defining the model in all dimensions on a single probability space, we are able to show that the convergence stated above can occur almost surely. Moreover, in an article with K. Maples and A. Nikeghbali, we interpret the limiting point process as the spectrum of a random operator.

Metastable Densities for Contact Processes on Random Graphs


Daniel Valesin


University of British Columbia


Wednesday, June 12, 2013 - 10:00am to 11:00am



RH 340P

We consider the contact process on a random graph chosen with a fixed degree, power law distribution, according to a model proposed by Newman, Strogatz and Watts (2001). We follow the work of Chatterjee and Durrett (2009) who showed that for arbitrarily small infection parameter λ


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