Renormalized Volume Coefficients in Conformal Geometry


Robin Graham


University of Washington


Tuesday, November 12, 2013 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 306

Abstract: This talk will provide an overview of the renormalized volume
coefficients and associated renormalized volume functionals in conformal
geometry. These are Riemannian invariants constructed from the volume
expansion of a Poincar\'e-Einstein metric with a prescribed conformal
infinity. They arose in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence in
physics. They have some surprising properties, which, among other things,
suggests a natural variant of the so-called $\sigma_k$-Yamabe problem, a
fully nonlinear generalization of the Yamabe problem which has been the
focus of much attention during the last decade.

The Isoperimetric Problem with Density


Frank Morgan


Williams College


Tuesday, October 8, 2013 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 306

The classical isoperimetric theorem
says that the sphere is the least-perimeter way
to enclose given volume. How does the answer
change when the space is given a density that
weights both perimeter and volume? We'll discuss
some recent results following some preliminary
work by undergraduates. The topic is related to
Perelman's proof of the Poincaré Conjecture.

Dr. Sarah Eichhorn to Teach Online Course Connected with AMC's "The Walking Dead"

Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Eichhorn!  She is one of four UCI faculty to develop and teach an online course connected with AMC's "The Walking Dead".  The course will begin on Monday, Oct. 14th, and will be taught by Dr. Zuzana Bic from the Department of Public Health, Dr. Joanne Christopherson from the School of Social Sciences, Dr. Michael Dennin from the Department of Physics & Astronomy and Dr. Sarah Eichhorn, from the Department of Mathematics.

Additional information about the course is available here:

Adiabatic limits of vortex equation in gauged linear sigma-model


Guangbo Xu


UC Irvine


Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - 4:00pm


RH 306

In this talk I will introduce a natural elliptic equation (the
vortex equation) in two dimensional gauged linear sigma-model. It
generalizes the Cauchy-Riemann equation in Gromov-Witten theory, and the
Hermitian-Einstein equation in the theory of vector bundles. I will also
discuss the "large-area limit" of the vortex equation and its relation with
the nonlinear sigma-model. Almost everything will be discussed in the
context of line bundles over Riemann surfaces.

Stability of the almost-Hermitian curvature flow.


Dan Smith


Furman University


Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 306

Recently Streets and Tian introduced a geometric flow of almost-Hermitian
structures. We will discuss the motivation for considering such a flow. Moreover, we
will give evidence that the flow reflects the underlying almost-Hermitian structure
of almost complex manifolds.

Geometric approaches to elliptic regularity on Riemannian manifolds


Brian Weber


University of Pennsylvania


Tuesday, October 22, 2013 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 306

Geometric problems require the passage from very natural energy bounds on curvature to very unnatural pointwise bounds. The long-standing approach has been to use the technology of analysis, yet this relies on the persistence of a geometric-analytic nexus, expressed concisely as the Sobolev constant, that is dicult or impossible to control in nature. In this talk we discuss a more intrinsically geometric way of approaching regularity questions on critical 4-manifolds.


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