Rotational Rigidity of Self-Expanders of Curvature Flows


Frederick Tsz-Ho Fong


Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Tuesday, November 1, 2016 - 4:00pm



RH 306

Self-expanding solutions of curvature flows evolve by homothetic expansions under the flow. Rotational symmetric examples are constructed by Ecker-Huisken, Angenent-Chopp-Ilmanen, Helmensdorfer et. al for the Mean Curvature Flow, and by Huisken-Ilmanen, Grugan-Lee-Wheeler et. al for the Inverse Mean Curvature Flow. Many known examples are asymptotic to some standard models such as round cylinders and round cones. In this talk, the speaker will talk about rotational rigidity results for self-expanders of both Mean Curvature and Inverse Mean Curvature Flows, proving that certain self-expanders asymptotic to cones or cylinders are necessarily rotational symmetric. These are joint works with Peter McGrath, and with Gregory Drugan and Hojoo Lee.

On the number of ordinary lines determined by sets in complex space


Abdul Basit


Rutgers University


Wednesday, November 30, 2016 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm



RH 340N

The classical Sylvester-Gallai theorem states the following: Given a finite set of points in the 2-dimensional Euclidean plane, not all collinear, there must exist a line containing exactly 2 points (referred to as an ordinary line). In a recent result, Green and Tao were able to give optimal lower bounds on the number of ordinary lines for large finite point sets.

In this talk we will consider the situation over the complex numbers. While the Sylvester-Gallai theorem as stated is false in the complex plane, Kelly's theorem states that if a finite point set in 3-dimensional complex space is not contained in a plane, then there must exist an ordinary line. Using techniques developed for bounding ranks of design matrices, we will show that either such a point set must determine at least 3n/2 ordinary lines or at least n-1 of the points are contained in a plane. (Joint work with Z. Dvir, S. Saraf and C.Wolf.)

The (in)stability of periodic solutions of integrable PDEs


Bernard Deconinck


University of Washington


Monday, February 13, 2017 - 4:00pm


RH 306

Integrable PDEs are a special class of PDEs for which many local and global properties are known. Perhaps the most famous of the solutions of an integrable PDE is its soliton solution, leading to these equations being referred to as soliton equations.  The importance of integrable equations derives from the understanding we gain from them about the dynamics of more general nonlinear PDEs.

Geometric Analysis on the Diederich-Fornae ss index


Bingyuan Liu




Tuesday, October 18, 2016 - 3:00pm to 3:50pm



RH 306

Geometric analysis in differential geometry is a powerful tool in Riemannian geometry. It has been used to solve many problems in Riemannian geometry. In the field of several complex variables, it was not the most popular weapon to attack questions. One of the reasons is that many problems in the several complex variables relates to some types of differential equations of complex-valued functions which is currently not well understood. In this talk, we consider problems in the Diederich-Forn\ae ss index with a viewpoint of geometric analysis and see what we obtain. This is a joint work with Krantz and Peloso.

A robust weak Galerkin finite element method for convection-diffusion-reaction equations


Xiaoping Xie


Sichuan University


Monday, November 28, 2016 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm




We propose a weak Galerkin (WG) finite element method for 2- and 3-dimensional convection-diffusion-reaction problems on conforming or nonconforming polygon/polyhedral meshes. The WG method uses piecewise-polynomial approximations of degree $k(k\ge 0)$ for both the scalar function and its trace on the inter-element boundaries. We show that the method is robust in the sense that the derived a priori error estimates is uniform with respect to the coefficients for sufficient smooth true solutions. Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical results.

Embedding problems in C*-algebras III


Isaac Goldbring




Monday, October 24, 2016 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm



RH 440R

Some prominent conjectures in the theory of C*-algebras ask whether or not every C*-algebra of a particular form embeds into an ultrapower of a particular C*-algebra.  For example, the Kirchberg Embedding Problem asks whether every C*-algebra embeds into an ultrapower of the Cuntz algebra O_2.  In this series of lectures, we show how techniques from model theory, most notably model-theoretic forcing, can be used to give nontrivial reformulations of these conjectures.  We will start from scratch, assuming no knowledge of C*-algebras nor model theory.

Embedding problems in C*-algebras II


Isaac Goldbring




Monday, October 17, 2016 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm



RH 440R

Some prominent conjectures in the theory of C*-algebras ask whether or not every C*-algebra of a particular form embeds into an ultrapower of a particular C*-algebra.  For example, the Kirchberg Embedding Problem asks whether every C*-algebra embeds into an ultrapower of the Cuntz algebra O_2.  In this series of lectures, we show how techniques from model theory, most notably model-theoretic forcing, can be used to give nontrivial reformulations of these conjectures.  We will start from scratch, assuming no knowledge of C*-algebras nor model theory.

Universality for the Toda algorithm to compute the eigenvalues of a random matrix.


Tom Trogdon




Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 11:00am to 11:50am



RH 3066



The Toda lattice, beyond being a completely integrable dynamical system, has many important properties.  Classically, the Toda flow is seen as acting on a specific class of bi-infinite Jacobi matrices.  Depending on the boundary conditions imposed for finite matrices, it is well known that the flow can be used as an eigenvalue algorithm. It was noticed by P. Deift, G. Menon and C. Pfrang that the fluctuations in the time it takes to compute eigenvalues of a random symmetric matrix with the Toda, QR and matrix sign algorithms are universal. In this talk, I will present a proof of such universality for the Toda algorithm.  I will also discuss empirical and rigorous results for other algorithms from numerical analysis.  This is joint work with P. Deift.


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