Volume preserving holomorphic maps between hermitian symmetic spaces of compact type


Hanlong Fang


Rutgers University


Tuesday, November 1, 2016 - 3:03pm to 3:50pm



RH 306

We discuss a new rigidity property for local volume preserving maps between hermitian symmetic spaces of compact type along the lines of recent work of Clozel-Ullmo and Mok-Ng.  This is a joint work with Prof. X.Huang and Dr. X.Ming.

On Weyl's embedding problem in Riemannian manifolds


Siyuan Lu


McGill University


Tuesday, October 18, 2016 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

We consider a priori estimates of Weyl’s embedding problem of (S^2,g) in general 3-dimensional Riemannian manifold (N^3,\bar g). We establish the mean curvature estimate under natural geometric assumption. Together with a recent work by Li-Wang, we obtain an isometric embedding of (S2,g) in Riemannian manifold. In addition, we reprove Weyl’s isometric embedding theorem in space form under the condition that g \in C^2 with D^2g Dini continuous. 

Two dimensional water waves in holomorphic coordinates


Mihaela Ifrim


UC Berkeley


Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 4:00pm




We consider this problem expressed in position-velocity potential holomorphic coordinates. We will explain the set up of the problem(s) and try to present the advantages of choosing such a framework.  Viewing this problem(s) as a quasilinear dispersive equation, we develop new methods which will be used to prove enhanced lifespan of solutions and also global solutions for small and localized data. The talk will try to be self contained.

Vortices in strain


Stefan Llewellyn Smith




Monday, April 3, 2017 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 306

A vortex in a straining field is a canonical situation describing vortices in an irrotational flow. Exact solutions to this problem have been found in the form of vortex patches and hollow vortices, both of which can be viewed as desingularizations of point vortices. After a review of the history of point vortices, we discuss hollow vortices, which are steady vortex sheets. We then focus on the case of vortices in strain and examine hollow vortices and vortex patches, describing the bifurcation structure of the latter. Finally we consider Sadovskii vortices, which contain both interior vorticity and a vortex sheet on the boundary, and sketch the relations between the different solutions.

Increased Regularity for Hamiltonian Stationary submanifolds


Micah Warren


University of Oregon


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 4:00pm




A Hamiltonian Stationary submanifold of complex space is a Lagrangian manifold whose volume is stationary under Hamiltonian variations.  We consider gradient graphs $(x,Du(x))$ for a function $u$.    For a smooth $u$, the Euler-Lagrange equation can be expressed as a fourth order nonlinear equation in $u$ that can be locally linearized (using a change of tangent plane) to the bi-Laplace.  The volume can be defined for lower regularity, however, and computing the Euler-Lagrange equation with less assumed regularity gives a "double divergence" equation of second order quantities.   We show several results.  First, there is a $c_n$ so that if the Hessian $D^2u$ is $c_n$-close to a continuous matrix-valued function, then the potential must be smooth.  Previously, Schoen and Wolfson showed that when the potential was $C^{2,\alpha}$, then the potential $u$ must be smooth.    We are also able to show full regularity when the Hessian is bounded within certain ranges.   This allows us to rule out conical solutions with mild singularities.

This is joint work with Jingyi Chen.

Traveling Fronts of Reaction-Diffusion Equations with Ignition Media and Levy Operators


Tau Shean Lim


Univ Wisconsin at Madison


Monday, September 26, 2016 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

We discuss traveling front solutions u(t,x) = U(x-ct) of reaction-diffusion equations u_t = Lu + f(u) with ignition media f and diffusion operators L generated by symmetric Levy processes X_t. Existence and uniqueness of fronts are well-known in the case of classical diffusion (i.e., Lu = Laplacian(u)) and non-local diffusion (Lu = J*u - u). Our work extends these results to general Levy operators. In particular, we show that a strong diffusivity in the underlying process (in the sense that the first moment of X_1 is infinite) prevents formation of fronts, while a weak diffusivity gives rise to a unique (up to translation) front U and speed c>0.

UCI MATH CIRCLE - Volunteers sign-up

Most weeks, the UCI Math Circle will offer two parallel sessions (LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2). Both sessions will carry out interesting mathematical investigations, and will engage the students in mathematical discovery and problem solving, but the difficulty level of the problems and the content presented will be higher in the LEVEL 2 math circle.
You can participate as a leader or assistants. Due to limited funds, this year we will only be able to pay graduate students serving as leaders ($75 per session). Please select your availability as a leader or an assistant below.
If we can get enough volunteers, we will open more slots in Spring.
If we can get enough volunteers, we will open more slots in Spring.
Profiles will be displayed on the PEOPLE page of the website (http://www.math.uci.edu/~mathcircle/MCpeople.html)
As an active member of the UCI Math Circle team, you will be profiled on the circle website. You can find examples at this link: (http://www.math.uci.edu/~mathcircle/MCpeople.html). Please write your profile in the text area above.
A picture will be included with your profile on the Math Circle website
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Laplacian on a noncompact complete Riemannian manifold with dense eigenvalues embedded in the essential spectrum


W. Liu




Thursday, August 18, 2016 - 2:00pm


RH 340P

Kumura showed that there are no eigenvalues embedded in the essential
spectrum of the Laplacian on $n$-dimensional noncompact
complete Riemannian manifold $(M_n, g)$, if the radial curvature $K_{\rm
rad}+1=o(r^{-1})$ as $r$ goes to infinity.

Given any finite/countable set of positive energies $\{\lambda_n\}$, we
construct a Riemannian manifold with the decay order
$K_{\rm rad}+1=O(r^{-1})$/$K_{\rm rad}+1=\frac{C(r)}{r}$, where $C(r)\geq
0$ and $C(r) $ goes to infinity arbitrarily slowly, such that the
eigenvalues $\{\frac{(n-1)^2}{4}+\lambda_n\}$ are embedded in the
spectrum $\sigma_{{\rm ess}}(-\Delta_g)=\left[\frac{(n-1)^2}{4},\infty


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