Loop erased random walk, uniform spanning tree and bi-Laplacian Gaussian field in the critical dimension.


Wei Wu




Monday, October 24, 2016 - 11:00am to 11:50am



NS2 1201

Critical lattice models are believed to converge to a free field in the scaling limit, at or above their critical dimension.  This has been (partially) established for Ising and Phi^4 models for d \geq 4. We describe a simple spin model from uniform spanning forests in $\Z^d$ whose critical dimension is 4 and prove that the scaling limit is the bi-Laplacian Gaussian field for $d\ge 4$. At dimension 4, there is a logarithmic correction for the spin-spin correlation and the bi-Laplacian Gaussian field is a log correlated field. The proof also improves the known mean field picture of LERW in d=4, by showing that the renormalized escape probability (and arm events) of 4D LERW converge to some "continuum escaping probability". Based on joint works with Greg Lawler and Xin Sun.

The Statistical Mechanics of Bounded-Rational Potential Games with Applications


Michael Cambell




Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 2:00pm


RH 340P

Frequently, real economic agents do not follow purely rational strategies.  These individual non-rational behaviors (due to errors in judgment, incomplete information, emotional bias, etc.) can result in some fascinating organized large-scale structures, which depend on the degree of non-rational behavior.

We look at two such models for Potential Games [Shapley and Monderer]: a dynamical drift-diffusion model, and a static large deviation theory model based on Shannon information entropy and arbitrage.  The equilibrium measure in both cases is the Gibbs measure found in statistical mechanics.  We show that the variables that gauge non-rational behavior in both models are related to “temperature” by a fluctuation-dissipation relation.

A type of localized discrete Cournot oligopoly has a rich phase diagram with an "antiferromagnetic" checkerboard state, striped states and maze-like states with varying widths, and finally a "paramagnetic" unordered state. Such phases have economic implications as to how agents compete given various restrictions on how goods are distributed. 

The theory is also applied to a Speculative and Hedging Model in Oil and U.S. Dollar Markets [Carfi and Musolino] for a single multinational “airline” and many “bank” players.  Based on results for the Nash equilibrium (zero temperature) and preliminary results, there is a phase transition for which a single equilibrium exists at higher non-rational behavior (high temperature), and two equilibria at lower non-rational behavior (low temperature), when the “airline” makes no purchase of oil.  The low temperature phase is in the spirit of the Sonnenschein–Mantel–Debreu theorem, with the extra insight of symmetry-breaking to explain multiple equilibria.  Likewise, Huw Dixon’s result on the “inevitability of collusion” is shown to hold for a Cournot Oligopoly with a Veblen good.  Purely rational neoclassical theory (i.e., Nash equilibrium analysis) alone does not predict this, even though it is observed to occur in more general cases.

Compactness and Large Deviations


Chiranjib Mukherjee




Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - 11:00am to 11:50am



RH 306


In a reasonable topological space, large deviation estimates essentially deal
with probabilities of events that are asymptotically (exponentially) small,
and in a certain sense, quantify the rate of these decaying probabilities.
In such estimates, upper bounds for such small probabilities often require 
compactness of the ambient space, which is often absent in problems arising in
statistical mechanics (for example, distributions of local times of
Brownian motion in the full space R^d). Motivated by such a problem, we
present a robust theory of “translation-invariant compactification”
of probability measures in R^d. Thanks to an inherent shift-invariance of
the underlying problem, we are able to apply this abstract theory painlessly
and solve a long standing problem in statistical mechanics, the mean-field
polaron problem.

This talk is based on joint works with S. R. S. Varadhan (New York), as
well as with Erwin Bolthausen(Zurich)and Wolfgang Koenig (Berlin).

Product rigidity results for group von Neumann algebras


Thomas Sinclair


Purdue University


Friday, November 4, 2016 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

Given a locally compact second countable group G, the group von Neumann algebra L(G) is the algebra associated to the invariant subspace decomposition of the left regular representation. It is a natural, and quite difficult, question to address how much of the group structure is recoverable from L(G). That is if two groups have isomorphic group von Neumann algebras what algebraic structure do the groups have in common? In the case of infinite discrete groups, we will explain how if G is a direct product of "indecomposable" groups, such as nonabelian free groups or nonelementary hyperbolic groups, then the product structure can be fully recovered from L(G). This is joint work with Ionut Chifan and Rolando de Santiago.

Physical Sciences Breakfast Lecture Series with Natalia Komarova

Mathematics of Stem Cells

Cell populations are complex.  Their collective functioning, turnover, and cooperation are at the basis of the life of multicellular organisms, such as humans. When this goes wrong, an unwanted evolutionary process can begin that leads to cancer. Mathematics cannot cure cancer, but it can be used to understand some of its aspects, which is an essential step in winning the battle. Come learn more! 

Kloosterman sums and Maass cusp forms of half-integral weight


Nick Andersen




Tuesday, December 6, 2016 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm



RH 340P

Kloosterman sums play an important role in modern analytic number theory. I will give a brief survey of what is known about the classical Kloosterman sums and their connection to Maass cusp forms of weight 0 on the full modular group. I will then talk about recent progress toward bounding sums of Kloosterman sums of half-integral weight (joint with Scott Ahlgren) where the estimates are uniform in every parameter. Among other things, this requires us to develop a mean value estimate for coefficients of Maass cusp forms of half-integral weight. As an application, we obtain an improved estimate for the classical problem of bounding the size of the error term in Rademacher’s formula for the partition function.

Physical Sciences Breakfast Lecture Series with Natalia Komarova

Mathematics of Stem Cells

Cell populations are complex.  Their collective functioning, turnover, and cooperation are at the basis of the life of multicellular organisms, such as humans. When this goes wrong, an unwanted evolutionary process can begin that leads to cancer. Mathematics cannot cure cancer, but it can be used to understand some of its aspects, which is an essential step in winning the battle. Come learn more! 

Mean Field Games with density constraints: pressure equals price


Alpár Richárd MÉSZÁROS




Thursday, November 17, 2016 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm




In the first part of this talk I will do a brief introduction to the recent theory of Mean Field Games (MFG) initiated by J.-M. Lasry and P.-L. Lions. The main objective of the MFG theory is the study of the limit behavior of Nash equilibria for symmetric differential games with a very large number of “small” players. In its simplest form, as the number of players tends to infinity, limits of Nash equilibria can be characterized in terms of the solution of a coupled system of a Hamilton-Jacobi and Fokker-Planck (or continuity) equations. The first equation describes the evolution of the value function of a typical agent, while the second one characterizes the evolution of the agents’ density. In the second part, I will introduce a variational MFG model, where we impose a density constraint. From the modeling point of view, imposing this new constraint means that we are aiming to avoid congestion among the agents. We will see that a weak solution of the system contains an extra term, an additional price imposed on the saturated zones. I will show that this price corresponds to the pressure field from the models of incompressible Euler equations à la Brenier. If time permits, I will discuss the regularity properties of the pressure variable, which allows us to write optimality conditions at the level of single-agent trajectories and to define a weak notion of Nash equilibrium for our model. The talk is based on a joint work with P. Cardaliaguet (Paris Dauphine) and F. Santambrogio (Paris-Sud, Orsay).

Counting problems and homological stability [Please Note Special Day and Time]


Jesse Wolfson


University of Chicago


Monday, January 23, 2017 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm



RH 340N

The framework of the Weil conjectures establishes a correspondence between the arithmetic of varieties over finite fields and the topology of the corresponding complex varieties. Many varieties of interest arise in sequences, and a natural extension of the Weil conjectures asks for a relationship between the asymptotic point count of the sequence over finite fields and the limiting topology of the sequence over C.  In this talk, I'll recall the Weil conjectures and explain the basic idea of these possible extensions.  I'll then give a survey of ongoing efforts to understand and exploit this relationship, including Ellenberg-Venkatesh-Westerland's proof of the Cohen-Leinstra heuristics for function fields, a ``best possible'' form of this relationship in the example of configuration spaces of varieties (joint with Benson Farb), and a counterexample to this principle coming from classical work of Borel and recent work of Lipnowski-Tsimerman. 


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