Here is some past feedback we have recieved from participants and their parents concerning the UCI Math Circle. For privacy purposes we have excluded participant and parent names.
Thank you for putting on this fun Math Circle. Thank you for generously donating you time to help teach us math. My favorite one was the code breaking. I really enjoy being with my friends to do math. You do a great job. Again, thank you for your time.
I have benefitted from the UCI Math Circle in two ways. I attended the High School Math Circle meetings from the very start and believe that they played a huge role in my still-growing interest in math. It led me to start research, which culminated in my being a finalist in the Intel Science Talent Search for my math project this year. Now that I teach at some of the math circle meetings I feel incredibly rewarded that the Math Circle allows me to pass on my love of math to other people.
uci math circle is an awesome, fun way to excercise your brain
Dear UCI Math Circle,What I would like to say is that every time I go to the circle I learn something new, and although I have mastered all math in my school, this type of math presented by the UCI Math Circle always interests me. Thank you for making math so fun!
My son loves going to Math Circle! He has learned a tremendous amount and enjoys working with the engaging, patient instructors.
You have opened up new door for [...]! He said that he is surprised there is no so much 'interesting and new' math outside his school work. You folks are widening his horizon - I am sure it will help him a lot in the long run.
My son loves math circle--he went a few times last year and comes home on fire---ranting about what he did and learned! But he hasn't been able to come this year. Please can math circle be on weekends? Or closer to Huntington Beach ? He needs it, he complains his math class is not challenging enough ! Will there be anything like in the summer?
My thirteen year old son is very gifted at math, though he professes to not enjoy it... except for Mathcircle! The graduate students, with their enthusiasm and knowledge, help to introduce challenging math problems in an approachable and fun manner. I am grateful for Mathcircle, because my student now looks forward to spending an evening with friends and mental math puzzles.
I have been particularly impressed by the caliber of instruction - both in the thoughtful preparation and the actual didactic delivery.
Thank you Mathcircle!!!
Dear Math Circle,I want to thank you for running the UCI Math Circle. My son has been going since middle school and he really enjoys it. He is especially enjoying it this year. He loved the challenge of solving functional equations, which is something I don't think they learn at school. This week he was super excited to tell me that he had been learning about differential equations and he spent several hours today coding up a model for the spread of a disease in Python! For my son at least, the mathematical explorations that go on in Math Circle seem to motivate him much more than math competitions that rely on speed and lots of practice. You are doing a wonderful job in sparking his interest in mathematics. Thank you.
I wanted to tell you about the impact UCI's Math Circle has had on our nine-year-old daughter [...].
Since first attending your program several months ago her enthusiasm for the subject has soared. She meets new math problems (especially the tough ones) with a new excitement of discovery rather than anxiety over being graded and ranked. She builds dodecahedra in her room using a magnetic set recommended by you, multiplies two-digit numbers together in her head using a random number generator, is crazy for number theory and constantly plays math games at the table with us for the enjoyment of doing it.
We live in a working-class community that is ill-served (read not at all) by challenging academic programs for children of any kind, let alone a math circle of the caliber of UCI's. This wonderful program is one that we could never afford and is offered to students free of charge! It's an hour's drive for us each way and we never miss it -- our daughter insists. Your teachers are FANTASTIC and have a true gift for sharing their enthusiasm for math with students.[...]
[...] Thank you so much for volunteering to do something as wonderful as this. I am sure you are inspiring many young mathematicians. Ever since going to math circle, I feel like my daughter has improved so much. I know she will be eager to continue. Thank you for all your hard work!
[...] I am a parent with a child who is enjoying your UCI math sessions. He has attended some but not all. He enjoys these sessions greatly even if he had already knew about the concept you were covering. Thanks for all that you do. I am sure it takes time and hard work to prepare for these sessions and we appreciate it. [...]
[...] We like math circle program, it is very creative program and both of my kids enjoys solving those problems. It is really helpful. [...]
[...] We appreciate your effort and time you put in for the UCI Math Circle. For our son, who needs to be challenged constantly to keep his interest level in Math, the Math Circle was a very good opportunity for him to explore the Math at a different angle. We would like the Math Circle to continue and also provide other levels as well. [...]
[...] My son, a seventh grader, enjoys the uci math circle very much. He said it's fun. It's one of the activities he looks forward to. [...]
Here are two more letters you can read for further feedback: (Letter 1) (Letter 2)
We love to hear feedback and insights about the UCI Math Circle. If you'd like to share your or your child's experience with the math circle, please write to Dr. Alessandra Pantano at
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