Would you like to become involved with the UCI Math Circle?
In order to apply for the UCI Math Circle, you must complete this registration form at this link.
The data is collected for information purposes only.
Please go to this link to sign the media release form (must be signed by a parent or guardian).
[return to top]Want to help our expanding math circle grow? Feel free to share the English and Spanish flyers with friends, or, if you are an educator, pass them out to your class.
Please, subscribe to our mailing list using the menu on the left-hand-side of the homepage. We would be glad to e-mail you a reminder prior to each meeting, with information regarding the date, time, and location of the meeting, that you can share with your students or kids, as well as with your colleagues and neighbors. We really appreciate your help in getting the word out!
If you are an educator interested in assisting with the instruction, please e-mail us at mathcircle@math.uci.edu.
The UCI math faculty and graduate students run the program on a volunteer basis with currently no resources. To keep the UCI Math Circle running, we are kindly encouraging donations from families of participating students. The suggested amount of donation is $160 per student per quarter (roughly $20 per lesson), but we are grateful for whatever you can give.