Using mathematics to resolve scientific concerns


Donald Saari


UC Irvine


Friday, April 7, 2017 - 4:00pm


MSTB 124

Graduate students may wonder how the muscle power of mathematics can be used to solve, or at least shed light, on serious concerns from other disciplines.  In this expository presentation, I offer some examples.  The first is how orbits of symmetry groups can resolve a range of long-standing puzzles coming from voting to statistics to …  A second is how related ideas introduce new insights about the compelling “dark matter” mystery from astronomy.

Diffeomorphisms are hard to understand


Matthew Foreman


UC Irvine


Friday, May 19, 2017 - 4:00pm to 10:00pm


MSTB 124

In 1932 von Neumann proposed classifying the statistical behavior of measure preserving diffeomorphisms of the torus, In joint work with B. Weiss I prove this is impossible (in a convincing and rigorous sense) even in the simplest and most concrete case: the 2-torus. 

By luck our work has accidental, but far-reaching consequences inside ergodic theory.  It establishes a “global structure theorem” for ergodic measure preserving transformations that gives heretofore unknown and surprising examples of diffeomorphisms of the torus.

Fundamental gap for convex domains of the sphere


Shoo Seto




Monday, February 6, 2017 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



340N Rowland Hall

In this talk, we introduce the Laplacian eigenvalue problem and briefly go over its history.  Then we will present a recent result which gives a sharp lower bound of the fundamental gap for convex domain of spheres motivated by the modulus of continuity approach introduced by Andrews-Clutterbuck.  This is joint work with Lili Wang and Guofang Wei.

Prym varieties of cyclic covers


Herbert Lange


Universität Erlangen


Wednesday, March 1, 2017 - 3:00pm



RH 306

Let f: C' -> C be a cyclic cover of smooth projective curves. Its Prym variety is by definition the complement of the pullback of the Jacobian of C in the Jacobian of C'. It is an abelian variety with a polarization depending on the genus of C, the degree of f and the ramification type of the covering f. This gives a map from the moduli space of coverings of this type into the moduli space of abelian varieties of the corresponding type with endomorphism structure induced by the automorphism given by f, called Prym map. In many cases the Prym map is generically injective. Particularly interesting are the cases where the Prym map is finite and dominant. In this talk these cases will be worked out for covers of degree a prime number and twice an odd prime. In some cases the degree of the Prym map is determined. This is joint work with Angela Ortega.

Period and index of higher genus curves


Shahed Sharif


Cal State University San Marcos


Tuesday, May 2, 2017 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm


RH 340P

The period and index of a curve C are two quantities which describe the failure of C to have rational points. The mismatch between the two is of interest for its impact on the Shafarevich-Tate group of the Jacobian of C. The period-index problem is to determine what values of period and index are possible for a given genus g. We will give a complete answer when g=1, and an almost complete answer when g ≥ 2.

Complexity Classes and Completeness in Algebraic Geometry


Umut Isik




Wednesday, February 1, 2017 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 440R

I will describe a natural sequence of generalizations going from Turing style computational complexity theory and the P vs NP problem to the complexity theory of algebraic varieties. I will then explain how to use universal circuits to make an NP-complete sequence of projective varieties.

Absolute robustness in deterministic and stochastic chemical reaction networks


German Enciso


UC Irvine


Friday, February 3, 2017 - 4:00pm


MSTB 124

Absolute concentration robustness is a property that allows signaling networks to sustain a consistent output in the face of protein concentration variability from cell to cell.  This property is structural and can be determined from the topology of the network alone.  In this talk, I discuss this concept first for deterministic systems, and then set out to describe their stochastic behavior.  In the long term, the corresponding stochastic processes undergo an extinction event that eliminates the robustness. However, these systems have a transiently robust behavior that may be sufficient to carry out the necessary signal transduction in cells.  This work has been recently funded by NSF and graduate students are invited to inquire about working with me on this topic.

Holomorphic Twistor Spaces and Bihermitian Geometry


Steve Gindi


UC Riverside


Tuesday, May 16, 2017 - 4:00pm


RH 306

Ever since the 1970's, holomorphic twistor spaces have been used to study the geometry and analysis of their base manifolds. In this talk, we will introduce integrable complex structures on twistor spaces fibered over complex manifolds that are equipped with certain geometrical data. The importance of these spaces will be shown to lie, for instance, in their applications to bihermitian geometry, also known as generalized Kahler geometry. (This is part of the generalized geometry program initiated by Nigel Hitchin.) By analyzing their twistor spaces, we will develop a new approach to studying bihermitian manifolds. In fact, we will demonstrate that the twistor space of a bihermitian manifold is equipped with two complex structures and natural holomorphic sections as well. This will allow us to construct tools from the twistor space that will lead, in particular, to new insights into the real and holomorphic Poisson structures on the manifold. 


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