Professor Richard Schoen awarded the 2017 Wolf Prize in Mathematics

Professor Richard Schoen, the Excellence in Teaching Chair in the Department of Mathematics at UCI, has been awarded the 2017 Wolf Prize in Mathematics (AMS announcement). The 2017 award will be shared with Charles Fefferman from Princeton. Professor Schoen is receiving the award for his contributions to geometric analysis and the understanding of the interconnectedness of partial differential equations and differential geometry. 

Stochastic aspects of curvature flows


Rob Neel


Lehigh University


Tuesday, February 28, 2017 - 4:00pm




We begin by discussing the natural diffusion associated to mean curvature flow and work of Soner and Touzi showing that, in Euclidean space, this stochastic structure allows one to reformulate mean curvature flow as the solution to a type of stochastic target problem. Then we describe work with Ionel Popescu adapting the target problem formulation to Ricci flow on compact surfaces and using the accompanying diffusion to understand the convergence of the normalized Ricci flow. We aim to avoid being overly technical, instead focusing on the ideas underlying the appearance of stochastic objects in the context of curvature flow.

An introduction to Carleman estimates


Katya Krupchyk


UC Irvine


Friday, January 27, 2017 - 4:00pm


MSTB 124

The origins of Carleman estimates lie with the pioneering 1939 work by the Swedish mathematician T. Carleman, concerned with the unique continuation property for solutions for linear elliptic partial differential equations with smooth coefficients in dimension two. The fundamental new idea introduced by Carleman, which consists of establishing a priori energy estimates involving an exponential weight, has permeated essentially all the subsequent work in the subject. More recently, Carleman estimates have found numerous striking applications beyond the original domain of unique continuation, from control theory to spectral theory to the analysis of inverse problems. The purpose of this talk is to provide a broad introduction to the subject and to attempt to illustrate some of its inner workings.

Absolutely continuous spectrum and the spectra of periodic approximants


Yoram Last


Hebrew University


Thursday, February 9, 2017 - 2:00pm


RH 340P

We discuss relations between absolutely continuous spectrum of discrete one-dimensional
Schroedinger operators and the spectra of periodic approximants made by cutting and
finite pieces of the potential.

Mean curvature flow in bundle manifolds of special holonomy


Chung-Jun Tsai


National Taiwan University


Tuesday, February 7, 2017 - 4:00pm


RH 306

In manifolds with special holonomy, it is interesting to
study calibrated submanifolds, which are volume minimizer in their
homology classes. We study the calibrated submanifolds and mean
curvature flow in several famous local models of manifolds with
special holonomy. These model spaces are all total spaces of some
vector bundles, and the zero section is a calibrated submanifold. We
show that the zero section is the only compact minimal submanifold,
and is dynamically stable under the mean curvature flow. This is a
joint work with Mu-Tao Wang.

University Mathematics in the Digital Age


Steven Heilman




Tuesday, January 10, 2017 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm



RH 306

We will discuss my experience and plans for teaching mathematics to students with increasing dependence on the internet. For example, we will discuss my use of online, hyperlinked lecture notes, the role of and other websites for writing homeworks and exams, etc.  Some new course proposals will be given, including an increased role of the math department for the UCI Data Science Initiative.

Stability and sparsity in sets of natural numbers


Gabriel Conant


Notre Dame


Monday, March 13, 2017 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

The additive group of integers is a well-studied example of a stable group, whose definable sets can be easily and explicitly described. However, until recently, very little has been known about stable expansions of this group. In this talk, we examine the relationship between model-theoretic stability of expansions of the form (Z,+,0,A), where A is a subset of the natural numbers, and the number theoretic behavior of A with respect to sumsets, asymptotic density, and arithmetic progressions.

The absolute Vaught conjecture and randomizations


Isaac Goldbring




Monday, March 6, 2017 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

Morley introduced the notion of a scattered sentence of $L_{\omega_1,\omega}$.  Roughly speaking, $\varphi$ is scattered if it does not have a perfect set of countable models.  He then showed that scattered sentences have at most $\aleph_1$ many countable models (up to isomorphism) whilst non-scattered sentences have continuum many nonisomorphic countable models.  The absolute Vaught conjecture states that scattered sentences have only countably many countable models up to isomorphism.  Unlike the original Vaught conjecture (which holds trivially under CH), the absolute Vaught conjecture does not depend on the model of set theory in question and is in fact equivalent to the original Vaught conjecture under the negation of CH.

Keisler connected the notion of scattered sentences with randomizations of structures.  Randomizations are models of a certain continuous theory, called the pure randomization theory, and in such a randomization, one can define the probability that $\varphi$ holds.  A randomization of $\varphi$ is a randomization in which $\varphi$ holds with probability one.  An example of a randomization of $\varphi$ is a basic randomization of $\varphi$, which consists of a collection of "measurable" random variables taking values in a countable family of models of $\varphi$.  $\varphi$ is is said to have few separable randomizations if every randomization of $\varphi$ is a basic randomization of $\varphi$.   

Keisler showed that if $\varphi$ has few separable randomizations, then $\varphi$ is scattered.  Moreover, he showed that, assuming Martin's axiom for $\aleph_1$, the converse holds.  Andrews, Goldbring, Hachtman, Keisler, and Marker were able to remove the use of Martin's axiom by an absoluteness argument.  Thus, it is a theorem of ZFC that $\varphi$ is scattered if and only if $\varphi$ has few separable randomizations.

In this talk, I will try to define most of the above results in more detail and sketch the ideas behind the proofs of the theorems alluded to above.

Linear dynamics and recurrence properties defined via essential idempotents of $\beta\N$


Yunied Puig de Dios


Ben Gurion


Monday, January 9, 2017 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

Consider $\mathscr{F}$ a non-empty set of subsets of $\N$.  An operator $T$ on $X$ satisfies property $\p_{\mathscr{F}}$ if for any $U$ non-empty open set in $X$, there exists $x\in X$ such that $\{n\geq 0: T^nx\in U\}\in \mathscr{F}$. Let $\overline{\mathcal{BD}}$ the collection of sets in $\N$ with positive upper Banach density. Our main result is a characterization of sequence of operators satisfying property $\p_{\overline{\mathcal{BD}}}$, for which we have used a result of Bergelson and McCutcheon in the vein of Szemer\'{e}di's theorem. It turns out that operators having  property $\p_{\overline{\mathcal{BD}}}$ satisfy a kind of recurrence described in terms of essential idempotents of $\beta \N$. We will also discuss the case of weighted backward shifts. Finally, we obtain a characterization of reiteratively hypercyclic operators.


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