Slopes of Two Generalizations of the Artin-Schreier-Witt Towers


Rufei Ren


University of California, Irvine


Monday, April 10, 2017 - 4:00pm to 4:50pm


RH 340N

Let be a prime number. The Artin-Schreier-Witt tower delt in [DWX] is defined by a single variable polynomial f(x) ∈ Fp which is a tower of curves ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ → Cm → Cm-1 → ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ → C0 =A1 ,with total Galois group Zp . In [DWX], Davis, Wan and Xiao showed that when the conductor mχ of a character χ is large enough, the slopes of NP(f,χ)L form arithmetic progressions which are independent of mχ . We mainly studied its two generalizations.

Domino tilings and determinantal formulas


Victor Kleptsyn


Universite Rennes 1, CNRS


Tuesday, April 4, 2017 - 10:00am to 11:00am



NS2 1201

Given a planar domain on the rectangular grid, how many ways are there of tiling it by dominos (that is, by 1x2 rectangles)? And how does a generic tiling of a given domain look like?

It turns out that these questions are related to the determinants-based formulas, and that likewise formulas appear in many similar situations. In this direction, one obtains the famous arctic circle theorem, describing the behaviour of a generic domino tiling of an aztec diamond, and a statement for the lozenges tilings on the hexagonal lattice, giving the shape of a corner of a cubic crystal.

Spectra of discrete multidimensional periodic Schr\"odinger operators


Jake Fillman


Virginia Tech


Thursday, May 11, 2017 - 2:00pm


RH 340 P



Abstract: We will discuss periodic Schr\"odinger operators on the two-dimensional integer lattice. For periodic operators with small potentials, we show that the spectrum consists of at most two intervals. Moreover, there is a simple and sharp arithmetic criterion on the lattice of periods that ensures  the spectrum is an interval. Since the regime of small coupling for discrete operators mirrors the high-energy region for continuum operators, this theorem can be viewed as a discrete counterpart to the Bethe-Sommerfeld Conjecture. We will also talk about consequences for higher-dimensional operators and almost-periodic operators. [Joint work with Mark Embree]

Harmonic measure in higher co-dimension


S. Mayboroda


U. Minnesota


Thursday, April 13, 2017 - 4:00pm


RH 306



Over the past century an effort to understand dimension and structure of the harmonic measure spanned many spectacular developments in Analysis and in Geometric Measure Theory. Uniform rectifiability emerged as a natural geometric condition, necessary and sufficient for classical estimates in harmonic analysis, boundedness of the harmonic Riesz transform in L^2, and, in the presence of some background topological assumptions, for suitable scale invariant estimates on harmonic functions. While many of geometric and analytic problems remain relevant in sets of higher co-dimension (e.g., a curve in $\RR^3$), the concept of the harmonic measure is notoriously missing. In this talk, we introduce a new notion of a "harmonic" measure, associated to a linear PDE, which serves the higher co-dimensional sets. We discuss its basic properties and give large strokes of the argument to prove that our measure is absolutely continuous with respect to the Hausdorff measure on Lipschitz graphs with small Lipschitz constant.



Compactness of \omega_1


Nam Trang




Monday, April 3, 2017 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm




We investigate various aspects of compactness of \omega_1 under ZF+ DC (the Axiom of Dependent Choice). We say that \omega_1 is X-supercompact if there is a normal, fine, countably complete nonprincipal measure on \powerset_{\omega_1}(X) (in the sense of Solovay). We say \omega_1 is X-strongly compact if there is a fine, countably complete nonprincipal measure on \powerset_{\omega_1}(X). A long-standing open question in set theory asks whether (under ZFC) "supercompactness" can be equiconsistent with "strong compactness. We ask the same question under ZF+DC. More specifically, we discuss whether the theories "\omega_1 is X-supercompact" and "\omega_1 is X-strongly compact" can be equiconsistent for various X. The global question is still open but we show that the local version of the question is false for various X. We also discuss various results in constructing and analyzing canonical models of AD^+ + \omega_1 is X-supercompact.


Interpolation on symmetric spaces and variational discretizations of gauge field theories


Melvin Leok


University of California, San Diego


Monday, May 15, 2017 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm




Many gauge field theories can be described using a multisymplectic Lagrangian formulation, where the configuration manifold is the space of Lorentzian metrics. Group-equivariant interpolation spaces are critical to the construction of geometric structure-preserving discretizations of such problems, since they can be used to construct a variational discretization that exhibits a discrete Noether's theorem. We approach this problem more generally, by considering interpolation spaces for functions taking values in a symmetric space --- a smooth manifold with an inversion symmetry about every point.

Key to our construction is the observation that every symmetric space can be realized as a homogeneous space whose cosets have canonical representatives by virtue of the generalized polar decomposition -- a generalization of the well-known factorization of a real nonsingular matrix into the product of a symmetric positive-definite matrix times an orthogonal matrix. By interpolating these canonical coset representatives, we derive a family of structure-preserving interpolation operators for symmetric space-valued functions. As applications, we construct interpolation operators for the space of Lorentzian metrics, the space of symmetric positive-definite matrices, and the Grassmannian. In the case of Lorentzian metrics, our interpolation operators provide a family of finite elements for numerical relativity that are frame-invariant and have signature which is guaranteed to be Lorentzian pointwise. We illustrate their potential utility by interpolating the Schwarzschild metric numerically.

Cryptography Learning Seminar


Shahed Sharif




Monday, April 3, 2017 - 3:00pm



RH 440R

I will be talking about two theoretical attacks on lattice-based
cryptography mentioned by Dan Bernstein; here, "theoretical" means that
there is no known implementation. One is the subfield logarithm attack,
which generalizes a known attack on PIP over CM fields. The second is an
attack that attempts to reduce the standard lattice attack on NTRU into
a case of SPIP in an extension field.

Connecting the Kontsevich-Witten and Hodge tau-functions by the Virasoro operators


Xiaobo Liu


Peking Univ. and Notre Dame University


Tuesday, May 2, 2017 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 306

Kontsevich-Witten tau-function and the Hodge tau-function
are generating functions for two types of intersection numbers on
moduli spaces of stable curves. Both of them are tau functions for the
KP hierarchy. In this talk, I will describe how to connect these two
tau-functions by differential operators belonging to the
$\widehat{GL(\infty)}$ group. Indeed, these two tau-functions can be
connected using Virasoro operators. This proves a conjecture posted by
Alexandrov. This is a joint work with Gehao Wang.

On self-similar sets with overlaps and inverse theorems for entropy II


Yuki Takahashi


UC Irvine


Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

We discuss an inverse theorem on the structure of pairs of discrete probability measures which has small amount of growth under convolution, and apply this result to self-similar sets with overlaps to show that if the dimension is less than the generic bound, then there are superexponentially close cylinders at all small enough scales. The results are by M.Hochman. 

Preconditioned Steepest Descent Methods for some Nonlinear Elliptic Equations Involving p-Laplacian Terms


Steven Wise


U. Tennessee


Monday, April 24, 2017 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



mstb 306

I will describe and analyze preconditioned steepest descent (PSD) solvers for fourth and sixth- order nonlinear elliptic equations that include p-Laplacian terms on periodic domains in 2 and 3 dimensions. The highest and lowest order terms of the equations are constant-coefficient, positive linear operators, which suggests a natural preconditioning strategy. Such nonlinear elliptic equations often arise from time discretization of parabolic equations that model various biological and physical phenomena, in particular, liquid crystals, thin film epitaxial growth and phase transformations. The analyses of the schemes involve the characterization of the strictly convex energies associated with the equations. I first give a general framework for PSD in Hilbert spaces. Based on certain reasonable assumptions of the linear pre-conditioner, a geometric convergence rate is shown for the nonlinear PSD iteration. I will then apply the general the theory to the fourth and sixth-order problems of interest, making use of Sobolev embedding and regularity results to confirm the appropriateness of our pre-conditioners for the regularized p-Lapacian problems. Our results include a sharper theoretical convergence result for p-Laplacian systems compared to what may be found in existing works. I will demonstrate rigorously how to apply the theory in the finite dimensional setting using finite difference discretization methods. Numerical simulations for some important physical application problems – including thin film epitaxy with slope selection and the square phase field crystal model – are carried out to verify the efficiency of the scheme.

This is joint work with W. Feng (UTK), A. Salgado (UTK), and C. Wang (UMassD).


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