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Choosing distinct points on cubic curves


Weiyan Chen


University of Minnesota


Tuesday, April 17, 2018 - 3:00pm



RH 340P

It is a classical topic dating back to Maclaurin (1698–1746) to study certain special points on smooth cubic plane curves, such as the 9 inflection points (Maclaurin and Hesse), the 27 sextatic points (Cayley), and the 72 points "of type 9" (Gattazzo). Motivated by these algebro-geometric constructions, we ask the following topological question: is it possible to choose n distinct points on a smooth cubic plane curve as the curve varies continuously in family, for any integer n other than 9, 27 and 72? We will present both constructions and obstructions to such continuous choices of points, state a classification theorem for them, and discuss conjectures and open questions.

Finitely generated sequences of linear subspace arrangements


Nir Gadish


University of Chicago


Monday, March 19, 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 340P

Hyperplane arrangements are a classical meeting point of topology, combinatorics and representation theory. Generalizing to arrangements of linear subspaces of arbitrary codimension, the theory becomes much more complicated. However, a crucial observation is that many natural sequences of arrangements seem to be defined using a finite amount of data.

In this talk I will describe a notion of 'finitely generation' for collections of arrangements, unifying the treatment of known examples. Such collections turn out to exhibit strong forms of stability, both in their combinatorics and in their cohomology representation. This structure makes the appearance of representation stability transparent and opens the door to generalizations

The stability of full dimensional KAM tori for nonlinear Schrödinger equation


Hongzi Cong


UCI and Dalian University of Technology (China)


Thursday, January 25, 2018 - 3:00pm




In this talk, we will show  that the full dimensional invariant tori obtained by Bourgain [J. Funct. Anal., 229 (2005), no. 1, 62–94] is stable in a very long time for 1D nonlinear Schrödinger equation with periodic boundary conditions.

Random Matrices with Structured or Unstructured Correlations


Todd Kemp




Tuesday, April 17, 2018 - 11:00pm to 11:50pm



306 RH

Random matrix theory began with the study, by Wigner in the 1950s, of high-dimensional matrices with i.i.d. entries (up to symmetry).  The empirical law of eigenvalues demonstrates two key phenomena: bulk universality (the limit empirical law of eigenvalues doesn't depend on the laws of the entries) and concentration (the convergence is robust and fast).


Several papers over the last decade (initiated by Bryc, Dembo, and Jiang in 2006) have studied certain special random matrix ensembles with structured correlations between some entries. The limit laws are different from the Wigner i.i.d. case, but each of these models still demonstrates bulk universality and concentration.


In this lecture, I will talk about very recent results of mine and my students on these general phenomena:


Bulk universality holds true whenever there are constant-width independent bands, regardless of the correlations within each band.  (Interestingly, the same is not true for independent rows or columns, where universality fails.)  I will show several examples of such correlated band matrices generalizing earlier known special cases, demonstrating how the empirical law of eigenvalues depends on the structure of the correlations.


At the same time, I will show that concentration is a more general phenomenon, depending not on the the structure of the correlations but only on the sizes of correlated partition blocks. Under  some regularity assumptions, we find that Gaussian concentration occurs in NxN ensembles so long as the correlated blocks have size smaller than N^2/log(N).

Flow by Gauss curvature to the Aleksandrov and dual Minkowski problems


Weimin Sheng


Zhejiang University


Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


RH 306

In this talk, I will introduce our recent work on Gauss curvature flow with Xu-Jia Wang and Qi-Rui Li.

In this work we study a contracting flow of closed, convex hypersurfaces in the Euclidean space $\R^{n+1}$ with the speed $f r^{\alpha} K$, where $K$ is the Gauss curvature, $r$ is the distance from the hypersurface to the origin, and $f$ is a positive and smooth function. We prove that if $\alpha\ge n+1$, the flow exists for all time and converges smoothly after normalization to a hypersurface, which is a sphere if $f\equiv 1$.  Our argument provides a new proof for the classical Aleksandrov problem  ($\alpha = n+1$) and resolves the dual q-Minkowski problem introduced by Huang, Lutwak, Yang and Zhang recently, for the case q<0 ($\alpha>n+1$). If $\alpha< n+1$, corresponding to the case q > 0, we also establish the same results for even function f and origin-symmetric initial condition, but for non-symmetric f, counterexample is given for the above smooth convergence.

Distribution of descents in matchings


Gene Kim




Tuesday, February 20, 2018 - 11:00am to 12:00pm



RH 306

The distribution of descents in certain conjugacy classes of S_n have been previously studied, and it is shown that its moments have interesting properties. This paper provides a bijective proof of the symmetry of the descents and major indices of matchings (also known as fixed point free involutions) and uses a generating function approach to prove an asymptotic normality theorem for the number of descents in matchings.


Spherical twists and projective twists in Fukaya categories


Weiwei Wu


University of Georgia


Monday, March 5, 2018 - 4:00pm


RH 340P

Seidel's Lagrangian Dehn twist exact sequence has been a
cornerstone of the theory of Fukaya categories.  In the last decade,
Huybrechts and Thomas discovered a new autoequivalence in the derived
cateogry of coherent sheaves using the so-called "projective objects", which
are presumably mirrors of Lagrangian projective spaces.   On the other hand,
Seidel's construction of Lagrangian Dehn twists as symplectomorphisms can be
easily generalized to Lagrangian projective spaces.  The induce
auto-equivalence on Fukaya categories are conjectured to be the mirror of
Huybrechts-Thomas's auto-equivalence on B-side.  

This remains open until recently, and I will explain my joint work with
Cheuk-Yu Mak on the solution to this conjecture using the technique of
Lagrangian cobordisms.  Moreover, we will explain a recent progress, again
joint with Cheuk-Yu Mak, on pushing this further to Lagrangian embeddings of
finite quotients of rank-one symmetric spaces, leading to another new class
of auto-equivalences, which are different from the classical spherical
twists only in coefficients of finite characteristics.


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