Concentration of Eigenfunctions: Sup-norms and Averages


Jeffrey Galkowski


Stanford University


Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 2:00pm



RH 340P

In this talk we relate concentration of Laplace eigenfunctions in position and momentum to sup-norms and submanifold averages. In particular, we present a unified picture for sup-norms and submanifold averages which characterizes the concentration of those eigenfunctions with maximal growth. We then exploit this characterization to derive geometric conditions under which maximal growth cannot occur. 

Arithmetic stability in p-adic towers of global function fields.


Daqing Wan


UC Irvine


Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


RH 306

Given a global function field K of characteristic p>0, the fundamental arithmetic invariants include the genus, the class number, the p-rank and more generally the slope sequence of the zeta function of K. In this expository lecture, we explore possible stability of these invariants in a p-adic Lie tower of K. Strong stability is expected when the tower comes from algebraic geometry, but this is already sufficiently interesting and difficult in the case of Zp towers.

From number theory to machine learning: hunting for smooth Boolean functions


Roman Vershynin




Tuesday, May 1, 2018 - 11:00am to 12:00pm


RH 306

The most fundamental kind of functions studied in computer science are Boolean functions. They take n bits as an input and return one bit as an output. Most Boolean functions oscillate a lot, which is analogous to the fact that "most" continuous functions on R are nowhere differentiable. If we want to generate a "smooth" Boolean function, we can take the sign of some polynomial of low degree in n variables. Such functions are called polynomial threshold functions, and they are widely used in machine learning as classification devices. Surprisingly, we do not know how many polynomial threshold functions there are with a given degree! Even an approximate answer to this question has been known only for polynomials of degree 1, i.e. for linear functions. In a very recent joint work with Pierre Baldi, we found a way to approximately count polynomial threshold functions of any fixed degree. This solves a problem of M. Saks that goes back to 1993 and earlier. Our argument draws ideas from analytical number theory, additive combinatorics, enumerative combinatorics, probability and discrete geometry. I will describe some of these connections, focusing particularly on a beautiful interplay of zeta and Mobius funcitons in number theory, hyperplane arrangements in enumerative combinatorics and random tensors in probability theory.

Professor Svetlana Jitomirskaya Named Fellow by American Academy of Arts & Sciences

Congratulations to Professor Svetlana Jitomirskaya! She has been named a fellow by the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, one of the nation's oldest and most prestigious honorary societies. Professor Jitomirskaya works in the interplay between Mathematical Physics and Dynamical Systems. She is considered the leading expert on the spectral theory of Schrodinger operators with quasiperiodic potentials, and has published major results concerning the almost Mathieu operator, introduced by Peierls to describe Bloch electrons in a magnetic field.

Arcs in Projective Space and the MDS Conjecture


Nathan Kaplan




Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm


RH 440R

An n-arc in the k-dimensional projective space over a finite field F_q is a collection of n points with no k+1 in a hyperplane.  What is the largest size of an n-arc?  The MDS Conjecture proposes an answer to this question for all k and q.

For k = 2 this question asks for the maximum number of points in the projective plane over F_q with no 3 on a line.  Segre's Theorem tells us that the largest size of an arc is q+1 when q is odd and q+2 when q in even.  Moreover, it classifies these maximal arcs when q is odd, stating that every such arc is the set of rational points of a smooth conic.

We will give an overview of problems about arcs in the plane and in higher dimensional projective spaces.  Our goal will be to use algebraic techniques to try to understand these extremal combinatorial configurations.  We will see interesting examples of algebraic varieties in positive characteristic and see connections to the theory of error-correcting codes.


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