The super tree property at the successor of a singular cardinal


Sherwood Hachtman


University of Illinois at Chicago


Monday, May 21, 2018 - 4:00pm



440R RH

Tree properties are a family of combinatorial principles that characterize large cardinal properties for inaccessibles, but can consistently hold for "small" (successor) cardinals such as $\aleph_2$.  It is a classic theorem of Magidor and Shelah that if $\kappa$ is the singular limit of supercompact cardinals, then $\kappa^+$ has the tree property.  Neeman showed how to force $\kappa^+$ to become $\aleph_{\omega+1}$ while maintaining the tree property.  Fontanella generalized these results to the strong tree property.

We show (in ZFC) that if $\kappa$ is a singular limit of supercompact cardinals, then $\kappa^+$ has the super tree property (this jump from "strong" to "super" is analogous to the jump in strength from strongly to supercompact cardinals).  We remark on how to get the super tree property at $\aleph_{\omega+1}$, and on some interesting consequences for the existence of guessing models at successors of singulars.  This is joint work with Dima Sinapova.

Predict the Ligand-Receptor Binding/Unbinding Kinetics with the Variational Implicit-Solvent Model and the String Method


Bo Li




Monday, November 5, 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm




The ligand-receptor binding/unbinding is a complex biophysical process in which water plays a critical role. To understand the fundamental mechanisms of such a process, we have developed a new and efficient approach that combines our level-set variational implicit-solvent model with the string method for transition paths, and have studied the pathways of dry-wet transition in a model ligand-receptor system. We carry out Brownian dynamics simulations as well as Fokker-Planck equation modeling with our efficiently calculated potentials of mean force to capture the effect of solvent fluctuations to the binding and unbinding processes. Without the description of individual water molecules, we have been able to predict the binding and unbinding kinetics quantitatively in comparison with the explicit-water molecular dynamics simulations. Our work indicates that the binding/unbinding can be controlled by a few key parameters, and provides a tool of efficiently predicting molecular recognition with application in drug design.

Spectral gap and definability-Part II


Isaac Goldbring




Monday, June 4, 2018 - 4:00pm


440R RH

In this continuation of my talk from last week, I will introduce the notion of a spectral gap subalgebra of a tracial von Neumann algebra and show how it connects to the definability of relative commutants.  I will also mention some applications of these results.  I will introduce all notions needed from the theory of von Neumann algebras.

Training Neural Networks


Zhiqin Lu


UC Irvine


Friday, May 11, 2018 - 4:00pm


MSTB 120

In this talk, we shall give a mathematical setting of the Random Backpropogation  (RBP) method in unsupervised machine learning. When there is no hidden layer in the neural network, the method degenerates to the usual least square method. When there are multiple hidden layers, we can formulate the learning procedure as a system of nonlinear ODEs. We proved the short time, long time existences as well as the convergence of the system of nonlinear ODEs when there is only one hidden layer. This is joint work with Pierre Baldi in Neural Networks 33 (2012) 136-147, and with Pierre Baldi, Peter Sadowski in Neural Networks 95 (2017) 110-133 and in Artificial Intelligence 260 (2018), 1-35.

On the Qualitative Approach in Inverse Scattering for the Time Dependent Wave Equation


Fioralba Cakoni


Rutgers University


Monday, March 4, 2019 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

A recent trend in inverse scattering theory has focused on the development of a qualitative approach, which yield fast reconstructions with very little of a priori information  but at the expense of obtaining only limited information of the scatterer such as the  support, and estimates on the values of the constitutive parameters. Examples of such an approach are the linear sampling and factorization methods. These two methods are very well developed  in the time harmonic regime,  more generally for the underlying elliptic PDEs models, however for hyperbolic problems only limited results are available. In inverse scattering, the use  of  time domain  measurements  is  a remedy  for  large  amount  of  spatial  data  typically  needed  for the  application  of  qualitative  approach.

In this presentation we will discuss recent progress  in the development of linear sampling and factorization methods in the time domain.  Fist we consider the linear sampling method for solving inverse scattering problem for inhomogeneous media.  A   fundamental   tool   for  the justification of this method  is  the  solvability  of  the time  domain   interior   transmission   problem that relies on understanding the location on the complex plane of transmission eigenvalues. We present some latest results in this regard. The second problem addresses  the lack of mathematical rigorousness of the linear sampling method. In this context we discuss the factorization method to obtain explicit characterization of a (possibly non-convex) Dirichlet  scattering object from measurements of time-dependent causal scattered waves in the far field regime. In particular, we prove that far fields of  solutions to the wave equation due to particularly  modified  incident waves, characterize the obstacle  by a range criterion involving the square root of the time derivative  of the corresponding  far field operator. Our analysis  makes essential use of a coercivity property of the solution of the Dirichlet initial boundary value problem for the wave equation in the Laplace domain that forces us to consider this  particular modification of the far field operator. The latter in fact, can be chosen arbitrarily close to the true far field operator given in terms of physical measurements. Finally we discuss some related open questions. 


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