Dvoretsky Theorem and concentration of measure


Timur Oikhberg




Tuesday, April 12, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 256

A classical theory of Dvoretsky states that every
infinite dimensional Banach space contains subspaces of arbitrarily large finite dimension,
which are arbitrarily close to a Hilbert space (in terms of the Banach-Mazur distance). V.Milman's proof of this result, based on the "concentration of measure" phenomenon, will be presented.



Professor Cristian Popescu




Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - 3:00pm


MSTB 256

We discuss a refinement of the Rubin-Stark Conjecture for abelian L-functions of arbitrary order of vanishing at s=0. This generalizes Gross's v-adic refinement of the abelian, order of vanishing 1, integral Stark Conjecture and predicts a link between special values of derivatives of p-adic and global L-functions. Time permitting, we will also show how our refinement relates to a recent strengthening of Gross's Conjecture due to Tate.

Localization of the phases in one-dimensional Kac model with random field


Maria Eulalia Vares


CBPF, Rio de Laneiro


Thursday, February 10, 2005 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

The talk is based on a joint work with M. Cassandro, E. Orlandi and P. Picco in which we study the typical profiles of a one dimensional random field Kac model, for values of the temperature and magnitude of the field in the region of two absolute minima for the free energy of the corresponding random field Curie Weiss model. We show that, for a set of realizations of the random field of overwhelming probability, the localization of the two phases corresponding to the previous minima is completely determined. Namely, we are able to construct random intervals tagged with a sign, where typically, with respect to the infinite volume Gibbs measure, the profile is rigid and takes, according to the sign, one of the two values corresponding to the previous minima. We also characterize the transition from one phase to the other.

Shape theorem for spread of an infection in moving random environment


Vladas Sidoravicius


IMPA, Rio de Janeiro


Thursday, February 10, 2005 - 11:00am


MSTB 254

We study the following model for the spread of a rumor or infection: There is a ``gas'' of so-called $A$-particles, each of which performs a continuous time simple random walk on $\Bbb Z^d$, with jumprate $D_A$. We assume that ``just before the start'' the number of $A$-particles at $x$, $N_A(x,0-)$, has a mean $\mu_A$ Poisson distribution and that the $N_A(x,0-), \, x \in \Bbb Z^d$, are independent.
In addition, there are $B$-particles which perform continuous time simple random walks with jumprate $D_B$. We start with a finite number of $B$-particles in the system at time 0. The positions of these initial $B$-particles are arbitrary, but they are non-random. The $B$-particles move independently of each other. The only interaction is that when a $B$-particle and an $A$-particle coincide, the latter instantaneously turns into a $B$-particle. \cite {KSb} gave some basic estimates for
the growth of the set $\wt B(t):= \{x \in \Bbb Z^d:$ a $B$-particle visits $x$ during $[0,t]$\}. In this article we show that if $D_A=D_B$, then $B(t) = \wt B(t) + [-\frac 12, \frac 12]^d$ grows linearly in time with an asymptotic shape, i.e., there
exists a non-random set $B_0$ such that $(1/t)B(t) \to B_0$, in a sensewhich will be made precise. Joint work with H. Kesten.

Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensate


Horng-Tzer Yau


Stanford University


Thursday, April 28, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Gross and Pitaevskii proposed to model the dynamics of the Bose-Einstein
condensate by a nonlinear Schrdinger equation, the Gross-Pitaevskii
equation. This equation plays a key role in the theory and experiments of
the Bose-Einstein condensation. The fundamental mathematical question is
to derive this equation from the first principle physics law, the
many-body Schrdinger equation. In the time-independent setting, this
problem was solved by Lieb-Seiringer-Yngvason. In this lecture, we shall
review the recent progress concerning the dynamical aspects of this
problem and the analytic methods developed for quantum dynamics of
many-body systems.

Calculus on Curved Spaces


Professor Zhiqin Lu


University of California, Irvine


Friday, February 18, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 122

In Calculus and PDE, people study rather complicated functions, equations on
relatively simple spaces (real line or n-dim Euclidean spaces). On the other hand,
in topology, people study complicated spaces with relatively simple function theory
on them. We are going to introduce a kind of calculus that takes the underlying
topological space into account. Thus we can see how topology interacts with calculus
naturally. The kind of new Calculus is called differential geometry. From this point
of view, Calculus and topology are finally unitfied into differential geometry.

A capture problem and an eigenvalue estimate


Professor Andrejs Treibergs


University of Utah


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Consider the problem of n predators X_1,...,X_n chasing a single prey X_0, all independent standard Brownian motions on the real line. If the prey starts to the right of the predators, X_k(0) < X_0(0) for all k=1,...,n, then the first capture time is
T_n = inf{ t > 0 : X_0(t) = X_k(t) for some k }. Equivalently, this is the first exit time for a Brownian motion that starts at an interior point of the corresponding cone in R^(n+1). Bramson and Griffeath (1991) showed that the expected capture time
E(T_n) = ? for n = 1, 2, 3 and, based on simulation, conjectured that E(T_n) < ? for n > 4. This conjecture was proved by W. V. Li and Q. M. Shao (2001) for n > 4 using a result of de Blassie (1987), that the finiteness of expectation is equivalent to a specific lower bound of the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of the domain which is the intersection of cone with the unit n-dimensional sphere at the origin.
I will discuss my joint work with J. Ratzkin, in which we prove the conjecture for n = 4 by establishing the eigenvalue estimate.


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