String Theory and Algebraic Topology


Professor Ralph Cohen


Stanford University


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

In this lecture I will give an overview of string topology. This is a theory that studies the
differential and algebraic topology of spaces of paths and loops in manifolds. I will describe the
algebraic topological structure of this theory, as well as its motivation from physics.
I will then discuss some applications.

Algebrizations and quasi-multipliers of an operator space


Masayoshi Kaneda




Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

One of the most interesting questions in the operator space
theory was ``What are the possible operator algebra products a given
operator space can be equipped with?''. In my Ph.D. thesis, I answered
this question using quasi-multipliers and the Haagerup tensor product.
Quasi-multipliers of operator spaces were defined by Paulsen in late
2002 as natural variations of one-sided multipliers of operator spaces
which had been introduced by Blecher around 1999. However, the
significant relation between quasi-multipliers and operator algebra
products was discovered and proved by myself in early 2003. Since many
people seem to be interested in this topic, in my talk I present this
theorem as well as more recent results in a self-contained manner from
basic definitions with examples. So mathematicians in any fields
(especially, pure algebra) and graduate students are welcomed to attend.

From Random Matrices to Stochastic Processes, via Integrable Theory


Professor Pierre van Moerbeke


Brandeis University and UC Berkeley Miller Institute


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

In a celebrated paper, Dyson shows that the spectrum of a random Hermitian matrix, diffusing according to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, evolves as non-colliding Brownian motions held together by a drift term. The universal edge, bulk and gap scalings for Hermitian random matrices, applied to the Dyson process, lead to novel stochastic processes, Markovian and non-Markovian; among them, the Airy, Sine and Pearcey processes. The integrable theory around the KdV and KP equations provides useful information on these new processes.

The Four-Denominator lemma and its application to the random Schrodinger evolution


Professor Lazlo Erdoes


University Munich, visiting Harvard


Thursday, January 26, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

We study the extended states regime of the discrete Anderson model. The perturbative approach requires precise estimates on the free propagator,
$(a- e(p)+i\eta)^{-1}$,$\eta>0$, $\alpha\in \bR$,
where $e(p)= \sum_{i=1}^3 [1- \cos (p_i)]$, $p=(p_1, p_2, p_3)$,
is the dispersion relation of the three dimensional cubic lattice. The level surfaces of the function $e(p)$ have vanishing curvature. We will present new bounds on the Fourier transform of such surfaces. This will yield estimates on the probability that
a quantum particle travelling in a weak random environment
recollides with obstacles visited earlier.

The Ubiquity of Fluid Instability


Susan Friedlander


U. of Illionis at Chicago


Thursday, January 26, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The unstable nature of fluid motion is a classical problem whose
mathematical roots go back to the 19th Century. It has important applications
to many aspects of our life from such disparate issues as predicting the
weather to regulating blood flow. Instabilities might lead to turbulence or
to new nonlinear flows which themselves might become unstable. We will
discuss some of the mathematical techniques which can be used to gain
insight into fluid instabilities. These tools include nonlinear PDE,
spectral theory and dynamical systems.

Digital biology: data-mining with a physical chemistry lens


Ridgway Scott


Departments of Computer Sci. and Math. , U. of Chicago


Thursday, February 9, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The digital nature of biology is crucial to its functioning
as an information system. The hierarchical development of
biological components (translating DNA to proteins which form
complexes in cells that aggregate to make tissue which form
organs in different species) is discrete (or quantized) at
each step. It is important to understand what makes proteins
bind to other proteins predictably and not in a continuous
distribution of places, the way grease forms into blobs.

Data mining is a major technique in bioinformatics. It has been
used on both genomic and proteomic data bases with significant
success. One key issue in data mining is the type of lens that
is used to examine the data. At the simplest level, one can just
view the data as sequences of letters in some alphabet. However,
it is also possible to view the data in a more sophisticated
way using concepts and tools from physical chemistry. We will
give illustrations of the latter and also show how data mining
(in the PDB) has been used to derive new results in physical
chemistry. Thus there is a useful two-way interaction between
data mining and physical chemistry.

We will give a detailed description of how data mining in the
PDB can give clues to how proteins interact. This work makes
precise the notion of hydrophobic interaction in certain cases.
It provides an understanding of how molecular recognition and
signaling can evolve. This work also introduces a new model of
electrostatics for protein-solvent systems that presents
significant computational challenges.


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