Reaction and Diffusion in the Presence of Fluid Flow


Andrej Zlatos


Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison


Monday, January 9, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

In this talk I will review some recent developments in the area of reaction-diffusion-advection equations. I will concentrate on the phenomenon of quenching (extinction) of flames by a strong flow. These questions naturally lead to the related problem of estimating the relaxation speed for the solution of a corresponding passive scalar equation, which will also be discussed.

Discrete Eigenvalues and Embedded Singular Spectra


David Damanik




Wednesday, January 11, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We discuss a recently discovered connection between the discrete spectrum and the essential spectrum of Schr"odinger operators in one or two space dimensions. The situation is particularly interesting on the half-line since new phenomena occur in this case due to boundary effects. For example, we show that the existence of singular spectrum embedded in the essential spectrum implies that the discrete spectrum is infinite. The proof starts out by relating the problem at hand to the theory of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle via the Szeg"o and Geronimus transformation. This transformation yields estimates on the potential, which can then be fed into an analysis of the non-linear Fourier transform arising in the Pr"ufer reformulation of the time-independent Schr"odinger equation.

Analysis of some interface and free boundary problems in continuum mechanics.


Daniel Coutland


UC Davis


Thursday, January 12, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The main focus of my talk shall be on the well-posedness for the interface problem between a viscous fluid and an elastic solid. This is a two-phases problem, where each phase satisfies its own natural equation of evolution, and where the interaction between the two phases comes from the natural continuity of velocity field and normal stress across the unknown moving
interface. The methods known in fluid moving boundary problems (viscous or inviscid) cannot handle the apparent incompatibility between the regularity of the two phases, which has led previous authors to consider the case where the solid satisfies a simplified law where the difficulties are not present. I shall present the new methods that where required in order to allow the treatment of classical elasticity laws in this moving
interface problem.

I shall then briefly explain how some of these ideas and some new tools preserving the transport structure of the Euler equations can provide the well-posedness for the free surface Euler equations with (or without) surface tension, without any restriction on the curl of the initial velocity.

Stability of ideal plane flows


Zhiwu Lin


Courant Institute of New York University


Friday, January 13, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Ideal plane flows are incompressible inviscid two dimensional fluids, described mathematically by the Euler equations. Infinitely many steady states exist. The stability of these steady states is a very classical problem initiated by Rayleigh in 1880. It is also physically very important since instability is believed to cause the onset of turbulence of a fluid. Nevertheless, progress in its understanding has been very slow. I will discuss several concepts of stability and some linear stability and instability criteria. In some cases nonlinear stability and instability can be showed to follow from linear results. I will also describe some methods and techniques developed recently for stability problems, one of which is to use the geometrical properties of the dynamical system for the particle trajectories.

A weak L1 bound for resolvents and the analysis of waves in random media.


Jeffrey Shenker


Institute for Advanced Study


Thursday, January 12, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

The celebrated weak L1 bound on the Hilbert transform of an L1 function provides a useful tool in the analysis of wave propagation in random media. In this talk, the application of this bound to control singularities due to rare configurations of local disorder will be discussed along with the associated "moment method" to derive Anderson localization for random Schroedinger operators.

Classical ensembles of random matrices: Gaussian, Wishart, MANOVA. From the threefold way to a \beta future


Ioana Dimitriu


UC Berkeley


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

In classical probability, the Gaussian, Chi-square, and Beta are three of the most studied distributions, with wide applicability. In the last century, matrix equivalents to these three distributions have emerged from nuclear physics (Gaussian ensembles) and multivariate statistics (Wishart and MANOVA ensembles). Their eigenvalue statistics have been studied in depth for three values of a parameter (\beta = 1,2,4) which defines the "threefold way" and can be thought of as a counting tool for their real, complex, or quaternion entries.

The re-examination of the Selberg integral formula, in the late '80s, has brought the advent of general \beta-ensembles, which subsume the classical cases, and for which the Boltzmann parameter \beta acts as an inverse temperature. Their eigenvalue statistics interpolate between the isolated instances 1,2, and 4, offering a "behind the scenes" perspective.

With the discovery of matrix models for the general \beta-ensembles in the early 00's, we have entered a new stage in the understanding of the complex phenomena that lie beneath the threefold way. While the \beta = 1,2,4 cases are and will always be special, we believe that the future of the classical ensembles is written in terms of a continuous \beta>0 parameter.

Knoted Solitons in the Faddeev and Skyrme Models


Fanghua Lin


Courant Institute of New York University


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Here we give a brief survey on recent mathematical works concerning the Faddeev and Skyrme models.One of the most facinating phenomena descibed by these models are the knoted topological soliton solutions which are fundamentally different from many other well-known feild theory models such as instantons and monopoles in the Yang-Mills or the general gauge field theory,bubbles in the nonlinear sigma models or ferromagnetisms and vortices in superconductors and superfluids.In this lecture we shall illustrate some key features of these models that lead to the exisitence of stable knoted solitons and to discuss some possible implications in other problems.

Conserved Quantities and Analysis on Multiscale Problems


Fanghua Lin


Courant Institute of New York University


Monday, January 9, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

The importance of the conserved quantities were well recoganized in the physical sciences. In this lecture, through several examples, we shall illustrate the fundamental roles played by such conserved quatities in the multiscale analysis. One therefore has to put such quatities into serious considerations also in both modelings and computations.

Diffusional Phase Transformations in Self-Stressed Solid Films


Prof. Perry Leo


University of Minnesota, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Diffusional phase transformations in stressed solid films are
simulated by using an analytical solution for the elastic fields
together with a numerical solution for the composition evolution.
Isotropic and anisotropic (cubic) films are considered, where the film
is either free-standing or attached to a substrate. Stresses in the
film arise owing to both compositional self-stress and, in the
film-substrate case, misfit between the film and substrate. Stresses
are found by using analytical elastic solutions we developed for both
the two- and three-dimensional cases. Numerical simulations in both
two- and three-dimensions are performed using a Cahn-Hilliard model
for the composition evolution. Results show that elastic strength,
epitaxial misfit, elastic anisotropy, external mechanical loading and
film-substrate geometry affect both the kinetics of evolution and the
long-time metastable configurations of the evolution. In particular,
we observe phenomena such as forming of columnar structure, switching
of layers, and phase alignment in preferred directions.

TOPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF 3-D NETWORKS: Relation to the Kelvin Problem


Dr M. Glicksman


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Monday, February 13, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Network structures, such as polycrystals, foams, and biological tissues consist of space-filling polyhedral grains, bubbles, or cells, respectively. The irregularity of such physical polyhedra derives from the fact that their faces consist of mixed shapes, their edges are of varying length, and the positions of their vertices are arranged non-symmetrically. The geometric complexity of irregular polyhedra forming 3-d networks makes their analysis difficult. To help circumvent this difficulty, average N-hedra (ANHs) are proposed as a set of regular polyhedra consisting of N identical faces. ANHsonly a few of which are constructibleact as abstract proxies for each corresponding topological class of irregular network polyhedra with the same number of faces. This study provides a comparison of the intrinsic areas and volumes of ANHs with data estimated numerically using Brakkes Surface Evolver simulations for a range of constructible polyhedral cells. Evolver data show that for every topological class, ANHs always provide a sharp upper bound for the isoperimetric quotient, which is a measure of the inverse energy cost of the cell. Of special interest also is demonstrating that the critical ANH, which has both zero mean and Gaussian curvature, satisfies Kusners bound for the average number of faces in a minimally partitioned network. In Euclidean 3-space the requisite number of faces is satisfied exactly by the critical ANH. The critical ANH, therefore, statistically represents the abstract unit cell that solves the so-called Kelvin Problem for a space-filling 3-d network exhibiting the minimum partition energy or surface area. This limit remains of particular interest in the case of annealed polycrystals and dry foams, as it establishes the lower bound of the energy cost of cellular random structures with a given metric gauge.


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