
Professor Arnold Goodman


UCI Center for Statistical Consulting


Monday, June 5, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

SCIENCES VIEW OF BIOLOGYS FRONTIERS: The Editorial Board of Science celebrated Sciences 125th Anniversary by posing 125 critical questions on What Dont We Know?. Those 125 described crucial gaps in knowledge that we have a chance of filling, or knowing how, in the next 25 years. Complex Systems Models for Cell Cycles of Life and Existence of Uncertainty beyond our knowledge provide tools for advancing 3 of the 4 biology questions: What Determines Species Diversity? Why Do Humans Have So Few Genes? How Will Big Pictures Emerge from a Sea of Biological Data?

OUR SYSTEMS MODELS: Our Systems Models for Protein Cycle of Life and (Draft) Natures Dance of Life are revolutionary in form and comprehensive yet comprehendible, and probably the first such models. General form of Protein Model has five Stages, with each having inputs, outputs and interactions: Cellular Needs Specification + Cellular Needs Definition, Cellular Needs Transmission + Chromatin Remodeling, Transcription + Splicing & Processing, Translation + Secondary Structuring, and Tertiary Structuring + Feedback Regulation. Protein Cycle, Cell Cycle, Organism Cycle and Evolution in the Environment are partners in Natures Dance of Life, while also playing Uncertain Game against Nature to either repeat the Determined Part or spread more Uncertain Diversity.

TO BE AND NOT TO BE: A Cycles Complexity increases as its number of Process Stages or Repetitions do, and creates more Diversity about Determinism. Determinisms Certainty needs a bridge to Cell Behavior, and Uncertainty is the keystone of that bridge:
Cellular Behavior = Determined Part + Determinable Part + An Uncertain Diversity.
As the number of Stages and Repetitions increases, Determined becomes less likely (as a product of Stage and Repetition probabilities), while Diversity becomes more likely (as a sum of Stage and Repetition probabilities) and has increasing Variance. If our question to Nature is To be or not to be, then Natures answer to us is To be and not to be.

UNCERTAINTY BEYOND KNOWLEDGE: Uncertainty is due to complexity of all Cell Cycles, and is generated by cascading effects of intricate processes compounded with interactions. This produces order so complex that it lies beyond our abilities to grasp, which is closely related to chaos theory and its mathematics. An awareness of Uncertainty is increasing in the world, as there was an Uncertainty Session at 2005 World Academy of Arts and Sciences Congress in Zagreb. Is it not as plausible to believe in an Uncertain world with growing areas of known Certainty, as it is to believe in a Certain world with shrinking areas of unknowable and inherent Uncertainty? Democritus said it first and best: Everything existing in the universe is the fruit of chance and necessity.

Relative stability and modified $K$-energy on toric manifolds


Prof. Xiaohua Zhu


Peking University and Wisconsin


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

In this talk, I will discuss the relative $K$-stability and modified $K$-energy associated to the Calabi's extremal metrics on toric manifolds. I will show a sufficient condition in the sense of polyhedrons associated to toric manifolds for both relative $K$-stability and modified $K$-energy. In particular, our result holds for toric Fano manifolds with vanishing Futaki invariant. We also verify our result on toric Fano surfaces.

Nonlocal evolution equations arising in the biological and physical sciences


Prof. Peter Bates


Michigan State University


Friday, April 14, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

I will talk about various lattice dynamical systems with long range interaction and related integro-differential evolution equations.
These arise in the modeling of phase transitions for a binary material, as models for the dispersal of organisms and from activity in families of neurons. Included here
are nonlocal analogs of the wave equation, Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard equations.

Basic Properties of the Current-Current Correlation Measure for Random Schrodinger Operators


Olivier Lenoble




Thursday, March 2, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

The current-current correlation function plays a crucial role in the
Mott theory of conductivity for disordered systems. We prove a Pastur-Shubin-type formula for the current-current correlation function 02expressing it as a thermodynamic limit. We prove that the limit is
independent of the self-adjoint boundary conditions and independent of a
large family of expanding regions. We relate this ^nite-volume de^nition
to the de^nition obtained by using the in^nite-volume operators and the
trace-per-unit volume.

Lefschetz fibrations, open books, symplectic and contact structures


R. Inanc Baykur


Michigan State University


Thursday, March 2, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 256

This is a preparatory lecture for the series of talks that will be given the following week. We will give definitions and examples of Lefschetz fibrations, open book decompositions, symplectic and contact structures on 3- and 4-manifolds, respectively. Several main results regarding these concepts, as well as some associated concepts like convexity will be discussed briefly. Special emphasis will be given to demonstrate the interplay between all these structures, and Stein manifolds will be discussed as a motivating example.

Folded K\"ahler structures and folded Lefschetz Fibrations


R. Inanc Baykur


Michigan State University


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 - 2:00pm


SSPA 1165

One possible strategy for understanding oriented smooth 4-manifolds is to break them up into more tractable classes of manifolds in a controlled manner. Situated in the intersection of complex, symplectic and Riemannian geometries, K\"ahler manifolds are the best known candidates to be pieces of such a decomposition. We have shown that this can be achieved for any closed oriented smooth 4-manifold X. To be precise, we can decompose X into two compact K\"ahler manifolds with strictly pseudoconvex boundaries, up to orientation, such that contact structures on the common boundary induced by the maximal complex distributions are isotopic. The decomposition gives rise to a folded K\"ahler structure on X, a globally defined 2-form, which is a particular generalization of a symplectic form. Moreover, folded Lefschetz fibrations, a certain analogue of Lefschetz fibrations, are shown to be the geometric counterpart of these structures. In this talk we would like to outline these existence results in the direction of generalizing the study of symplectic structures and Lefschetz fibrations on smooth 4-manifolds. Detailed proofs and examples can be found in the preprint at arXiv: “K\"ahler decomposition of 4-manifolds”, math.GT/0601396.

Near symplectic structures and Singular Lefschetz Fibrations


R. Inanc Baykur


Michigan State University


Thursday, March 9, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 256

It is known that every smooth oriented closed 4-manifold with b+> 0 admits a near-symplectic structure, i.e a closed 2-form which vanishes in a particular way along a link and is non-degenerate on the complement. Motivated by Taubes’ programme of constructing smooth invariants via pseudo-holomorphiccurve counting in near-symplectic 4-manifolds, this subject recently became a big deal of interest among 4-manifold topologists. D. Gay and R. Kirby gave an explicit construction of these manifolds by using symplectic and contact surgery techniques, and D. Auroux, S. Donaldson and L. Katzarkov showed that these forms are supported by singular Lefschetz fibrations. This talk is a survey of these constructions, and certain follow-up ideas.


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