Phase coexistence of gradient Gibbs measures


Professor Marek Biskup




Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 11:00pm


MSTB 254

A gradient Gibbs measure is the projection to the gradient variables $\eta_b=\phi_y-\phi_x$
of the Gibbs measure of the form
P(\textd\phi)=Z^{-1}\exp\Bigl\{-\beta\sum_{\langle x,y\rangle}V(\phi_y-\phi_x)\Bigr\}\textd\phi,
where $V$ is a potential, $\beta$ is the inverse temperature and $\textd\phi$ is the product
Lebesgue measure. The simplest example is the (lattice) Gaussian free field
$V(\eta)=\frac12\kappa\eta^2$. A well known result of Funaki and Spohn (and Sheffield)
asserts that, for any uniformly-convex $V$, the possible infinite-volume measures of this type are
characterized by the \emph{tilt}, which is a vector $u\in\R^d$ such that
$E(\eta_b)=u\cdot b$ for any (oriented) edge $b$. I will discuss a simple example
for which this result fails once $V$ is sufficiently non-convex thus showing that
the conditions of Funaki-Spohn's theory are generally optimal. The underlying
mechanism is an order-disorder phase transition known, e.g., from the context
of the $q$-state Potts model with sufficiently large $q$. Based on joint work
with Roman Koteck\'y.

Estimation and Prediction with HIV Treatment Interruption Data


H. Thomas Banks


Center for Research in Scientific Computation, N.C. State University


Thursday, February 16, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We consider longitudinal clinical data for HIV patients undergoing treatment interrupt
ions. We use a nonlinear dynamical mathematical model in attempts to fit individual pa
tient data. A statistically-based censored data method is combined with inverse proble
m techniques to estimate dynamic parameters. The predictive capabilities of this appro
ach are demonstrated by comparing simulations based on estimation of parameters using
only half of the longitudinal observations to the full longitudinal data sets.

The loop-erased random walk and the uniform spanning tree on the four-dimensional discrete torus.


Professor Jason Schweinsberg




Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 11:00pm


MSTB 254

Let x and y be points chosen uniformly at random
from the four-dimensional discrete torus with side length n.
We show that the length of the loop-erased random walk from
x to y is of order n^2 (log n)^{1/6}, resolving a conjecture
of Benjamini and Kozma. We also show that the scaling limit
of the uniform spanning tree on the four-dimensional discrete
torus is the Brownian continuum random tree of Aldous. Our
proofs use the techniques developed by Peres and Revelle,
who studied the scaling limits of the uniform spanning tree
on a large class of finite graphs that includes the
d-dimensional discrete torus for d >= 5, in combination with
results of Lawler concerning intersections of
four-dimensional random walks.

New Periodic Orbit of the Classical N-Body Problem


Professor Michael Nauenberg




Thursday, April 13, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 124

Since the discovery in 1993 of the figure-8 orbit by Cris Moore, a large number of periodic orbits for equal n masses have been found having beautiful symmetries and topologies. Most of these orbits are either planar or have been obtained from perturbation of planar orbits.

Recently Moore and I have found also a number of new three-dimensional periodic orbits of this kind which have cubic symmetries. We found these orbits by symmetry considerations, and by minimizing numerically the action integral directly as a function of the Fourier coefficients for the periodic orbit coordinates. I will review some of the early history of periodic orbits, discuss our method, and present video animations of recent results.

Bumpy metrics for minimal surfaces


Professor Doug Moore




Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

This talk will develop part of the foundation needed to develop a partial Morse theory for conformal harmonic maps from a Riemann surface into a Riemannian manifold. Such maps are also called parametrized minimal surfaces. A partial Morse theory for such objects should parallel the well-known Morse theory of smooth closed geodesics.

The first step needed is a bumpy metric theorem which states that when a Riemannian manifold has a generic metric, all prime minimal surfaces are free of branch points and lie on nondegenerate critical submanifolds. (A parametrized minimal surface is prime if it does not cover a parametrized minimal surface of lower energy.)

We will present such a theorem and describe some applications.

Recent 'Geometric (Analyst's) Traveling Salesman' Theorems


Professor Raanan Schul




Tuesday, March 7, 2006 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

Given a set $K$ in a metric space $M$ one may ask when is $K$ contained in
$\Gamma$, a connected set of finite 1-dimensional Hausdorff length, and
for estimates on the minimal length of such a $\Gamma$ (up to
multiplicative constants). This was first answered for $M$ = the
Euclidean plane by P. Jones and extended to $M=R^d$ by K. Okikiolu.
Recently, there have been several new relevant results (by several people)
for $M$ being: a Hilbert space, the Heisenberg group, and a general metric
space. for some of these one restricts the discussion to $K$ and $\Gamma$
in specific categories. In some of these categories which we will discuss
the anwswer is in IFF form, whereas in others it is not. The answer to
this question usually comes together with a multiresolutional analysis of
the set $K$ and a construciton of a $\Gamma$ containing $K$ which is not
'too long'. Essentially no prior knowledge in analysis is needed to
understand this talk.


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