Design and Application of Optimal Algorithms for Systems of Partial Differential Equations


Jinchao Xu


Penn State


Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

A number of recent results, including special discretization schemes,
adaptive methods and multilevel iterative methods for the resulting
algebraic systems, will be presented in this talk for various partial
differential equations (PDE). With a careful and combined use of
qualitative properties of PDEs, the underlying functional spaces and their
discretizations, many different kinds of equations will be treated with
the same or similar techniques. After an introduction to some practically
efficient methods such as the algebraic multigrid method for the Poisson
equations, it will be shown how more complicated systems such as linear
elasticity equations, electro-magnetic equations, porous media, Stokes
equations and more general newtoninan-nonnewtonian models can be reduced
to the solution of a sequence of Poisson equation and its simple variants.
The efficiency of these algorithms will be illustrated by theoretical
analysis, numerical examples and engineering applications.

Phase-field simulation of the partial coalescence cascade between a drop and an interface


Pengtao Yue


University of British Columbia


Thursday, January 4, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The phase-field method, also known as the diffuse interface method, has gained popularity in simulating interfacial flows. The interface between two immiscible fluids is treated as a diffuse layer governed by a phase-field variable that obeys the Cahn-Hilliard equation. In my talk, I will first describe two recent contributions to this class of methods: a generalization of the theoretical framework to account for complex rheology of non-Newtonian fluids, and a finite-element implementation with adaptive meshing for highly accurate interfacial resolution. These have allowed us to simulate interfacial dynamics of complex fluids with a refined understanding of the microscopic physics. Then I will discuss numerical simulations of the unique partial coalescence process. This refers to the phenomenon that a drop falling onto a fluid-fluid interface does not merge with it completely but leaves a smaller daughter drop behind, thus forming a cascade of partial coalescence. With a wide range of length scales, this phenomenon highlights the advantages and limitations of the numerical method. The numerical results show qualitative and sometime quantitative agreement with experiments. Furthermore, we develop general criteria for the occurrence of partial coalescence, which are very difficult to explore experimentally.

The Geometry of Grassmannians and Flag varieties


Izzet Coskun




Thursday, January 4, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

A Littlewood-Richardson rule is a positive rule for computing the structure constants of the cohomology ring of flag varieties with respect to their Schubert basis. In recent years new geometric Littlewood-Richardson rules have led to the solution of many important problems, including Klyachko, Knutson and Tao's solution of Horn's conjecture and Vakil's solution of the reality of Schubert calculus. In
this talk I will survey some of the basic geometric ideas that underlie geometric Littlewood-Richardson rules.

Incompressible Fluid Turbulence & Generalized Solutions of Euler Equations


Professor Gregory Eynik


Johns Hopkins University


Friday, January 12, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Experiments and numerical simulations show that energy dissipation in incompressible fluid turbulence tends to a positive value in the inviscid limit (infinite Reynolds number). Lars Onsager (1949) proposed an explanation for this phenomenon in terms of energy cascade for certain
singular solutions of Euler equations. We shall review current ideas on the nature of turbulent energy cascade and their status within rigorous
theory of PDE's. In particular, we shall discuss a classical picture of Geoffrey Taylor (1937) on the role of vortex line-stretching in generating
turbulent energy dissipation. Taylor's argument was based on a statistical hypothesis that material lines in a turbulent flow will tend to elongate, on average, and appealed to the Kelvin Theorem (1869) on conservation of circulations. For smooth solutions the Kelvin Theorem for all loops is equivalent to the Euler equations of motion, but we shall present rigorous results which suggest that the theorem breaks down in turbulent flow due to nonlinear effects. This turbulent "cascade of circulations" has been verified by high-Reynolds-number numerical simulations. We propose another conjecture, that circulations on material loops may be martingales of a generalized Euler flow (in the sense of Brenier and Shnirelman). We shall
show that this property has a close analogue in the "Kraichnan model" of random advection, which accounts for anomalous scalar dissipation in that model. The "Kraichnan model" is also known to probabilists as a generalized stochastic flow and its basic features have been put on a rigorous footing by Le Jan and Raimond (2002, 2004). We propose a geometric treatment of this model, formally as a diffusion process on an infinite-dimensional semi-group of volume-preserving maps.

A Strong Szego Theorem for Jacobi Matrices


Eric Ryckman




Thursday, January 25, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

We use a classical result of Golinskii and Ibragimov to prove
an analog of the Strong
Szego Theorem for Jacobi matrices. In particular, we study a class of
matrices and determine necessary and sufficient conditions on the
spectral measure such
that the corresponding parameter sequences lie in the linearly-weighted
l^2 space.

The complexity of isomorphism between separable Banach spaces


Professor Alain Louveau


CNRS and Universite de Paris VI


Monday, December 4, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 256

It is proved that the relation of isomorphism between separable Banach
spaces is a complete analytic equivalence relation, i.e., that any
analytic equivalence relation Borel reduces to it. Thus, separable Banach
spaces up to isomorphism provide complete invariants for a great number of
mathematical structures up to their corresponding notion of isomorphism.

Bodies interacting with and through fluids


Professor Mike Shelley


Courant Institute


Thursday, February 15, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The interaction of flowing fluids with free bodies -- sometimes
compliant, sometimes active, sometimes multiple -- constitutes a class
of beautiful dynamic boundary problems that are central to biology and
engineering. Examples range from how organisms locomote in fluids
(which depends strongly on scale) to how non-Newtonian stresses
develop in complex liquids (strongly dependent on the nature of
fluidic microstructure). I will discuss several interesting examples,
emphasizing how they are formulated mathematically so as to yield
models tractable for analysis or simulation, and show how this work
has interacted with experimental studies.


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