Can one make objects invisible?


Professor Gunther Uhlmann


University of Washington


Thursday, February 22, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The subject of invisibility has fascinated people for thousands
of years. There has recently been considerable theoretical and practical
progress in understanding how to cloak objects. We will discuss some of
the recent work on the subject of invisibility which involves using
singular electromagnetic parameters, or singular Riemannian metrics.

New progress on branched covers of the Riemann sphere


Postdoctoral Fellow Brian Osserman


UC Berkeley


Friday, December 1, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We discuss new work in a very classical field: the study of branched covers of the Riemann sphere. We first recall the classical picture as developed by Hurwitz, including the relationship between branched covers and group-theoretic monodromy data, and the Hurwitz spaces which parametrize branched covers. We then give two new results: a connectedness result, joint with Fu Liu, for certain Hurwitz spaces in the classical setting, and a result which can be viewed as an analogue of the Riemann existence theorem for certain tamely branched covers of the projective line over fields of positive characteristic.

The level-rank duality for nonabelian theta functions.


Gibbs Assistant Professor Alina Marian


Yale University


Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Spaces of sections of tensor powers of the theta line bundle on moduli spaces of semistable arbitrary rank bundles on a compact Riemann surface are subject to a level-rank duality: each space of sections is geometrically isomorphic to the dual of the space of sections obtained by interchanging the tensor power (level) of the theta bundle on the moduli space and the rank of the bundles that make up the moduli space.
This corresponds in representation theory to an isomorphism of conformal blocks of representations of affine Lie algebras, when the rank of the algebra and the level of the representation are interchanged.
Dr. Marian will sketch a proof of the geometric statement, which is the result of joint work with Dragos Oprea, and draws inspiration from work by Prakash Belkale who established the isomorphism for a generic Riemann surface.

A Geometric Method for Automatic Extraction of Sulcal Fundi


Assistant Professor Chiu-Yen Kao


The Ohio State University


Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 11:00am


MSTB 254

Sulcal fundi are 3D curves that lie in the depths of the cerebral cortex and are often used as landmarks for downstream computations in brain image processing. In this talk, a sequence of geometric algorithms is introduced to automatically extract the sulcal fundi from magnetic resonance images (MRI) and represent sulcal fundi as smooth polylines lying on the cortical surface. The automatic sulcal extraction can improve the quality and reproducibility of the process as well as yielding considerable time savings. This makes the large number of high-resolution MRI datasets available for analysis.

Singularity formation for wave maps in the critical dimension


Benjamin Peirce Assistant Professor Joachim Krieger




Wednesday, November 29, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Dr. Krieger will discuss a recent result, joint with W. Schlag and D. Tataru, which establishes reguarity breakdown for wave maps with suitable initial data and target S^{2} in the energy critical dimension. The breakdown occurs via the bubbling off of a ground state harmonic map.

Perturbation theory for infinite dimensional integrable systems on the line.


Percy Deift


Courant Institute


Thursday, November 2, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

This is joint work with Xin Zhou.

The speaker will consider, in particular, different aspects of the
solution of the Cauchy problem for the perturbed defocusing NLS equation,
(1) iq_t + q_xx - 2(|q|^2)q -(\epsilon)W(|q|^2)q = 0
q(x,0)=q_0(x)--> 0 as |x|--> \infty.

Here (\epsilon)>0, W(s) is non-negative and W(s) behaves like s^k as s --> 0 for some (sufficiently large) exponent l.

For fixed k>7/4, and \epsilon sufficiently small, the authors
(i) describe the long-time behavior of solutions of (1)
(ii) show that on an invariant, open, connected set in phase space, equation (1) is completely integrable in the sense of Liouville
(iii)show that the solution of (1) is universal in the following sense: one uses W to set the macroscopic scales for the solution, but once the scale is set, the solution of (1) looks the same independent of W.

The main technical tool in proving (i)(ii)(iii) is to use the Zakaharov-Shabat scattering map for NLS to transform the problem to normal form in the manner of Kaup and Newell, and then to analyze the normal form using Riemann-Hilbert/steepest-descent-type methods.

Best Constants in a Class of Multiplicative Inequalities for Derivatives


Professor Alexei Ilyin


Keldysh Institute, Russia, and UC Irvine


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

Best constants are found for a class of multiplicative inequalities that give an estimate of the C-norm of a function in terms of the product of the L_2-norms of the powers of the Laplace operator. Special attention is given to functions defined on the sphere S^n.


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