Nonlinear detection of connections


Gabriel Paternain


Cambridge, visiting U Washington


Thursday, May 16, 2019 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

A connection is a geometric object that allows to parallel transport vectors along a curve in a domain. A natural question that often arises is whether one can recover a connection inside a domain from the knowledge of the parallel transport along a set of special curves running between boundary points of the domain. In this talk I will discuss this geometric inverse problem in various settings including Riemannian manifolds with boundary and Minkowski space. This problem is related to other inverse problems and is tackled with a range of techniques that I will explore during the talk.

Applied random matrix theory


Joel Tropp




Thursday, January 31, 2019 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

Random matrices now play a role in many areas of theoretical, applied, and computational mathematics. Therefore, it is desirable to have tools for studying random matrices that are flexible, easy to use, and powerful. Over the last fifteen years, researchers have developed a remarkable family of results, called matrix concentration inequalities, that balance these criteria. This talk offers an invitation to the field of matrix concentration inequalities and their applications. This talk is designed for a general audience in mathematics and related fields.

Beating very small probabilities -- upper bounding the number of Hadamard matrices


Asaf Ferber




Thursday, October 25, 2018 - 12:00pm




A Hadamard matrix of order n is an n\times n, \pm 1 matrix for which every two rows are orthogonal. It is not hard to check that if n is not divisible by 4, then a Hadamard matrix of order n does not exists. On the other hand, it is widely open to prove the existence of Hadamard matrices of order 4n for all n. 


Years of investigation show that Hadamard matrices are very hard to find. In particular, as an easy exercise, one can show that the probability for a random matrix to be Hadamard is at most 2^{-n^2/2+o(n^2)}. 


In this talk I'll convince ourselves that Hadamard matrices are even harder to find! that is, the probability for a random matrix to be Hadamard is at most 2^{(1+\varepsilon)n^2/} for some small (but fixed) epsilon>0. Note that the gain is of the form 2^{-\theta(n^2)}, which, at least according to my knowledge, does not follow from any standard large deviation inequality. 


I'll give a purely combinatorial proof that does not appear on the paper (or elsewhere..) I have with Jain and Zhao on this topic.  This proof was basically our key for giving improved anticoncentration inequalities for classical results by Halasz regarding random sums of vectors (I won't discuss the anticoncentration bounds though...).

Edge universality of separable covariance matrices


Fan Yang




Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - 11:00am to 12:00pm


 In this talk, we consider the largest singular value of the so-called separable covariance matrix Y=A^{1/2}XB^{1/2}, where X is a random matrix with i.i.d. entries and A, B are deterministic covariance matrices (which are non-negative definite symmetric). The separable covariance matrix is commonly used in e.g. environmental study, wireless communications and financial study to model sampling data with spatio-temporal correlations. However, the spectral properties of separable covariance matrices are much less known compared with sample covariance matrices.  


Recently, we prove that the distribution of the largest singular value of Y converges to the Tracy-Widom law under the minimal moment assumption on the entries of X. This is the first edge universality result for separable covariance matrices. As a corollary, if B=I, we obtain the edge universality for sample covariance matrices with correlated data and heavy tails. This improves the previous results for sample covariance matrices, which usually assume diagonal A or high moments of the X entries. The core parts of the proof are two comparison arguments: the Lindeberg replacement method, and a continuous self-consistent comparison argument.

Universality and Delocalization of Random Band Matrices


Jun Yin




Tuesday, November 6, 2018 - 11:00am to 12:00pm


RH 306

We consider N × N symmetric one-dimensional random band matrices with general distribution of the entries and band width $W$.   The localization - delocalization conjecture predicts that there is a phase transition on the behaviors of  eigenvectors and  eigenvalues of the band matrices. It occurs at $W=N^{1/2}$. For wider-band matrix, the eigenvalues satisfied the so called sine-kernal distribution, and the eigenvectors are delocalized. With Bourgade, Yau and Fan, we proved that it holds when $W\gg N^{3/4}$. The previous best work required $W=\Omega(N).$ 


Using Gröbner Basis Techniques to Study Combinatorial Neural Codes


Robert Davis


Harvey Mudd


Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm



RH 510R

Combinatorial neural codes are 0/1 vectors that are used to model the co-firing patterns of a set of certain neurons in the brain. One wide-open problem in this area is to determine when a given code can be algorithmically represented as a Venn diagram-like figure called an Euler diagram. Significant progress has been made recently by recasting this problem in terms of polynomials and using tools from commutative algebra. In particular, we will describe the toric ideal of a code and a special generating set, called the universal Gröbner basis, which contains an astounding amount of information about the ideal.

We will pay special attention to two infinite classes of combinatorial neural codes. For each code, we explicitly compute the universal Gröbner basis of its toric ideal. These computations allow one to compute the state polytopes of the corresponding toric ideals, which encode all of the distinct initial ideals arising from weight orders. Moreover, we show that the state polytopes are combinatorially equivalent to well-known polytopes: the permutohedron and the stellohedron.

Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Kahler manifolds


Gabor Szekelyhidi


University of Notre Dame


Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 306

Through the work of Cheeger, Colding, Naber and others we have a deep understanding of the structure of Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Riemannian manifolds with Ricci curvature lower bounds. For polarized Kahler manifolds, this was taken further by Donaldson-Sun, who showed that under two-sided Ricci curvature bounds, non-collapsed limit spaces are projective varieties, leading to major progress in Kahler geometry. I will discuss joint work with Gang Liu giving an extension of this result to the case when the Ricci curvature is only bounded from below.

Some Combinatorial Number Theory Results and Questions via Nonstandard Methods


Steven Leth


University of Northern Colorado


Monday, June 3, 2019 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

Recently, nonstandard and ultrafilter methods have been used to obtain a number of significant results in Combinatorial Number Theory.  In this talk I will provide a brief overview of some recent work in this area, focusing on the use of nonstandard methods in problems involving the existence of various types of structured sets contained in subsets of the natural numbers that satisfy various density conditions. 


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