Can Analysis "See" Algebra? Classifying Von Neumann Algebras Using Groups


Rolando De Santiago




Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - 11:00am to 12:00pm



RH 340N

This talk is aimed (mostly) at undergraduate students. 

Abstract: In the 1930’s and 1940’s, Murray and von Neumann developed a theory of operators on Hilbert spaces, which heuristically may be thought of as infinite matrices acting on infinite dimensional vector spaces. Their works include a procedure which starts with an infinite group, a discrete object, and generates a von Neumann algebra, an analytic object which is a continuous analog to the n × n matrices. Much of the active research in this field has been generated by the following question: are structural properties of groups able to classify the resulting algebras? Obtaining a satisfactory resolution to this problem has been surprisingly difficult since standard group invariants are often not invariants of the algebras. We give a brief survey of the evolution of this problem, the surprising broader impacts including the emergence Jones polynomial, and the recent rapid progress in this classification program due to the advent of S. Popas deformation/rigidity theory. We close by describing recent developments in this program which have been made by my collaborators and myself. 


About the speaker: Rolando de Santiago is currently an Assistant Adjunct Professor and a UC Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow at UCLA working under S. Popa. His work is in the classification of type II1 von Neumann algebras, a subfield of functional analysis, and his research interests extend into group theory, topology, fractal geometry, and mathematical physics. He was born and raised up in the South-Eastern part of Los Angeles with 6 of his siblings. He spent 27 years studying at numerous public institutions including Pasadena City College and Cal Poly Pomona. After approximately 8 years of undergraduate work, he finally earned his B.S. in Mathematics. He completed his Masters in Mathematics at Cal Poly Pomona shortly thereafter. His mentors at Cal Poly, J. Rock and R. Wilson, strongly suggested that he pursue his Ph.D. After a significant amount of convincing, he threw all his belongings into a U-Haul, moved to Iowa City, and started grad school at the University of Iowa. He worked under of I. Chifan, the advisor who would help his launch his research career.

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On the smallest singular value of unstructured heavy-tailed matrices


Galyna Livshyts


Georgia Tech


Tuesday, March 5, 2019 - 11:00am to 12:00pm



RH 306

In this talk we discuss questions related to invertibility of random matrices, and the estimates for the smallest singular value. We outline the main results: an optimal small-ball behavior for the smallest singular value of square matrices under mild assumptions, and an essentially optimal small ball behavior for heavy-tailed rectangular random matrices. We make several remarks and outline some examples. We then explain the relation between such estimates and net constructions, and outline our main result in regards to existence of a net around the sphere with good properties. If time permits, we outline two more implications of this result.

Seeing inside the Earth with micro earthquakes


Teemu Saksala


Rice University


Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 4:00pm to 4:50pm




Earthquakes produce seismic waves. They provide a way to obtain information about the deep structures of our planet. The typical measurement is to record the travel time difference of the seismic waves produced by an earthquake. If the network of seismometers is dense enough and they measure a large number of earthquakes, we can hope to recover the wave speed of the seismic wave from the travel time differences. In this talk we will consider geometric inverse problems related to different data sets produced by seismic waves. We will state uniqueness results for these problems and consider the mathematical tools needed for the proofs. The talk is based on joint works with: Maarten de Hoop, Joonas Ilmavirta, Matti Lassas and Hanming Zhou.

Cohomology of the space of polynomial morphisms on A^1 with prescribed ramifications


Oishee Banerjee


University of Chicago


Monday, April 8, 2019 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 340P

In this talk we will discuss the moduli spaces Simp^m_n of degree n+1 morphisms  \A^1_K\to \A^1_K  with "ramification length <m" over an algebraically closed field K. For each m, the moduli space Simp^m_n is a Zariski open subset of the space of degree n+1 polynomials over K up to Aut(\A^1_K). It is, in a way, orthogonal to the many papers about polynomials with prescribed zeroes- here we are prescribing, instead, the ramification data. We will also see why and how our results align, in spirit, with the long standing open problem of understanding the topology of the Hurwitz space.

Boundary rigidity and the local inverse problem for the geodesic X-ray transform on tensors


Andras Vasy


Stanford University


Thursday, January 17, 2019 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

In this talk, based on joint work with Plamen Stefanov and Gunther Uhlmann, I discuss the boundary rigidity problem on manifolds with boundary (for instance, a domain in Euclidean space with a perturbed metric), i.e. determining a Riemannian metric from the restriction of its distance  function to the boundary. This corresponds to travel time tomography, i.e. finding the Riemannian metric from the time it takes for solutions of the corresponding wave equation to travel between boundary points. A version of this relates to finding the speed of seismic waves inside the Earth from travel time data, which in turn permits a study of the structure of the inside of the Earth.

This non-linear problem in turn builds on the geodesic X-ray transform on such a Riemannian manifold with boundary. The geodesic X-ray transform on functions associates to a function its integral along geodesic curves, so for instance in domains in Euclidean space along straight lines. The X-ray transform on symmetric tensors is similar, but one integrates the tensor contracted with the tangent vector of the geodesics. I will explain how, under suitable convexity assumptions, one can invert the geodesic X-ray transform on functions, i.e. determine the function from its X-ray transform, in a stable manner, as well as the analogous tensor result, and the connection to the full boundary rigidity problem.

An Introduction to Cryptographic Multilinear Maps


Travis Scholl


University of California, Irvine


Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


RH 340P

Multilinear maps is a new hot topic in cryptography because they offer a significant number of applications. The main open problem in this area is constructing a secure and efficiently computable multilinear map. In this talk, we introduce cryptographic multilinear maps, go through several applications, and then discuss some possible obstructions to constructing one. The main reference for this talk is the paper "Applications of Multilinear Forms to Cryptography" by Dan Boneh and Alice Silverberg.

Multiscale Model Reduction for Heterogeneous Problems


Guanglian Li


Imperial College London


Monday, February 11, 2019 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm




Heterogeneous problems with high contrast, multiscale and possibly also random coefficients arise frequently in practice, e.g., reservoir simulation and material sciences. However, due to the disparity of scales, their efficient and accurate simulation is notorious challenging. First, I will describe some impor- tant applications, and review several state-of-the-art multiscale model reduction algorithms, especially the Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Method (GMsFEM). Then I will describe recent efforts on developing a mathematical theory for GMsFEM, and ongoing works on algorithmic developments and novel applications.



[1] Guanglian Li, On the Convergence Rates of GMsFEMs for Heterogeneous Elliptic Problems without Oversampling Techniques, submitted to Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 2018.

[2] Shubin Fu, Eric Chung and Guanglian Li, Edge Multiscale Methods for elliptic problems with hetero- geneous coefficients, submitted to J. Comput. Phys, 2018.

Geometric Partial Differential Equations from M Theory


Duong Phong


Columbia University


Tuesday, February 26, 2019 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 306

Since the mid 1990’s, the leading candidate for a unified theory of all fundamental physical interactions has been M Theory.

A full formulation of M Theory is still not available, and it is only understood through its limits in certain regimes, which are either one of five 10-dimensional string theories, or 11-dimensional supergravity. The equations for these theories are mathematically interesting in themselves, as they reflect, either directly or indirectly, the presence of supersymmetry. We discuss recent progresses and open problems about two of these theories, namely supersymmetric compactifications of the heterotic string and of 11-dimensional supergravity. This is based on joint work of the speaker with Sebastien Picard and Xiangwen Zhang, and with Teng Fei and Bin Guo.

A maximum entropy approach to approximating the number of graphs with given degree sequence


Adrien Peltzer




Thursday, November 15, 2018 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm



Let G(D) be the set of all graphs with degree sequence d. The Erdos-Gallai conditions give the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a graph with degree sequence d. If G(D) is nonempty, how do we approximate the size of all such graphs? I will discuss a maximum entropy approach to this problem. It involves considering G(D) as the set of integer points of a certain polytope in R^(n choose 2) and constructing a probability distribution that is constant on this set of points. Using a concentration result, we can use this distribution to approximate the size of G(D).



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