Complex Finsler Geometry and the Complex Homogeneoous Monge-Ampere Equation."


Professor Pit-Mann Wong


University of Notre Dame


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The complex analogue of Diecke's Theorem and Brickell's Theorem in
real Finsler geometry. Complex Finsler structures naturally satisfy the complex
homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation and the analogue of Diecke's Theorem and
Brickell's Theorem can be put in the frame work of the classification of
complex manifolds admitting an exhaustion function satisfying the complex
homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation.

CT Scans and Image Registration


Edward Castillo




Wednesday, April 9, 2008 - 5:00pm


MSTB 256

Radiotherapy is the most common form of treatment for lung cancer patients.
Thoracic specialists develop radiation treatment plans based on CT (computed
scans of the lungs. These treatment plans specify the amount of radiation to be
delivered to the patient, as well as which areas of the lungs to irradiate.

Using mathematical and computational tools, my collaborators and
I have developed a software package which can be used to improve the radiation
planning process. The software is based on a well studied problem in image processing
referred to as "image registration".

In this talk, I will discuss the relationship between image registration and
radiation treatment planning, as well as the types of math and computational tools
required to do research in this field.

Voting machine security: Some results from the California Top-to-Bottom Review


Hovav Shacham


UCSD, Computer Science and Engineering


Tuesday, April 29, 2008 - 4:00pm


BH 6011 (6th floor of Bren Hall)

In Spring of 2007, the California Secretary of State convened a team of
security researchers to review the electronic voting systems certified for
use in California. We were provided with the source code for the systems
as well as with access to the hardware. Serious and exploitable
vulnerabilities were found in all the systems analyzed: Diebold, Hart, and
Sequoia. I'll be discussing the effort as a whole, providing an overview
of the issues that all the teams found, and then discussing in detail the
system my team studied, Hart InterCivic.

Joint work with Srinivas Inguva, Eric Rescorla, and Dan Wallach.

Nonconforming Finite Element Methods in Computational Electromagnetics


Assistant Professor Fengyan Li


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Monday, April 28, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Partially motivated by the observation that the curl-curl operator
behaves differently when it is applied to the divergence-free field and
the gradient field in the Hodge decomposition of a vector field, we
introduce the reduced time-harmonic Maxwell (RTHM) equations which solve the divergence-free component of the solution to the time-harmonic Maxwell equations. Three numerical schemes are formulated for solving the RTHM system. Two of them use the classical nonconforming finite element approximations, and the other is based on the interior penalty type discontinuous Galerkin methods. To weakly impose the divergence-free condition satisfied by the solutions, the schemes either work with the locally divergence-free trial spaces, or contain a weighted divergence term in the formula. With the properly chosen stabilizing terms, the optimal error estimates are established on graded meshes. These schemes and the error estimate results are further extended for solving reduced curl-curl problems.

The discrete operators in these schemes naturally define three Maxwell
eigensolvers which are free of spurious eigenmodes and do not contain any
to-be-tuned parameter. The analysis for these solvers is closely related
to the reduced curl-curl problems and their numerical approximations. Not like those Maxwell eigensolvers based on the full curl-curl problems, the compactness of the involved operator and the uniform error estimates for the source problems greatly simplify the analysis of our proposed
eigensolvers. Numerical examples for both Maxwell source and eigenproblems will be presented to demonstrate the performance of the
proposed schemes as well as their relative advantages.

Spectral properties of a q-Sturm-Liouville operator


Jacob Christiansen




Thursday, June 5, 2008 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

n the talk I will study the spectral properties of a class of
SturmLiouville-type operators on the real line where the derivatives are replaced by a q-difference operator which has been introduced in the context of orthogonal polynomials. Using the relation of this operator to a direct integral of doubly-infinite Jacobi matrices, one can construct examples for isolated pure point, dense pure point, purely absolutely continuous and purely singular continuous spectrum. I will show that the last two spectral types are generic for analytic coefficients and for a class of positive, uniformly continuous coefficients, respectively. A key ingredient in the proof is the so- called Wonderland theorem.
The talk is based on joint work with Malcolm Brown and Karl
Michael Schmidt.

A CLT for dependent variables and some homogenization problems.


Professor Nikos Zygouras




Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 11:00am


MSTB 254

I will present a criterion for the validity of the central limit theorem
for a class of dependent random variables and then I will discuss some applications of
it on random, boundary homogenization problems of nonlinear PDEs such nonlinear
parabolic ones and Navier walls.


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