"Ghostbusting: Reviving quantum theories that were thought to be dead."


Carl Bender


Washington University in St. Louis


Thursday, May 1, 2008 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

The average quantum physicist on the street believes that a quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian must be Dirac Hermitian (symmetric under combined matrix transposition and complex conjugation) in order to be sure that the energy eigenvalues are real and that time evolution is unitary. However, the Hamiltonian $H=p^2+ix^3$, for example, which is clearly not Dirac Hermitian, has a real positive discrete spectrum and generates unitary time evolution, and thus it defines a perfectly acceptable quantum mechanics. Evidently, the axiom of Dirac Hermiticity is too restrictive. While the Hamiltonian $H=p^2+ix^3$ is not
Dirac Hermitian, it is PT symmetric; that is, it is symmetric under
combined space reflection P and time reversal T. In general, if a Hamiltonian $H$ is not Dirac Hermitian but exhibits an unbroken PT symmetry, there is a procedure for
determining the adjoint operation under which $H$ is Hermitian. (It is wrong to assume a priori that the adjoint operation that interchanges bra vectors and ket vectors in the Hilbert space of states is the Dirac adjoint. This would be like assuming a priori what the metric $g^{\mu\nu}$ in curved space is before solving
Einstein's equations.)

In the past a number of interesting quantum theories, such as the Lee model and the Pais-Uhlenbeck model, were abandoned because they were thought to have an incurable disease. The symptom of the disease was the appearance of ghost states
(states of negative norm). The cause of the disease was that the
Hamiltonians for these models were inappropriately treated as if they were DiracHermitian. The disease can be cured because the Hamiltonians for these models are PT symmetric, and one can calculate exactly and in closed form the appropriate adjoint operation under which each Hamiltonian is Hermitian. When
this is done, one can see immediately that there are no ghost states and that these models are fully acceptable quantum theories.



Professor Bo Guan


State University Of Ohio


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Complex Finsler Geometry and the Complex Homogeneoous Monge-Ampere Equation


Professor Pit-Mann Wong


University of Notre Dame


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The complex analogue of Diecke's Theorem and Brickell's Theorem in
real Finsler geometry. Complex Finsler structures naturally satisfy the complex
homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation and the analogue of Diecke's Theorem and
Brickell's Theorem can be put in the frame work of the classification of
complex manifolds admitting an exhaustion function satisfying the complex
homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation.

Optimal transport paths between probability measures, and beyond


Qinglan Xia


UC Davis


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - 11:00am


MSTB 254

In this talk, I will give an introduction to the theory of
ramified optimal transportation. In terms of applied mathematics,
transport paths are used to model many "tree shaped" branching
structures, which are commonly found in many living and nonliving
systems. Trees, lungs, river channel networks, are just some
examples. On the other hand, optimal transport paths provide
excellent examples for studying geodesic problems in generalized
metric spaces, where the distance functions do not necessarily
satisfy the usual triangle inequality, but satisfy a relaxed
triangle inequality. In the end, we will use the theory to explain
the dynamic formation of tree leaves. We will see how tree leaves
grow beautiful shapes and vein patterns in nature.

The Collective Behavior of Sarcomere Ensembles: Evolution of Non Uniformities and Insights on Muscle Function


Dr Sefi Givli


California Institute of Technology


Monday, June 2, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Muscles have hierarchical structure that spans several scales. The basic contraction unit is
the sarcomere, having a length of two microns. Myofibrils, typically of a few millimeters
long, are composed of thousands of sarcomeres connected in series. The muscle fiber is
made of a large number of parallel myofibrils coupled by a tissue.

Much is known about the overall mechanical response of an entire muscle fiber. Further,
recent technological advances have revealed the structure of the single sarcomere down
to the molecular level. Nevertheless, there is still a gap in understanding how the
collective behavior of the various scales gives rise to overall behavior. Importantly,
single-sarcomere models can not explain various experimental observations on the

We present a theoretical framework for predicting the collective behavior of biologically
relevant ensembles of sarcomeres. The analysis is accomplished by transforming the non-
linear dynamics of an assemblage of sarcomeres into a partial differential equation for the
distribution of sarcomere lengths in the presence of stochastic fluctuations and biological
variability. It reproduces the results of previous experiments with no fitting parameters,
explains some puzzling observations and provides insights into damage under cyclic
eccentric loading.

Existence of rough solutions to the Einstein constraint equations without CMC or near-CMC conditions


Professor Mike Holst




Wednesday, June 4, 2008 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

There is currently tremendous interest in geometric PDE, due in
part to the geometric flow program used successfully to attack the
Poincare and Geometrization Conjectures. Geometric PDE also play
a primary role in general relativity, where the (constrained) Einstein
evolution equations describe the propagation of gravitational waves
generated by collisions of massive objects such as black holes.
The need to validate this geometric PDE model of gravity has led to
the recent construction of (very expensive) gravitational wave
detectors, such as the NSF-funded LIGO project. In this lecture, we
consider the non-dynamical subset of the Einstein equations called
the Einstein constraints; this coupled nonlinear elliptic system must
be solved numerically to produce initial data for gravitational wave
simulations, and to enforce the constraints during dynamical simulations,
as needed for LIGO and other gravitational wave modeling efforts.

The Einstein constraint equations have been studied intensively for
half a century; our focus in this lecture is on a thirty-year-old open
question involving existence of solutions to the constraint equations
on space-like hyper-surfaces with arbitrarily prescribed mean extrinsic
curvature. All known existence results have involved assuming either
constant (CMC) or nearly-constant (near-CMC) mean extrinsic curvature.
After giving a survey of known CMC and near-CMC results through 2007,
we outline a new topological fixed-point framework that is fundamentally
free of both CMC and near-CMC conditions, resting on the construction of
"global barriers" for the Hamiltonian constraint. We then present
such a barrier construction for case of closed manifolds with positive
Yamabe metrics, giving the first known existence results for arbitrarily
prescribed mean extrinsic curvature. Our results are developed in the
setting of a ``weak'' background metric, which requires building up a
set of preliminary results on general Sobolev classes and elliptic
operators on manifold with weak metrics. However, this allows us
to recover the recent ``rough'' CMC existence results of Choquet-Bruhat
(2004) and of Maxwell (2004-2006) as two distinct limiting cases of our
non-CMC results. Our non-CMC results also extend to other cases such
as compact manifolds with boundary.

Time permitting, we also outline some new abstract approximation theory
results using the weak solution theory framework for the constraints; an
application of which gives a convergence proof for adaptive finite
element methods applied to the Hamiltonian constraint.

This is joint work with Gabriel Nagy and Gantumur Tsogtgerel.

Even sharper upper bounds on the number of points on curves


Everett Howe


CCR - La Jolla


Thursday, April 17, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

For every prime power q and positive integer g, we let N_q(g) denote the maximum value of #C(F_q), where C ranges over all genus-g curves over F_q. Several years ago Kristin Lauter and I used a number of techniques to improve the known upper bounds on N_q(g) for specific values of q and g. The key to many of our improvements was a numerical invariant attached to non-simple isogeny classes of abelian varieties over finite fields; when this invariant is small, any Jacobian in the given isogeny class must satisfy restrictive conditions. Now Lauter and I have come up with a better invariant, which allows us to make even stronger deductions about Jacobians in isogeny classes. In this talk, I will explain how we have been able to use this new invariant, together with arguments about short vectors in Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields, to pin down several more values of N_q(g) and to improve the best known upper bounds in a number of other cases.


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