Can you hear the degree of a map from the circle into itself? An intriguing story which is not yet finished


Haim Brezis


Rutgers and Technion


Thursday, January 22, 2009 - 4:00pm


RH 306

A few years ago -- following a suggestion by I. M. Gelfand-- I discovered an intriguing connection between the topological degree of a map from the circle into itself and its Fourier coefficients. This relation is easily
justified when the map is smooth. However, the situation turns out to be much more delicate if one assumes only continuity, or even Holder continuity.
I will present recent developments and open problems.
I will also discuss new estimates for the degree of maps from S^n into S^n, leading to unusual characterizations of Sobolev spaces.
The initial motivation for this direction of research came from the analysis of the Ginzburg-Landau model.

What is Different About the Ergodic Theory of Stochastic PDEs (vs ODEs)?


Professor Jonathan Mattingly


Duke University


Friday, November 14, 2008 - 4:00pm


RH 306

I will discuss the difficulties which arise when one considers the long time behavior of a stochastically forced PDE. I will try to highlight that there are different cases which require very different ideas. Some cases can be seen as extensions of what is done in finite
dimensions, others require new tools and ideas. I will concentrate on the case of degenerately forced SPDEs. I will describe an extension of
Hormander's "sum of squares theorem" to hypo-elliptic operators in infinite dimensions. I will discuss the concert examples of the 2D
Navier Stokes equations on the torus and sphere as well as a class of reaction diffusion equations. In these contexts the discussion will center on the transfer of randomness between scales.

Nonlinear Stability of Periodic Traveling-Wave Solutions for the Benjamin-Ono Equation.


Professor Jaime Angulo Pava


University of Sao Paulo,Brazil


Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 3:00pm


RH 340P

In this lecture, we present a method which has broad applicability to studies of nonlinear stability of periodic traveling-wave solutions for equations of KdV-type. In particular we obtain the existence and stability of a family of periodic traveling-wave solutions for the Benjamin-Ono equation via the classical Poisson summation theorem and positivity properties of the Fourier transform.

The Poisson equation on complete manifolds


Professor Ovidiu Munteanu


Columbia University


Tuesday, February 24, 2009 - 4:00pm


RH 306

In this talk I will discuss some general conditions such that the Poisson equation can be solved on a complete manifold. Existence of harmonic maps between complete manifolds and existence of Hermitian-Einstein metrics on holomorphic vector bundles over complete manifolds will be mentioned as applications. This is joint work with Natasa Sesum.

Multiscale Modeling in Biology


Professor Mark Alber


University of Notre Dame


Friday, November 14, 2008 - 2:00pm


RH 440R

Multiscale modeling approach typical of systems biology tends to mix continuous, discrete, \
deterministic, and probabilistic submodels. To prevent the loss of blood following a break \
in blood vessels, components in blood and the vessel wall interact rapidly to form a clot t\
o limit hemorrhage. In this talk we will describe a multiscale hybrid model of thrombus for\
mation consisting of components for modeling viscous, incompressible blood plasma; coagulat\
ion pathway; quiescent and activated platelets; blood cells; activating chemicals; fibrinog\
en; the vessel walls and their interactions. At macro scale blood flow is described by the \
incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and is numerically solved using the projection metho\
d. At micro scale, cell movement, cell-cell adhesion, cell-flow and cell-vessel wall intera\
ctions are described through an extended stochastic discrete Cellular Potts Model (CPM). Si\
mulation results show development of an inhomogeneous internal structure of the clot confir\
med by the preliminary experimental data. It is also demonstrated that dependence of the cl\
ot size on the blood flow rate in simulations is close to the one observed experimentally.

In the second half of the talk a continuous limit will be discussed of a two-dimensional st\
ochastic CPM describing cells moving in a medium and reacting to each other through direct \
contact, cell-cell adhesion, and long range chemotaxis. Contrary to classical Keller-Segel \
model, solutions of the obtained equation do not collapse in finite time and can be used ev\
en when relative volume occupied by cells is quite large. A very good agreement was demonst\
rated between CPM Monte Carlo simulations and numerical solutions of the obtained macroscop\
ic nonlinear diffusion equation. Combination of microscopic and macroscopic models was used\
to simulate growth of structures similar to early vascular networks.

Xu, Z., Chen, N., Kamocka, M.M., Rosen, E.D., and M.S. Alber [2008], Multiscale Model of Th\
rombus Development, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 5 705-722.

Alber, M., Chen, N., Lushnikov, P., and S. Newman [2007], Continuous macroscopic limit of a\
discrete stochastic model for interaction of living cells, Physical Review Letters 99 1681\

Lushnikov, P.P., Chen, N., and M.S. Alber, Macroscopic dynamics of biological cells interac\
ting via chemotaxis and direct contact, Physical Review E (to appear).

What is different about the ergodic theory of stochastic PDEs (vs ODEs)


Professor Jonathan Mattingly


Duke University


Friday, November 14, 2008 - 4:00pm


RH 306

I will discuss the difficulties which arise when one considers the
long time behavior of a stochastically forced PDE. I will try to
highlight that there are different cases which require very different
ideas. Some cases can be seen as extensions of what is done in finite
dimensions, others require new tools and ideas. I will concentrate on
the case of degenerately forced SPDEs. I will describe an extension of
Hormander's "sum of squares theorem" to hypo-elliptic operators in
infinite dimensions. I will discuss the concert examples of the 2D
Navier Stokes equations on the torus and sphere as well as a class of
reaction diffusion equations. In these contexts the discussion will
center on the transfer of randomness between scales.


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