On adding a list of numbers (and other one-dependent determinantal processes)


Professor Jason Fulman




Tuesday, October 20, 2009 - 11:00am


RH 306

Adding a column of numbers produces `carries' along the way. We show that random digits produce a pattern of carries with a neat probabilistic description: the carries form a one-dependent determinantal point process. This makes it easy to answer natural questions: How many carries are typical? Where are they located? (Many further examples, from combinatorics, algebra and group theory, have essentially the same neat formulae.) The examples give a gentle introduction to the emerging fields of one-dependent and determinantal point processes. This work is joint with Alexei Borodin and Persi Diaconis.

Recent results on the ergodicity of multi-dimensional dispersing billiards


Professor Pavel Bachurin


SUNY Stony Brook


Friday, November 20, 2009 - 2:30pm


RH 440R

Ergodic theory of dispersing billiards was developed in 1970s-1980s. An important part of the theory is the analysis of the structure of the sets where the billiard map is discontinuous. They were assumed to be smooth manifolds till recently, when a new pathological type of behavior of these sets was found. Thus a reconsideration of earlier arguments was needed.
I'll review the recent work which recover the ergodicity results, explain the main difficulties and some further progress.

Computational modeling of limb development


Professor Yongtao Zhang


University of Notre Dame


Wednesday, October 14, 2009 - 3:00pm


RH 440R

Major outstanding questions regarding vertebrate limb development
concern how the numbers of skeletal
elements along the proximodistal (P-D) and anteroposterior (A-P) axes
are determined and how the shape of
a growing limb affects skeletal element formation. Recently [Alber etal., The morphostatic limit for a
model of skeletal pattern formation in the vertebrate limb, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2008, v70, pp. 460-483], a simplified
two-equation reaction-diffusion system
was developed to describe the interaction of two of the key morphogens: the activator and an activator-dependent
inhibitor of precartilage condensation formation. In this talk, I will present a discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite element method to solve this nonlinear system on complex domains
to study the effects of domain geometry on the pattern generated. Moreover, recently we have extended these previous results and developed a DG finite element model in a moving and deforming domain for skeletal
pattern formation in the vertebrate limb. Simulations reflect the actual dynamics of limb development and
indicate the important role played
by the geometry of the undifferentiated apical zone. This computational model can also be applied to
simulate various fossil limbs.

A weakly chaotic dynamical system driven by observations


Professor Max Welling


UC Irvine


Friday, October 16, 2009 - 2:00pm


RH 440R

Jayne's maximum entropy principle is a widely used method for learning probabilistic models of data. Learning the parameters of such models is computationally intractable for most problems of interest in machine learning. As a result one has to resort to severe approximations. However, by "appropriately tweaking" the standard learning rules, one can define a nonlinear dynamical system without fixed points or even periodic orbits.This system is related to a family of weakly chaotic systems known as "piecewise isometries" which have vanishing topological entropy. The symbolic sequences of the very simplest 1 dimensional system areequivalent to Sturmian sequences. The averages over the symbolic sequences of many coupled variables can be shown to capture the relevant correlations present in the data. In this sense, we use this system to learn from data and make new predictions.

Traps and Patches: An Asymptotic Analysis of Localized Solutions to Some Diffusion Problems in Cell Biology and in Spatial Ecology


Michael Ward


University of British Columbia


Thursday, May 20, 2010 - 3:00pm


RH 440R

Three different singularly perturbed eigenvalue problems in perforated
domains, or in domains with perforated boundaries, with direct
biological applications, are studied asymptotically. In the context
of cellular signal transduction, a common scenario is that a diffusing
surface-bound molecule must arrive at a localized signalling region,
or trap, on the cell membrane before a signalling cascade can be
initiated. In order to determine the time-scale for this process,
asymptotic results are given for the mean first passage time (MFPT) of
a diffusing particle confined to the surface of a sphere that has
absorbing traps of small radii. In addition, asymptotic results are
given for the related narrow escape problem of calculating the MFPT
for a diffusing particle inside a sphere that has small traps on an
otherwise reflecting boundary. The MFPT for this narrow escape problem
is shown to be minimized for particular trap configurations that
minimize a certain discrete variational problem (DVP). This DVP is
closely related to the classic Fekete point problem of determining the
minimum energy configuration for repelling Coulomb charges on the unit
sphere. Finally, in the context of spatial ecology, a long-standing
problem is to determine the persistence threshold for extinction of a
species in a heterogeneous spatial landscape consisting of either
favorable or unfavorable local habitats. For a 2-D spatial landscape
consisting of such localized patches, the persistence threshold is
calculated asymptotically and the effects of both habitat
fragmentation and habitat location on the persistence threshold is
examined. From a mathematical viewpoint, the persistence threshold
represents the principal eigenvalue of an indefinite weight singularly
perturbed eigenvalue problem, resulting from a linearization of the
diffusive logistic model.

The analysis of these three PDE eigenvalue problems is based on the
development of a common singular perturbation methodology to treat
localized patches or traps in combination with some detailed
analytical properties of the Neumann Green's function for the
Laplacian. With this asymptotic framework, the problem of optimizing
the principal eigenvalue for the each of these three problems is
reduced to the simpler task of determining optimal configurations for
certain discrete variational problems.


Speaker: Michael Ward (UBC). Joint work with Dan Coombs (UBC), Alexei
Chekhov (U. Sask), Alan Lindsay (UBC), Anthony Peirce (UBC), Samara
Pillay (JP Morgan), Ronny Straube (Max Planck, Magdeburg).

The weakly coupled Fibonacci Hamiltonian: recent results and related questions


Assistant Professor Anton Gorodetski


UC Irvine


Friday, October 9, 2009 - 2:00pm


RH 440R

Spectral properties of discrete Schrodinger operators with potentials generated by substitutions can be studied using so called trace maps and their dynamical properties. The aim of the talk is to describe the recent results (joint with D.Damanik) obtained in this direction for Fibonacci Hamiltonian, and to list some related problems that could potentially turn into research projects for interested graduate students.

Mathematics of Dark Matter


Distinguished Professor Donald Saari


UC Irvine


Friday, October 23, 2009 - 2:00pm


RH 440R

Dark matter has been a controversial and mysterious topic since 1930s when Zwicky noticed a difference in the amount of mass obtained when computed in different manners. But much of the computations are based on what we knew about the Newtonian N-body problem 70 years ago. In this lecture, more recent results about the dynamics of the Newtonian N-body problem are described; it is shown how these results cast a new "light" on some of the dark matter assertions.


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