Sharp bounds for eigenvalues of triangles


Professor Bartlomiej Siudeja




Tuesday, October 6, 2009 - 4:00pm


RH 306

Eigenvalues of the Laplacian on triangular domains cannot be computed exactly, in general. But the triangles that extremize the first eigenvalue (the fundamental tone of the membrane) often turn out to be equilateral, or degenerate in some way. These special triangles give sharp eigenvalue bounds for the general case.

Among all triangles with fixed diameter, we prove the degenerate acute isosceles triangle minimizes the Neumann fundamental tone. In the other direction, if we fix perimeter (or area) then the equilateral triangle maximizes the Neumann fundamental tone. Our approach involves variational principles and geometric transformations of the domain, and relies on the explicit formulas for eigenfunctions of equilateral triangles and circular sectors. We also prove symmetry/antisymmetry for eigenfunctions of isosceles triangles.

Infinity Laplace Equation With Non-Trivial Right-Hand-Side (a joint work with Guozhen Lu)


Professor Peiyong Wang


Wayne State University


Wednesday, August 12, 2009 - 3:00pm


RH 306

The set of continuous viscosity solutions of the infinity Laplace
equation $-\bigtriangleup^N_{\infty}w(x) = f(x)$ with generally
sign-changing right-hand-side $f$ in a bounded domain is analyzed.
The existence of a least and a greatest continuous viscosity
solutions up to the boundary is proved through a Perron's
construction by means of a strict comparison principle. These
extremal solutions are proved to be absolutely extremal solutions.


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