Gaussian fluctuations for Plancherel partitions


Professor Leonid Bogachev


University of Leeds, UK


Tuesday, May 25, 2010 - 11:00pm


RH 306

The limit shape of Young diagrams under the Plancherel
measure was found by Vershik \& Kerov (1977) and Logan \& Shepp
(1977). We obtain a central limit theorem for fluctuations of Young
diagrams in the bulk of the partition '`spectrum''. More
specifically, under a suitable (logarithmic) normalization, the
corresponding random process converges (in the FDD sense) to a
Gaussian process with independent values. We also discuss a link
with an earlier result by Kerov (1993) on the convergence to a
generalized Gaussian process. The proof is based on poissonization
of the Plancherel measure and an application of a general central
limit theorem for determinantal point processes. (Joint work with
Zhonggen Su.)

Increasing the number of mathematics majors


Distinguished Professor William Yslas Velez


University of Arizona


Thursday, October 14, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 306

In the late 1980's I began my efforts to increase the success rate of minorities in first semester calculus. The interventions that I devised were very time consuming and as the number of minority students increased, I could not manage that kind of effort. I developed my Calculus Minority Advising Program in an effort to meet with scores of minority students each semester. This program consists of a twenty-minute meeting with each student at the beginning of each semester. These meetings with students eventually transformed my own attitude about the importance of mathematics in their undergraduate curriculum.

I took over the position of Associate Head for Undergraduate Affairs in the department in 2003. I set a very modest goal for myself: to double the number of mathematics majors. With almost 600 mathematics majors I have reached that goal. I think the next doubling is going to be much harder to achieve. My work with minority students provided me with the tools to accept this new challenge of working with all students.

This talk will describe my own efforts to encourage ALL of our students that a mathematics major, or adding mathematics as a second major, is a great career choice. I will also describe the support that I have from the university and the department that enables me to carry out these tasks.

Short-time existence of the Ricci flow on non-compact Riemannian manifolds


Professor Guoyi Xu




Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 306

In this talk, using the local Ricci flow, we prove the short-time
existence of the Ricci flow on noncompact manifolds, whose Ricci curvature
has global lower bound and sectional curvature has only local average integral
bound. The short-time existence of the Ricci flow on noncompact manifolds
was studied by Wan-Xiong Shi in 1990s, who required a point-wise bound of
curvature tensors. As a corollary of our main theorem, we get the short-time existence part of Shis theorem in this more general context.

Local Curvature Bound in Ricci flow


Professor Peng Lu


U. Oregon


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 306

In this talk by using the idea in the proof of Perelman's pseudo locality theorem we will derive a local curvature bound in Ricci flow assuming only local sectional curvature bound and local volume lower bound for the initial metric.

This result is closely related to Theorem 10.3 in Perelman's entropy paper.

Seminar on Mathematics Teaching: Part I


Sarah Eichhorn and Larry Chrystal




Friday, October 1, 2010 - 4:00pm


MSTB 120

This Friday will be mandatory only for graduate students who have been a TA for strictly less than two quarters. (ie. If you were a TA for two quarters or more last year or over the summer, you do not have to come this week!) This week we will be discussing several first week of class issues including: WebWorks, the Tutoring Center, and Dealing with Difficult Classroom Situations.

Applying to Graduate School in Mathematics Workshop



Wednesday, October 6, 2010 - 5:00pm


RH 440R

* Workshop for Undergraduate Students on preparing for and applying to graduate school. All levels of students are encouraged to attend. The workshop will feature a presentation on what students should do in their Sophomore-Senior years to prepare for graduate studies and how to apply for graduate school. Also, there will be a panel of current UCI students to offer advice on the application process and selecting a school.


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