Perturbation Analysis of Slow Waves for Periodic Differential-Algebraic Equations of Definite Type


Aaron Welters




Thursday, October 28, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 340P

In this talk we consider linear periodic differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) that depend analytically on a spectral parameter. In particular, we extend the results of M. G.\ Kre{\u\i}n and G. Ja. Ljubarski{\u\i} [\textit{Amer.\ Math.\ Soc.\ Transl.\ (2) Vol. 89 (1970), pp.\ 1--28}] to linear periodic DAEs of definite type and study the analytic properties of Bloch waves and their Floquet multipliers as function of the spectral parameter.

Our main result is the connection between a non-diagonalizable Jordan normal form of the monodromy matrix for the reduced differential system associated with the DAEs and the occurrence of slow Bloch waves for the periodic DAEs, i.e., Bloch solutions of the periodic DAEs which propagate with near zero group velocity.

We show that our results can be applied to the study of slow light in photonic crystals [A. Figotin and I. Vitebskiy, \textit{Slow Light in Photonic Crystals}, Waves Random Complex Media, 16 (2006), pp.\ 293--382].

Mathematical Models of Flames


Joanna Bieri


University of Redlands


Monday, October 25, 2010 - 5:30pm


RH 306

Many of the mechanisms that govern flame dynamics are complicated and not well understood. Even simple models can give us a lot of information about the stability, shape and location of flames. The goal of this talk will be to discuss the model of an edge-flame in a confined space, or narrow channel. We will begin by talking about the heat equation, a diffusion-type partial differential equation, and the possible boundary conditions for such an equation. Then we will develop a model for a flame in a narrow channel and discuss how we can use numerical methods to find solutions for this system.

*Pizza and soda served!


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