Math faculty and graduate student to be recognized at the 2013 Celebration of Teaching Ceremony

Congratulations to Math Department faculty members, Dr. Sarah Eichhorn and Dr. Rachel Lehman, and Math graduate student, May Mei! They will be recognized at the 19th annual Celebration of Teaching Ceremony. Sarah and Rachel have been awarded the 2013 Instructional Technology Innovation Award for their work with online courses.

A new PDE approach for large time behavior of Hamilton-Jacobi equations


Hung Tran


University of Chicago


Tuesday, April 23, 2013 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm





I will present a new PDE approach to obtain large time behavior
of Hamilton-Jacobi equations. This applies to usual Hamilton-Jacobi
equations, as well as the degenerate viscous cases, and weakly coupled
systems. The degenerate viscous case was an open problem in last 15 years.
This is the joint work with Cagnetti, Gomes, and Mitake.

Dynamical density functional theory: modelling sedimentation, pattern formation and other phenomena in colloidal suspensions


Andrew Archer


Loughborough University


Monday, March 25, 2013 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306


Over the last few years, a number of dynamical density functional theories (DDFT)
have been developed for describing the dynamics of the one-body density of both
colloidal and atomic fluids. The DDFT is capable of describing the dynamics of the
fluid down to the scale of the individual fluid particles. DDFT is particularly
successful for colloidal fluids, for which one may assume that the particles have
stochastic equations of motion and from the resulting Fokker-Plank equation one is
able to derive the DDFT. I will give an overview of the DDFT and show applications
to various inhomogeneous fluid dynamical phenomena such as colloidal sedimentation
and evaporative dewetting of nanoparticle suspensions, which exhibit pattern

Global weak solution of the general Ericksen-Leslie system in dimension two


Changyou Wang


University of Kentucky


Tuesday, May 14, 2013 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm





In this talk, I will discuss the existence of a unique global weak solution
to the general Ericksen-Leslie system in $R^2$, which is smooth away from possiblyfinite many singular times, for any initial data. This is a joint work with Jinrui Huang and Fanghua Lin.


Sensitivity Analysis, Uncertainty Quantification, & Stochastic Modeling of Complex Biological and Environmental Systems


Guang Lin


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Monday, April 15, 2013 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm




Experience suggests that uncertainties often play an important role in quantifying the performance of complex systems. Therefore, uncertainty needs to be treated as a core element in modeling, simulation and optimization of complex systems. In this talk, a new formulation for analyzing uncertainty sensitivity, quantifying uncertainty and visualizing uncertainty will be discussed. An integrated simulation framework will be presented that quantifies both numerical and modeling errors in an effort to establish “error bars” in CFD. In particular, stochastic formulations based on Galerkin and collacation versions of the generalized Polynomial Chaos (gPC) will be discussed. Additionally, we will present some effective new ways of dealing with this “curse of dimensionality”. Particularly, adaptive ANOVA decomposition, and some stochastic sensitivity analysis techniques will be discussed in some detail. Several specific examples on sensitivity analysis and predictive modeling of thrombin production in blood coagulation chemical reaction network, flow and transport in randomly heterogeneous porous media, random roughness problem, and uncertainty quantification in carbon sequestration will be presented to illustrate the main idea of our approach.
A mesoscale particle based numerical method, Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) is employed to model the red blood cell (RBC) deformation. RBC’s have highly deformable viscoelastic membranes exhibiting complex rheological response and rich hydrodynamic behavior governed by special elastic and bending properties and by the external/internal fluid and membrane viscosities. We present a multiscale RBC model that is able to predict RBC mechanics, rheology, and dynamics in agreement with experiments. The dynamics of RBC’s in shear and Poiseuille flows is tested against experiments. 


AC Spectrum for limit-periodic Schroedinger operators in arbitrary dimensions.


Helge Krueger




Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 2:00pm


We show that the set of limit-periodic Schroedinger operators with
purely absolutely continuous spectrum is dense in the space of
Schroedinger operators in arbitrary dimensions. This result was previously
known only in dimension one.
The proof proceeds through the non-perturbative construction of
extended states. The proof relies on a new estimate of the probability (in
quasi-momentum) that the Floquet Bloch operators have only simple

Candidate Multilinear Maps from Ideal Lattices


Sanjam Garg




Tuesday, May 7, 2013 - 3:00pm



RH 340N

We describe plausible lattice-based constructions with properties that approximate the sought-after multilinear maps in hard-discrete-logarithm groups, and show an example application of such multilinear maps that can be realized using our approximation. The security of our constructions relies on seemingly hard problems in ideal lattices, which can be viewed as extensions of the assumed hardness of the NTRU function. This is joint work with Craig Gentry and Shai Halevi.

Spare Approximation via Penalty Decomposition and Iterative Hard Thresholding Methods


Zhaosong Lu


Simon Fraser University


Monday, May 6, 2013 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 306

In the first part, we discuss penalty decomposition (PD) methods for solving
a more general class of $l_0$ minimization in which a sequence of penalty
subproblems are solved by a block coordinate descent (BCD) method. Under
some suitable assumptions, we establish that any accumulation point of the
sequence generated by the PD methods satisfies the first-order optimality conditions
of the problems. Furthermore, for the problems in which the $l_0$ part is the only
nonconvex part, we show that such an accumulation point is a local minimizer of the
problems. Finally, we test the performance of the PD methods by applying them to sparse
logistic regression, sparse inverse covariance selection, and compressed sensing
problems. The computational results demonstrate that our methods generally
outperform the existing methods in terms of solution quality and/or speed.  

In the second part, we consider $l_0$ regularized convex cone programming problems.
In particular, we first propose an iterative hard thresholding (IHT) method and
its variant for solving $l_0$ regularized box constrained convex programming. We
show that the sequence generated by these methods converges to a local minimizer.
Also, we establish the iteration complexity of the IHT method for finding an
$\epsilon$-local-optimal solution. We then propose a method for solving $l_0$
regularized convex cone programming by applying the IHT method to its quadratic
penalty relaxation and establish its iteration complexity for finding an
$\epsilon$-approximate local minimizer. Finally, we propose a variant of this
method in which the associated penalty parameter is dynamically updated, and
show that every accumulation point is a local minimizer of the problem.


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