
Andrew Archer


Loughborough University


Monday, March 25, 2013 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306


Over the last few years, a number of dynamical density functional theories (DDFT)
have been developed for describing the dynamics of the one-body density of both
colloidal and atomic fluids. The DDFT is capable of describing the dynamics of the
fluid down to the scale of the individual fluid particles. DDFT is particularly
successful for colloidal fluids, for which one may assume that the particles have
stochastic equations of motion and from the resulting Fokker-Plank equation one is
able to derive the DDFT. I will give an overview of the DDFT and show applications
to various inhomogeneous fluid dynamical phenomena such as colloidal sedimentation
and evaporative dewetting of nanoparticle suspensions, which exhibit pattern