Given the measure on random walk paths $P_0$ and a Hamiltonian $H$ the Gibbs perturbation of $H$ defined by
$$\frac{dP_{\beta,t}}{dP_0}=Z^{-1}_{\beta,t}\exp\{\beta H(x)\}$$
$$Z_{\beta,t}=\int \exp\{-\beta H(x)\}dP_0(x)$$
gives a new measure on paths $x$ which can be viewed as polymers.
In the case $H(x)=\int_0^t\delta_0(x_{s})ds(\int_0^t\delta_0(x_{s})dW_s)$ we say the resulting measure is concentrated on "homopolymers" ("heteropolymers") and are interested in the influence of dimension and $\beta$ on their behavior.
A gradient Gibbs measure is the projection to the gradient variables $\eta_b=\phi_y-\phi_x$
of the Gibbs measure of the form
P(\textd\phi)=Z^{-1}\exp\Bigl\{-\beta\sum_{\langle x,y\rangle}V(\phi_y-\phi_x)\Bigr\}\textd\phi,
where $V$ is a potential, $\beta$ is the inverse temperature and $\textd\phi$ is the product
Lebesgue measure. The simplest example is the (lattice) Gaussian free field
$V(\eta)=\frac12\kappa\eta^2$. A well known result of Funaki and Spohn (and Sheffield)
asserts that, for any uniformly-convex $V$, the possible infinite-volume measures of this type are
characterized by the \emph{tilt}, which is a vector $u\in\R^d$ such that
$E(\eta_b)=u\cdot b$ for any (oriented) edge $b$. I will discuss a simple example
for which this result fails once $V$ is sufficiently non-convex thus showing that
the conditions of Funaki-Spohn's theory are generally optimal. The underlying
mechanism is an order-disorder phase transition known, e.g., from the context
of the $q$-state Potts model with sufficiently large $q$. Based on joint work
with Roman Koteck\'y.
Let x and y be points chosen uniformly at random
from the four-dimensional discrete torus with side length n.
We show that the length of the loop-erased random walk from
x to y is of order n^2 (log n)^{1/6}, resolving a conjecture
of Benjamini and Kozma. We also show that the scaling limit
of the uniform spanning tree on the four-dimensional discrete
torus is the Brownian continuum random tree of Aldous. Our
proofs use the techniques developed by Peres and Revelle,
who studied the scaling limits of the uniform spanning tree
on a large class of finite graphs that includes the
d-dimensional discrete torus for d >= 5, in combination with
results of Lawler concerning intersections of
four-dimensional random walks.
For a class of stationary Markov-dependent sequences
in R^2, we consider the random linear recursion S_n=A_n+B_n
S_{n-1}, n \in \zz, and show that the distribution tail of its
stationary solution has a power law decay.
There is a rich physical literature on polymer dynamics which presents a number of fascinating challenges for mathematicians. We model thermal fluctuation of a polymer in solvent as a curve or loop obeying a stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE). The simplest instance is the so-called Rouse model which is an infinite dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process satisfying a linear SPDE. We'll review the Rouse model and then describe recent results (a) of Seung Lee on an SPDE for the Rouse model in a half-space with reflecting boundary conditions; and (b) of Scott McKinley on an SPDE model of the hydrodynamic interaction.