Relative stability and modified $K$-energy on toric manifolds


Prof. Xiaohua Zhu


Peking University and Wisconsin


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

In this talk, I will discuss the relative $K$-stability and modified $K$-energy associated to the Calabi's extremal metrics on toric manifolds. I will show a sufficient condition in the sense of polyhedrons associated to toric manifolds for both relative $K$-stability and modified $K$-energy. In particular, our result holds for toric Fano manifolds with vanishing Futaki invariant. We also verify our result on toric Fano surfaces.

Gromov-Witten invariants and integrable systems


Professor Xiaobo Liu


University of Notre Dame


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Generating functions of Gromov-Witten invariants of compact
symplectic manifolds behave very much like tau-functions of Integrable
systems. It was conjectured by Eguchi-Hori-Xiong and S. Katz that
Gromov-Witten invariants of smooth projective varieties should
satisfy the Virasoro constraints, which also exist for many integrable
systems (e.g, Gelfand-Dickey hierarchies). It was conjectured by Witten
that the generating functions on moduli spaces of spin curves are
tau-functions of Gelfand-Dickey hierarchy. In a joint work with Kimura, we
showed that it is possible to use Virasoro constraints of a point and
the sphere to derive universal equtions for Gromov-Witten invariants of
all compact symplectic manifolds. Such equations can also be used to
compute certain intersection numbers on moduli spaces of spin curves which
coincide with predictions of Witten's conjecture.

On the space-time monopole equation


Professor Chuu-Lian Terng




Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The space-time monopole equation is obtained from a dimension reduction of the self-dual Yang-Mills field equation on R^{2,2}. It has a Lax pair, i.e., a linear system with a spectral parameter such that the equation is the condition that this linear system be solvable. The scattering data describe the singularities of the solutions of the linear system in the spectral parameter. The linear problem for the monopole equation is a family of d-bar operators, and we explain how to use loop group factorizations to solve the inverse problem and hence solve the Cauchy problem for the space-time monopole equation with small initial data. This is joint work with B. Dai and K. Uhlenbeck.

Weighted Poincare inequality on complete manifolds


Ovidiu Munteanu




Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We investigate the structure of complete Riemannian or Kaehler manifolds
that admit a weighted Poincare inequality and whose Ricci curvature tensor
is bounded from below in terms of the weight function. This subject has
been intensively studied recently by professors P. Li and J. Wang. We will
recall some of their fundamental results and discuss new ideas on the

The struture of stable hypersurfaces with constant mean curvture


Professor Xu Cheng


Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We study the global behavior of (weakly) stable constant mean
curvature hypersurfaces in general Riemannian manifolds. We show some
nonexistence of complete and noncompact hypersurfaces with
constant mean curvaure. By using harmonic function theory, we prove
some one-end theorems which are new even for constant mean curvature
hypersurfaces in space forms.

On the Stability of K\"ahler-Einstein Metrics


Professor Guofang Wei




Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

A Einstein metric is stable if the second variation of the total scalar curvature functional is nonpositive in the direction of changes in conformal structures. Using spin^c structure we prove that a compact Einstein metric with nonpositive scalar curvature admits a nonzero parallel spin$^c$ spinor is stable. In particular, all metrics with nonzero parallel spinor (these are Ricci flat with special holonomy such as Calabi-Yau and $G_2$) and Kahler-Einstein metrics with nonpositive scalar curvature are stable. In fact we show that metrics with nonzero parallel spinor are local maxima for the Yamabe invariant and any metric of positive scalar curvature cannot lie too close to them. Similar results also hold for Kahler-Einstein metrics with nonpositive scalar curvature. This is a joint work with Xianzhe Dai and Xiaodong Wang.

The Einstein-scalar field constraint equations on compact manifolds


Professor Daniel Pollack


University of Washington, Seattle


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

We introduce the constraint equations for the Einstein-scalar field system on compact manifolds. Using the conformal method we reformulate these equations as a determined system of nonlinear partial differential equations. By introducing a new conformal invariant, which is sensitive to the presence of the initial data for the scalar field, we are able to divide the set of free conformal data into subclasses depending on the possible signs for the coefficients of terms in the resulting Einstein-scalar field Lichnerowicz equation. For most of these subclasses we determine whether or not a solution exists. In contrast to other well studied field theories, there are certain cases, depending on the mean curvature and the potential of the scalar field, for which we are unable to resolve the question of existence of a solution. We consider this system in such generality so as to include the vacuum constraint equations with an arbitrary cosmological constant, the Yamabe equation and even (all cases of) the prescribed scalar curvature problem as special cases.
This is joint work with Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat and Jim Isenberg.


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