On the $\sigma_2$-scalar curvature and its application


Professor Yuxin Ge


University Paris 12 & U. Washington


Tuesday, March 11, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

In this talk, we establish an analytic foundation for a fully non-linear equation $\frac{\sigma_2}{\sigma_1}=f$ on manifolds with positive scalar curvature. This equation arises from conformal geometry. As application, we prove that, if a compact 3-dimensional manifold $M$ admits a riemannian metric with positive scalar curvature and $\int
\sigma_2\ge 0$, then topologically $M$ is a quotient of sphere.

A regularity theory for solutions to the prescribed mean curvature equation with unattained Dirichlet data


Dr. Theodora Bourni




Tuesday, December 4, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We present some new results concerning the Dirichlet problem for the prescribed mean curvature equation over a bounded domain in R^n. In the case when the mean curvature is zero this can be posed variationally as the problem of finding a least area representative among functions of bounded variation with prescribed boundary values. We show that there is always a minimizer which is represented by a compact C^{1,alpha} manifold with boundary, with boundary given by the prescribed Dirichlet data, provided this data is C^{1,alpha} and it is of class C^{1,1} if the prescribed data is C^3.

Simply connected surfaces of general type with p_g = 0 and K^2 = 3


Professor Jongil Park


Seoul National University and MSRI


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

One of the fundamental problems in the classification of complex surfaces is to find a new family of simply connected surfaces with p_g = 0 and K^2 > 0. In this
talk, I will sketch how to construct a new family of simply connected symplectic 4- manifolds using a rational blow-down surgery and how to show that such 4-manifolds
admit a complex structure using a Q-Gorenstein smoothing theory. In particular, I will show explicitly how to construct a simply connected minimal surface of general
type with p_g = 0 and K^2 = 3.

If time allows, I will also sketch how to construct a simply
connected, minimal, symplectic 4-manifold with b_+2 = 1 (equivalently, p_g = 0) and K^2 = 4 using a rational blow-down surgery.

Metric Degeneration and Spectral Convergence


Professor Julie Rowlett




Tuesday, March 4, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Consider a family of smooth compact connected $n$ dimensional Riemannian manifolds. What can one say about the spectral geometry of a limit of these?

This question has interested many spectral geometers; my talk focuses on conical metric degeneration in which the family converges "asymptotically conically'' to an open manifold with conical singularity. I will present spectral convergence results and discuss techniques including microlocal analysis on manifolds with corners and geometric blowup constructions. I will also summarize spectral convergence results for other geometric contexts and discuss applications and open questions.

Tight contact structures on Seifert fibered 3-manifolds


Professor Andras Stipsciz


Renyi Mathematics Institute, Budapest and Columbia


Tuesday, November 6, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

After discussing the basics of contact surgery in dimension 3, and introducing contact Ozsvath-Szabo invarinats, we show that a Seifert fibered 3-manifold does admit a positive tight contact structure unless it is orientation preserving diffeomorphic to the result of (2n-1)-surgery along the T(2,2n+1) torus knot (for some positive integer n).


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