Classification of compact ancient solutions of the Curve Shortening flow and the Ricci flow on Surfaces


Professor Panagiota Daskalopoulos


Columbia University


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 - 4:00pm


RH 306

We classify compact ancient solutions of the curve
shortening flow and the Ricci flow on Surfaces. We show that these are either a family of contracting circles (contracting spheres in the case of the Ricci flow on surfaces), which is a type I ancient solution,or a family of Angenent ovals (Rosenau solutions in the case of the Ricci flow on surfaces), which corresponds to a type II

Incompressible soul theory and application to Perelman's collapsing and Geometrization.


Professor Jianguo Cao


Notre Dame


Tuesday, November 4, 2008 - 4:00pm


RH 306

In this lecture, we present a new proof of Perelman's collapsing theorem for 3-manifolds with boundary which is needed for his work on Thurston's Geometrization Conjecture. Among other things, we use an observation of Hamilton-Perelman on incompressible tori boundary for Ricci flow with surgery on thick part of a 3-manifold. Starting from incompressible tori boundary of thin part of 3-manifold, we found that there is an injective F-structure in the sense of Cheeger-Gromov. Consequently, the part of a 3-manifold for Ricci flow with surgery becomes an aspherical graph-manifold, Perelman's collapsing theorem for 3-manifolds follows.

Elliptic functions and Mean field equations


Professor Chang-Shou Lin


National Taiwan University


Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 4:00pm


RH 306

In my talk, I will talk about , on one hand,how to use elliptic function theory to construct solutions of a specific mean field equation on torus, when the parameters are integer multiples of 4 pi. On the other hand, the PDE deep theory of bubbling analysis can be applied to obtain results related to the function theory on torus, for example, we can prove the Green function of torus has at most five critical points. Open problems of this aspect is also discussed.

Pinching Theorems and normal scalar curvature conjecture


Professor Zhiqin Lu




Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

In this talk, we show how to prove the normal scalar curvature conjecture and the Bottcher-Wenzel conjecture. As an application, we will use our new results to re-exam the classical pinching theorems of minimal submanifolds in spheres. Better pinching theorems are obtained.

2-Ruled Cayley Cones in R^8


Professor Daniel Fox




Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Cayley 4-folds are calibrated (and thus minimal) submanifolds in R^8 associated to a Spin(7) structure. Cayley cones in R^8 that are ruled by oriented 2-planes are equivalent to pseudoholomorphic curves in the grassmanian of oriented 2-planes G(2,8). The twistor fibration G(2,8) -> S^6 is used to prove the existence of immersed higher-genus pseudoholomorphic curves in G(2, 8). These give rise to Cayley cones whose links have complicated topology and that are the asymptotic cones of smooth Cayley 4-folds. There is also a Backlund transformation (albeit a holonomic one) that can be applied globally to pseudo-holomorphic curves of genus g in G(2,8) and this suggests looking for nonholonomic Backlund transformations for other systems that can be applied globally.

On the Geometry of the Orbits of Hermann actions


Professor Oliver Goertsches




Tuesday, April 29, 2008 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We investigate the submanifold geometry of Hermann actions on Riemannian symmetric spaces. After proving that the curvature and shape operators of these orbits commute, we calculate the eigenvalues of the shape operators in terms of the restricted roots of the symmetric space. As an application, we obtain an explicit formula for the volumes of the orbits.

This is joint work with Gudlaugur Thorbergsson.


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